
22 de agosto de 2018

GCR: Update as of Aug. 22, 2018

Compiled 22 Aug. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Source: Dinar Chronicles

The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to decide whether or not it is valid. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.

A. Aug. 21 2018 The Big Call, Bruce: 712-770-4016 pin 123456# 712- 770-4014

1. Most Intel sources were now under gag orders, NDAs or were just told to keep quiet.

2. The Dinar would come out at a good rate, and then go up in value. Back in 2012 they said it might sustain $16 after several trading sessions.

3. Both the Zim and Dong rates were better than we thought they would be.

4. There were no zeros coming off any currency.

5. The Zim Bond was now a currency and was gold backed. We could redeem it at face value.

6. HSBC, the lead bank, said it was very positive for the new Quantum Financial banking system to move forward. We would be in charge of our monies – it was not the bank’s funds.

7. Our funds were so much that they couldn’t be insured, so would go into accounts that were “off books” and would be held in US Treasury accounts, making them safe.

8. If you gave currency to someone before the redemption you should make out a notarized gift letter saying what it was worth at the time (for tax purposes). You should give a copy to the person you gifted and keep a copy for yourself.

9. Your monies would be put into a skeleton trust before you leave the redemption center. That trust should be amended/changed within 1-2 months into your own trust account.

10. Things were really moving out West. We were seeing accounts active with funds.

11. Bruce believed we would be liquid in the next day or two and within this week. He has been given a time, but cannot put it out.

B. Aug. 21 2018 11:03 pm EST Intel Update, Tilton: "We are Counting Down" - Philip Tilton Intel Update 8-21-18

1. The Platform gave Liquidity today Tues. Aug. 21.

2. Payrolls can only move on Wed. Aug. 22 at 10:00 am EST.

3. From then on it will start everything until it reaches us.

4. The Government wants to pay all the managers until Aug. 27.

C. Aug. 21 2018 11:26 am EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for August 21, 2018 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

1. Western nations have been used by the Cabal to serve as their main platform to financially dominate the global economy.

2. BRICS (the East) was formed back in 2006 to specifically counter the Cabal geopolitically and financially in order to remove Western (Cabal) dominance over the global economy.

3. The transfer of wealth from Western nations to Eastern nations was occurring at a rapid pace. The stage was set to usher in the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

4. The ushering of the QFS would begin with the RV.

5. The first movie of this epic trilogy has begun and you had front row seats. 'Enjoy the Show. Q'

D. Aug. 21 2018 11:26 am EST Intel Update, Tilton: "Last Financial Report Activated" - Philip Tilton Intel Update 8-21-18

1. Email to Tilton Sun. Aug. 19 9:36 pm EST: Last Financial Report activated. Payments available and monetized as of Mon. Aug. 20.

2. A Redemption Lawyer said: Everything was perfectly coordinated and ordered by areas and continents: Reno, Zürich, Hong Kong, Bogotá, Middle East and Africa. The lists were ordered and without gaps.

3. This information was from two hours ago (making it Tues. Aug. 21 9:26 am EST): A person called my group from the United States and told my partner about the situation. With this information real and first hand, we have to be ready, all the holders.

4. Everything started strongly Mon. Aug. 20. All ZIM payments must be completed before Sept. 2018.

E. Aug. 20 1018 8:16 pm EST QAnon, Sierra: New Q Anon Posts Explained

1. SpaceShot76 summarizes the reason for President Trump calling a National Emergency that will take effect on 1st January 2019 (at 12' 12"): 'The corruption is so widespread that he (Trump) needed to call a National Emergency to handle the situation. It was so bad and so out of control that they needed to re-write a few things in how they will handle things because it is so unheard of. It's never been seen before...'

2. 'The whole article is saying that the majority of people in the House (Congress) want another Special Counsel. They don't think Mueller is doing a good job. Huber is working with Inspector General Horowitz and a staff of 470. Combining the power of a Special Prosecutor with the Inspector General, Huber has the power to convene a Grand Jury ANYWHERE in the US. He is also a Federal Prosecutor...'

3. Essentially Huber and Horowitz have the ability to do multiple prosecutions ANYWHERE in US in a fraction of the time of a Special Counsel. President Trump and the Alliance team have the plan under full control.

4. 'Two high ranking members of the Democratic Party were at the hospital at almost the same time Seth Rich arrived by ambulance. These people were given a week to come forward. They did not. They have now been named: Former Democratic Party head Donna Brazile and current Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser.'

5. 'This post is showing the movement of the dirty dossier between all Cabal members involved.' I will add that the word "Justice" is in quotation marks in the post - President Trump wrote "Justice" in quotation marks in a tweet very close to that Q post.

6. Q post number 1927:
'...MOVIE 1 - "The Start"
...Coming SOON to a theater near you.
MOVIE 2 - Coming this FALL.
MOVIE 3 - TBA (To Be Announced).
Enjoy the Show.'

F. The Quantum Financial System, Ron Giles: Aug. 18 2018 Quantum Financial System, or we will be in charge of our own monies, not a bank, Giles: "QFS Oversight of all Banking Activities" by Ron Giles- 8-18-18

1. Cabal banks were crooked and even claimed that once you deposit YOUR money into THEIR bank, it then belonged to them and they could either honor your ownership, or not. The Alliance knew that the Cabal banking system had holes in it that were designed to confiscate your money. That's why the Quantum Financial System (QFS) was created.

2. Posters/gurus/con-call hosts, and etc., that continued to talk about banks holding up money, or being in charge of the exchange/redemption process, were either not up-to-date on the latest Intel, or using their positions/narrative to give misinformation on purpose.

3. Banks/bankers were only agents of the QFS – nothing more.

4. To participate in the exchange process, all banks that exchanged/redeemed were only acting as an agent of the QFS. The QFS had complete oversight of their agents and would ensure that the whole redemption/exchange process was done honestly and securely.

5. If one did not have Zim, they would be directed to an established bank to do an exchange. Even Zim holders in rural areas might be asked to redeem and/or exchange at a bank for convenience purposes only.

6. When using the 800# to set up appointments, any exchange using a bank was subject to QFS oversight. All funds from exchange or redemption would be deposited directly into personal accounts within the QFS, NOT A BANK.

7. Banks would also be a source of information about the QFS. Bankers would explain how the QFS was to be used and had the necessary software package to gain entrance into the QFS to use a person’s funds. They would also have a website address for further explanation.

8. The RV/GCR would never happen until the QFS was in complete control of all funds. This was the death knoll for the Cabal banking system.

9. Any information that contradicted this truism was false and fallacious. That source might also be peddling other false narratives as well, ie lopping of zeros off the Zim Bonds notes.

10. Even after Tiers 1-4 have been completed and received their funds, the Tier 5 Public would exchange through the same bank agency agreement with the QFS. John Q. Public would have their funds deposited into their personal account with the QFS, as that would be the only financial system in place. Absolutely no bank or banker can, or will, do anything that interferes with your funds.

11. There would be NO PLACE to hide digital funds. If you found problems with someone accessing your monies the criminal attempts would be known, investigated by proper authorities, your funds would be returned and the criminals arrested.

G. Aug. 21 10:50 am EST Summary, Kat: "Thank you, Judy Byington" by Kat - 8.21.18

A big thanks to Kat for her kind words, and for reminding us of the important non-profits dedicated to eradication of child exploitation networks, exposing child abuse and supporting treatment of survivors…Judy:

Tim Ballard, Operation Underground Railroad

Kevin Annett, International Tribunal into Crimes of Church & State (ITCCS)

Craig Sawyer, Veterans For Child Rescue

Felicity Lee Trauma Survivors Ivory Garden Home | Ivory Garden Nonprofit Corporation

Neil Brick Trauma Survivors Ritual Abuse R Us

Catholic Priest Abuse SNAP

No Kid Hungry

H. Aug. 21 2018 Vatican Guilty of Pedophilia, Child Sacrifice?, Byington:

I. Aug. 21 2018 10:34 am EST, Millennium Report: Deep State Bombshell -- Watergate was Really about Pedogate

Watergate was really about Pedogate, Barnett: State of the Nation

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