
9 de noviembre de 2018

Metatron message: The changes that take place on earth

Resultat d'imatges Metatron

Metatron speaks: 

Greetings , my dear brothers and sisters! I wanted to talk to you for quite some time about the changes taking place on earth. 

Many of you have felt as if they were trapped in limbo. You felt like you were in a cycle turns again and again and again, and in fact, your cycle of incarnation, cross and incarnation has been like a continuous cycle for you. Sometimes people can rise out of the ground, which is out of this cycle and move to a different level of consciousness. Even in this sense, you have those people who say they are still in the same cycle but only a different space.
Therefore, one of the things I want to talk to you is about your belief system. What is your belief system? Still whatever can lead you hear? Does it include you listening to your intuition when you see something and then agree, not agree or let it pass? Do you feel like you are an individual with your own soul, your own intent and your life you are living and experiencing? When you consider that this is where your belief system can really transform.

For those of you who have been on earth in this life for 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 years they have seen some very dramatic changes in the consciousness of the earth. What it was the reality when you were a kid is probably very different from the reality of the land at this time. However, you can still find pockets that are stuck in the old energy.

This is where you hear about all the negativity. This is where you hear about things that are happening, whether war, corruption; There are many things that were hidden are now coming to light. There are many things that were always there; However, people turned a blind eye. I guess that would be the same; however, it is different when you know something and consciously choose not to do anything about facing a potential do not know or fully understand.

  • These changes that are occurring are taking off the layers that have kept people undergoing or submerged or in a place where there used to think for themselves. I talk about this in a world situation; There are some who have always been very independent thinkers. Therefore, I talk about what is a wave that is moving through all mankind and through the thousands of millions of people on earth.

  • I am Metatron, someone you can talk. I am someone who is working directly with many beings on earth. So I want to take this time to talk to you and let you know how much is going on behind the scenes. Sometimes, through the unconsciousness of people, sometimes through energy waves that expose what was hidden .

Therefore, I would like to take this moment with each of you asking them to be here in the space of his soul and his divinity to breathe deeply into who they are. Allow arising from within an image or a sense or a sense of who you are as your soul. For some, it may look as if they were lives in the Crusades, for some as a simple farmer; For other scientist, doctors or healers. There are literally millions of potential for who you were and who you can be. I wish at this time, now, know they have much more potential than they recognize. When I connect with each of you three times in the third eye, I do so with the clear intention to activate your third eye so you can see the truth that comes from the soul and its interior.

Remove layers, remove the belief systems of others, remove the layer until it reaches you. This is the reason why the Goddess makes you enter your divinity and then spend time here Everything is. This is your authentic self. Let me bathe, let me speak; Let aligns with you at all levels. Metatron I'm here for you at this time to help you understand your true self. Thank you for this opportunity.

Source:  Canal: Shelly Dressel

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