
7 de julio de 2019

Sananda: Energy Waves From The Central Sun

Jahn J Kassl and Sananada.

JJK: What is it that I perceive? I am inwardly restless, as if something is imminent, without me knowing what and when? Is this related to my own life or to all humanity?
SANANDA: Both as well! For if the circumstances of life change for all humanity, they change for you as well.
JJK: What is it? What are we facing?
SANANDA: Energy waves, manifestations of light – of a power, power and greatness that did not exist before. This builds up day by day and finds its first peak in early summer 2019 and then the second leg in late autumn 2019.
JJK: That is, the energy waves from the Central Sun increase in a manner perceptible for all humanity?
The last window of opportunities opens
SANANDA: It’s increasing so much that more and more people are taking it. In this way, more and more people are getting into the boat of ascension and many are boarding the train into the light. What this is all about is:
The last window of opportunity opens.
What you feel, this inner restlessness, many people who are sensitive today are true. Seers know the cause, people like you suspect the reason or try to track it down. Most people can not interpret their inner turmoil or make wrong assignments. It is the effects of the transformation energy that flows to Earth from the Central Sun.
The chaos that currently prevails on the world political stage and that some politicians order, others want to maintain, can be explained by this.
The inner transformation of man and the external transformation of the whole human society are underway.
The goal of the spiritual levels of light is to accompany humanity so far that traumatic dislocations that cause renewed karma chains are avoided as much as possible. As a result, some processes drag on and much of what has been announced has been postponed.
Like a frog in the hot water
JJK: Does that explain my feeling that humanity – like a frog in the hot water – is cooking slowly without her noticing. I am thinking of the many dependencies and manipulations mentioned in the conversation with MAHAVATAR BABAJI. Deeper and deeper, people are supposed to get into the craving for technical achievements, they are being rebuilt into organic Robortern and they do not even notice it – probably only when it’s too late.
SANANDA: This process has to take place in this way, so that the individual person can make certain experiences and make certain decisions.
That, as revealed in many a message, everything will become even more acute, is because the cup of suffering must be emptied to the ground.
Before the golden age can begin, abysses must open up so that man can choose at all.
Those who sleep soundly get an opportunity to wake up. Dark as well as light experiences are fully enjoyed by a human being. There is no difference in whether a human drama or something divine is experienced – both are always fully experienced. Only then is it lived and man can freely choose a path.
JJK: Will the frog jump out of the water in time?
SANANDA: We, your spiritual family from the Light, are committed to getting as many people out of the water as possible. We see in it the opportunity for great growth of many people. Everything is done and yet many will say NO – if YES is required – or say YES if NO is necessary.
Right and wrong
JJK: The Distinctiveness – how to sharpen it, so that people can recognize wrong and right and distinguish false from true prophets? Or is there basically – as some spiritual schools say – no “wrong” or “right”.
SANANDA: Wrong is everything that runs counter to one’s own unfolding and against the meaning of life.
Right is everything that happens in the sense of the soul plan of the individual or a whole planet.
Dramas are and were often part of dates. Today, the amount of drama is full for many people. However, many people are still cranking the wheel of karma, continuing their journey. Unknowingly and unconsciously, they create more karma loops and entanglements in a time of grace and salvation.
This is exactly what the spiritual light planes of being, your siblings from the Light, try to mitigate as much as possible. As many people as possible should be harvested.
Be harvested
JJK: “Harvest” for what?
SANANDA: For the fourth or fifth dimension of light, the lighter levels of being.
JJK: Will this my inner turmoil last even longer?
SANANDA: Like waves that come and go, this happens inside you.
The days that thwart certain plans of the dark rulers and destroy them forever are near. Be sure: what has to happen will happen!
And be sure: The best preparation for this is your own “inside look”. For the lighter your soul is, the easier it is for you to greet the coming – instead of being afraid of it.
I am with you and I stay with you with an infinite host of beings of light.
» Source » Channel: Jahn J Kassl


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