
5 de junio de 2017

Chronology of the End Times

1762. Rousseau published "The Social Contract".

1793-1796: The liberal-Masonic Revolution enthroned the Goddess of Reason in Notre Dame de Paris. Catholics genocide (120,000 killed) in La Vendee.

1804-1812: Napoleon kidnaps the Pope is crowned emperor, destroyed Europe and cover thousands of Masonic lodges.

1848: Marx and Engels published the "Communist Manifesto".

1854-1858: Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Inmaculada Concepción and the Holy Virgin appeared in LOURDES to confirm the dogma and strengthen the French believers.

1871: The leaders of Freemasonry Albert Pike (USA) and Giuseppe Mazzini (ITA) project a "New World Order" to rule the world through three world wars.

1884: León XIII published the encyclical "Humanum genus": Condemnation of relativism and Freemasonry.

1914-1918: First World War (30 million dead).

1917: FATIMA: The Lady asks pray the Rosary and do penance for peace and the conversion of Russia.

1917: Communist Revolution (100 million dead).

1926-1929: Cristero Uprising of Mexico (250,000 dead, hundreds of martyrs, beatified 23). Masonic governments since independence.

1936-39: War of Spain (250,000 dead and more than 10,000 martyrs). civil-military uprising against the Masonic-Marxist anti-Catholic government of the Second Republic.

1939-1945: World War II (70 million dead).

1945: UN Foundation as a tool of the NWO.

1961-1965. GARABANDAL: Revelations of San Miguel and the Virgen del Carmen.The End Times: Warning, Miracle and Punishment. Conchita tell 8 days before the date of the Notice, then be before his death.

1965. End of the Second Vatican Council. Liberation Theology (Gustavo Gutiérrez).Secularization. Religious vocations crisis. Dissidence of Jesuits, Franciscans, Benedictines, etc. 

1975: Die Francisco Franco, leader of Spain, defender of the Catholic Church.

1978: Paul VI dies after reporting smoke (Marxism and Freemasonry) of Satan had entered the Church . Masonic Constitution of Spain. ETA terrorism.

1989: John Paul II gets the disappearance of the USSR after consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

2000: UN-Charter Earth and Planetary Ethics (Hans Küng).

2001: Attack 11-S (USA). First phase III (unconventional) World War.

1982-2011: Spain-governments of Gonzalez, Aznar, Zapatero and Rajoy in the service of supranational Masonic Power: Gender Ideology and Culture of Death.

2014: Pope FRANCISCO: First Pope of the "New Era" at the beginning of the "End Times" .

2015: Russia returns to Christianity.

2017: Possible date of the notice for the Miracle.

Punishment  can be World War III Nuclear programmed by the masonic New World Order, or Natural Disaster as a flood, or a solar flare.

Punishment can be delayed or avoided if Catholics massively turn to Divine Mercy.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...