
12 de octubre de 2017

Catalunya: Are stupid, stupid

Catalunya:  they decide the Lannister

Ned Stark is executed in the first season of  Game of Thrones . However, his defeat is precisely the reason for their success. 
The story starts with his death is the popularization of what is fair and the beginning of a new legitimacy.  
The entire series makes sense because the cruelty of those who executed him just widens the spirit of the political and raises awareness. 
In 1936 he Unamuno said in real life friends Popular Party: "You will conquer, but will not convince"
Franco said goodbye as he arrived, by shooting, and the shooting of September 1975 were the most obvious that sooner rather than later, Franco would end up in the dustbin of history test .
It is already known that Rajoy filled Catalunya independence when he took to the streets to collect four million signatures -the ten percent of the Spaniards against the statute. Then, a Constitutional Court where he had placed affiliates and related replacing the Catalan Parlament, the Spanish Parliament and the referendum in Catalonia, kicking the Constitution, which does not give anywhere judges autonomy- make our statutes. 
PP judicial strategy comes from afar. 
Not surprisingly, 100% of its treasurers you are charged with corruption. 
Judicial control spaces need not end up in jail, and Spain need to control their sentence is not made effective . 
Therefore, as they have always done, they confuse Spain with their interests. Although they leftover million Spaniards. 
They said Rafael Hernando and Pablo Casado before Vargas Llosa photographed with: the Spaniards murdered by Franco Spaniards were not true.
The bad things start bad finish. Suarez brought Tarradellas to say  Ja sóc here  and to stop the victory of the left. With that legitimacy the pujolismo were invented. 
When Artur Más, Junqueras and Puigdemont decided to play the independence trick not agreed with the sole purpose of Convergent prevent win left in Catalonia and forget his pujolista past, he entered into a slope that could go out anywhere because it was an alliance against natura. 
Whenever the Left has allied right it has come out worse than shorn. 
Because the political leadership of  Proces , is the PdeCat or Esquerra Republicana, always have the trump card to agree with the political leadership of the state (in fact, have always agreed, with either the PP or the PSOE, with the consent of the House Real which has again demonstrated that it does not know understand other times than those of his borbonear), but the popular movement that wants to vote is being duped every day . 
If you are not called to account those who lied to them by promising that independence would fall from heaven it is because Rajoy came in handy beating the Catalans 1-O to satisfy the beasts that are now waking up. Estatut in the referendum in 2006 did not vote more than half of the Catalans. 
Humiliation is a great mobilizing and the Catalan people seem to have forgotten who is responsible democratic emptying in Catalonia during the crisis.
It is appreciated that the Catalan Government has not declared independence, although the way it has done has ways of farce. But anyway: they would declare independence and have not done. 
Puigdemont, as children they are threatening punishment, now asks murmurs dialogue with the understandable anger of the CUP innocent. Tensar has not been in vain. It is a hand offered for anyone who wants to see it. But there are too blinkered.
The PP, harangued by madmen who live politics as a kind of revenge - and make no mistake: there is Albert Rivera of citizens-, and wrapped by a PSOE being deserving follow the path of the French Socialists, Italian, German or Greeks  decide to spend state roll hanging on a pike in front of the headquarters of Genoa head of the separatists. That is, giving legitimacy to separatism has not yet. 
Or as a friend tells me, making true the statement that Catalonia does not fit into the framework of Spain. 
Self-fulfilling prophecies because of the mediocre governing Spain. With only 30% of the vote.
It will lower the dust and then see clearly all those who have stained clothes of hate and those who are calling for "dialogue, dialogue, dialogue." 
The separatists have managed, as has occurred in Spain has always been the political and territorial conflicts become European conflicts (there is the succession war, the war of independence, the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis or the Spanish war, misnamed civil, which existed only because Hitler and Mussolini helped Franco) . 
Europe has never wanted us to help articulate our luck but by virtue of their interests. No one imagines that a conflict in France or Germany it will solve Europe. We are a banana kingdom.
It is terrible that the PP, citizens, Vox and PSOE not understand Catalonia as a democratic challenge but as a way to win votes , or no perderlos- in the rest of Spain They are those alliances wrens in Game of Thrones  everything worse. 
The separatists, in a simplistic look, believe that simply want to break a State to pass. Misdiagnosis that both Marx despaired. 
Traditionalists parties (also here citizens, who want to replace PP) have an idea of ​​Spain which remains the Canovas del Castillo imperial, Catholic, centralist, monarchical, bipartisan, clientelism and represora- -Spain. 
We are in solitude saying that unilateral declarations of independence are insane, that the PP is trying to cover up corruption, citizens are shouting higher than the PP so that it is heard (as did the PSOE regarding the PCE in transition) and that the PSOE is afraid that Sanchez does not control his deputies and Susana Díaz speaks directly with Spanish Rajoy yesterday to Spanish of before yesterday .
The Catalans will end up voting. We all knew and now knows Europe. The longer it takes to do so, more distrust with Spain. 
Carles Campuzano told, the PdeCat in Zaragoza meeting: there is another Spain with which they can speak. 
He wants dialogue, which states that apply the 155 is beating but not convince, which wants Catalonia to stay in Spain but not on his knees. 
If we give up politics, in the end, what happens in Catalunya it will decide the economy. Luck  Proces  will be what to do big business. And they do what they say Europe. 
And as always, we will have shown our minority democratic age  and will have to come from outside to solve the problems that we are not able to face the way you always, in retrospect, we regret: is that no one thought to start dialogue ?

They are stupid, stupid

Máximo Pradera
Against all odds, Bill Clinton won election in 1992 to George Bush with a slogan that has now become world famous:  it's the economy . 
Without denying the weight of the economic crisis and cuts in the Catalan right are having on the independence crisis, the fact that political decisions are in the hands of heads assail instead of thinking (Antonio Machado  dixit ), it leads me to propose readers  Pú PUBLIC  this paraphrase of the American president:  are  stupid, stu I ask. 
That is, are the pseudo and political and media intoxicants, that cloud and manipulate the debate, information and language and emponzoñan our coexistence daily, the most serious problem we have to face the Spaniards, both inside and outside Catalonia. 
You can not exit the loop process if we do not make a deliberate effort to prevent us  embistan  to demand that invite us to  think .
As my maternal grandfather was co-founder of Falange (Rafael Sanchez Mazas had no license 4 Party) and my uncle Juan José Pradera was National Delegate of Press and Propaganda Movement, I'll allow a small family tribute: a quote from a lecture José Antonio Primo de Rivera, delivered in Madrid in 1935: 
To seize the will of the masses must be put into circulation very rough and affordable ideas because the difficult ideas do not reach the crowd; and as then it will be that the most gifted men will not feel like going through the streets shaking hands with the honest elector and dici é Ndole majaderías, will eventually succeed those whom majaderías leave them as natural and peculiar thing. 
We all had the slightest suspicion that the harangues that we endure by both sides for years were a cluster, repetitive and exhausting, of absurdities and follies, but on Sunday to hear the speech of Josep Borrell in Barcelona, ​​full of arguments appealing to the most logical and analytical part of our brain, that suspicion became a certainty.
When the magazine  Keys Razo n Pr Actica  reached number 100, its directors, Javier Pradera and Fernando Savater, came to be interviewed in Lo + Plus (running 2000), the program I presented alongside Fernando Schwartz. 
When I asked what was for them an intellectual, Savater's response was, as usual in him, dazzling: 
An intellectual is someone who treats others as if they were intellectuals. That is, that instead of trying to hypnotize others, to seduce or intimidate, try to awaken their intellectual side. And it can be intellectual even if your profession is that of a  fireman or circus clown.
It's what he did last Sunday Borrell: treat us as intellectuals. 
Dismounting the main mantra of independence, the vaunted  right to decide not waving the Spanish flag and scaring us with the Catalan corralito, but asking yourself questions aloud, as if Aristotle were doing some sense into Alexander the Great: 
Cre ¿ é is that Catalonia is like Lithuania and Kosovo, as Algeria? Do not. 
Catalonia is not a colony, nor a state occupied militarily. 
And why Catalonia must work from respect for the law and can not believe those who tell you that international law is on your side, because it's not true, it is not on your side. He has been the Secretary General of the UN to speak. 
Borrell also mentioned in his plea, the other quality that must have an intellectual class, which is the courage to say things when appropriate . 
Not when  opportunistic , as do most professional politicians, from Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba Artur Mas, from Albert Rivera Xavier García Albiol, but in time it is risky to say them, because no one knows how they will react the electorate.
My father had that quality, as they also had in their day Eugenio Trías or Albert Camus or have now Almudena Grandes or Irene Lozano. 
The other, the giving away his ear from the crowd, the mob of the Roman circus , as he called Borrell, is the attitude of cowardly and manipulative. 
The end is stupid, because sooner rather than later, the fallacies spread by the ether turn against him and just destroyed by his own moral misery.
You can not call  refer é Ndum  an electoral pantomime or say that the Catalans are an oppressed people. Let alone repeat it again and again for years.
Or to use the words of Abraham Lincoln:  
You can fool everybody some time; You can fool some all the time; but you can not fool everyone all the time.

The puntita nothing

Ah, Bartleby! Ah, humanity! The president of the Generalitat consummated yesterday the greatest honor ever accorded to the "palely neat, regrettably decorous, incurably forlorn" Melville figure offered to the world. 
Called to proclaim the Republic of Catalunya and devote himself as a martyr of independence, Puigdemont became the immortal writer of languid hauteur that, challenged by history, only able to utter something more than three words his most famous phrase: rather not.
That was exactly what he did Puigdemont to the general confusion, starting with its partners CUP, an hour before the plenary session of the Parliament met with toast, with Diego instead of saying, with puntita nothing else instead of full consummation of self-determination, with treachery and shamelessness, in the words of Arran, its youth organization.
It seems clear that the  honorable molt  did not declare independence because neither the Government considered that such a claim had been made. 
Although it would seem, he could not suspend it because, as noted by the Iceta socialist who is lately sown, can not suspend an agreement that has not been adopted. 
Moreover, even if Puigdemont had uttered the magic words would have legal significance according to Catalan law, because the law itself referendum does reside in the Parliament and not the president that formal declaration, upon proclamation of the results by an electoral receivership it did not exist. 
There was no statement of Parlament but it is also true that violated the Constitution, the statute and regulations of the Catalan Chamber does not lead to nowhere get these trifles fussy eater.
For mental hygiene it is convenient to assume that the Catalan State was not proclaimed. 
Otherwise it takes us to accept that Catalonia is a republic yesterday that the Parliament could not endorse the declaration of independence was suspended. 
His I cook, I it as exactly as follows: "The Government and myself propose that Parliament suspend the effects of the declaration of independence in the coming weeks we undertake a dialogue without which it is not possible to reach a agreed solution ". 
How the Parliament could decide not to vote and to suspend that for which he was not asked is another unfathomable mystery.
It was said that removing Dalí in his grave and extract a tooth to see if he had left offspring would only scatter surrealism. 
As it is seen yesterday, but a warning was a premonition. The proces is dead, long live the procés! 
If surreal was a plenary session in which Puigdemont chose not to return to the stand because if she failed with the twister and which were made public studies Junqueras on Catalan Rh, surreal was the subsequent solemn signing of a document by MPs together for yes and CUP, with Lluís Llach notary, which constituted the republic declared that had not previously declared preferred.
The "Declaration of the representatives of Catalonia", but in reality was only a few, and was registered in the Chamber and was voted. He pretended to be very symbolic. 
What value does ?, he asked the deputy Quim Arrufat, entertained up the wall and threaten the CUP not return to the regional parliamentary activity and leave minority Govern. "Scarce" he said.
No suspicious that the yenka of Puigdemont enclose a genuine desire for dialogue and ease tensions, it is not unreasonable to think that the exodus of companies and weak European receptivity to unilateral secession have been decisive in changing plans that, originally, They watched the formal proclamation of the republic by that of now or never. 
Reverse and human tremor detected on the legs of the president has stirred up large swathes of the independence movement. 
It could be that the seditious simultaneously became a traitor and take back. Surrealistic as could be.
Well with the statement that no representation or with no statement that says it all, Catalunya is heading towards an election, either by the disintegration of the pro-independence bloc or response Dalí bearded Moncloa that, as was said of Arafat never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. 
If independence was not proclaimed there would be no additional reason to dig up the hatchet and suspend autonomy. 
And if all were part of a clever marketing campaign independentismo to show the world what repressor that can become the State would be a great opportunity to clear it.
Rajoy has since last night camped at the crossroads. 
On one side is his character, very Bartleby also reluctant to do something, especially if it involves annoy naps; another, an environment that prompts you to act and until they provide the keys to the tank to make a trompos by the Diagonal. 
Today could be a great day to relax a country that has been the bode of a nervous breakdown. 
You will see how the government comes and fucks her.

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