
6 de noviembre de 2018

MASTER WAY OF LIFE NUMBER 33 - Master Numbers 33-333 - 33:33.

I am a Master number 33 life mission. 
I have gone through every experience on the earth plane. 
And in this incarnation is the last life on this planet for now, these experiences have come through say in a short period of time. 
This is my 3rd Ascension in this universe. 
With Love <3 

MASTER WAY OF LIFE NUMBER 33 - Master Numbers 33-333 - 33:33. 


33 is a number of experiment tests, is the Christ, represents love in its purest form, besides love for the people in our environment is the one that embraces all human beings. 

They are people who have gone through every experience on the earth plane.

33 is the Master Teacher. 

This individual approach is to reach the world and raising the loving energy of humanity. They are not concerned with personal ambition and have great devotion to the cause. 

Number 33 of the life path is represented by the word altruistic. 

This number has high energy and is responsible for doing good in the world. 

Those with life path number 33 want to use your life to increase awareness of as many people as possible. His concern is the earth and all people who live here. 

It is actually a number of beautiful life path. As you might have guessed few have. 

Here are some key points to keep in mind that will help you on your way are presented ...

The path of life will call 33/6 leadership and responsibility. This may not always pleases you, but you have to make peace with him. 

The 33 individuals are achieved fame through acts of kindness, tenderness and compassion that lead to the transformation of consciousness of the world. 

Details may vary. We could be talking about the Pope, we could be talking about a wonderful first grade teacher. 

If you're like most with life trajectory 6 you will always be the best person to take care of things. The other option is to sit back and criticize, so make peace and do it. 

You have a good chance to be a great cook. You dream vision and organizational capacity to do well.

It's a great way to relax. Also, you want to eat! 
Always you come up with ideas that other people think they are a bit "out there". Follow your instincts, and others will follow. 

We end up with a kinder, gentler world. 

33 they attract to themselves cosmic vibrations that inspire true teachers and spiritual guides of humanity. 

They are full of ideas and artistic, intellectual and spiritual concerns, but the most important and strongest of motivations will be the teacher who feels the need to bring their knowledge and their own light to others. 

33 represents the ideal of love in its purest form, ie not only love the people around them , but embracing all human beings.

The love means delivery, sacrifice and compassion. 

Love that generates the highest ideals and does not hesitate to sacrifice everything material or personal to defend their dreams and offer them to their peers. 

MAESTRO NUMBER 33 - 333 - 33:33 

Teachers are responsible for open roads of higher consciousness. 

Great spiritual leaders. Christ. 

Cosmic vibrations that inspire true teachers and spiritual guides of humanity. 

It represents the ideal of love in its purest form. 

Represents much power over that which belongs to him, because very few people who can be at its height, due to its high vibrational power.

Vibration intended to leadership in all, both spiritual and professional levels of any kind. 

Few people can experience a 33. 

Since the 33 has gone through all earthly experiences. 

They are full of ideas and artistic, intellectual and spiritual concerns, but the most important and strongest of motivations, will be the teacher who feels the need to bring their knowledge and their own light to others. 

33 represents the ideal of love in its purest form, this is not just the love of people around, but covering everything around him. 

The love means delivery, sacrifice and compassion.

Love that generates the highest ideals, and do not hesitate to sacrifice everything material or personal to defend their dreams and offer them to their peers. 

33 tells us about the balance of moral and spiritual qualities and made peace emanating from his person, especially attracts people anxious or disoriented. 

In this, as in all master Vibrations, the intuitive faculties are extraordinary in general, but in this case they inspire in the artistic and creative field, being able to reach the highest level renown. 

Dreamers and idealists, with remarkable insight and intuition that allow them to glimpse the hidden worlds and explore the mystical and paranormal phenomena.

Their beliefs, actions and reactions will always be inspired by high moral importance, because as other numbers Masters, is not only a teacher for others, but above all, will be the most demanding judge himself. 

The family is a key factor. 

Sometimes the attachment that these people feel for their household is so strong that reach the sacrifice of his own personal experience, if it conflicts with the responsibility they feel toward their own, but should not allow this to happen.

Everyone who takes a master number, you must not forget that such high vibrations must be used with care, respect and prudence, as the upward they have over others is very large, and if you misuse it, not only back in its own evolution, but pays with grief and anguish. 

Fanaticism also must flee, or boast of his powers of intuition and clairvoyance. 

33 they attract to themselves cosmic vibrations that inspire true teachers and spiritual guides of humanity. 

With Love <3 

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