
11 de julio de 2019

Mira of the Pleiades: The Beauty that is Unfolding

Mira of the Pleiades: The Beauty that is Unfolding

Greetings, I am Mira. I speak today through the screen of truth, unfiltered so you will have something with which to work. Gone are the days of distortion. There is no time left for that. The utter imbalances in the corrupt systems are playing out to their darkest demise.  The outcome will bode well for the light and the entire planet. The slate is being cleaned to the point where you will have a shiny new earth. You will be able to shine and sparkle in your true state of love and light. You are ready.

There is still some completion that has to happen. Some beings must be apprehended and moved elsewhere, not on the earth. Falsities must be erased for the truth to be seen and heard. Attempts at preventing the Divine Plan must be foiled. The script for the Reign of Terror must be destroyed. Everyone has to be in their place so that the shift can occur safely and peacefully. Stargates and escape routes will be closed and sealed. There is a long list of items that are being completed.

Meanwhile, humanity is being prepared for the inevitable. Some are beginning to consider that there is life on other planets and that the earth is not the only life form in creation. Many are awakening and coming to new realizations. Fear of the Galactics and other dimensional beings is being cleared with the help of the Light Alliance and the Galactics. Many complicated scenarios are ready to be activated. Truth is simple and you will be set free.

The beauty that is unfolding is beyond comprehension. You have worked so diligently for so long you deserve the very best of life. You will be given everything that you need for a new life in the higher dimensions. We will come and help you to adjust. You have many Galactics and other star systems that are all working together with all of creation for the Ascension. It is a powerful process that is being conducted with the utmost love.

Transformation is the energy of the day and the days ahead. It will happen at every level from your cellular structure to every hair on your head. Your brains will be completely changed and your hearts opened as widely as possible. The earth is being changed and her vibrations are being elevated just like yours. Some of you may find yourselves changing work, location, your entire being.

This is a most important project. It is relevant to all of life and all of Creation. Continue to bond with us with your hearts and your full intentions to do your part in the name of oneness and love. We are blessed to be with you now.

» Source » Channel: Valerie Donner

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