
16 de julio de 2020


People have been reporting more and more on this EVENT recently, from all over the globe! The move to a higher frequency planet Earth reality, 5D or higher?

The so called “awakening process” has been so much LESS successful than expected, to the point where many people have actually started to move backwards in information and knowledge! Likely due to the increase in counter measures by the controllers of this Prison Planet(non human!)! Increase in frequencies from cell phones, satellites and other systems, deterioration of food quality, increase in GMOs……………….

Lots of new incoming frequencies, the increase in the Schumann’s Resonance been one, some of them coming from the Sun and others from yet unknown sources! Causing a lot of new colourful phenomena in the sky as well as brand new auroras at the poles! All changing things! As the frequencies change, less and less will be able to be hidden!

When the final energy and information burst happens, likely via our Sun, most of the Earths population will be knocked out temporary. More craft have been needed to be brought in to accommodate everyone. Then with time everyone will be needed to be brought up to speed with regards to all truth, pretty much everything will be different!

A few people will be able to tolerate it all, while still on the planet but most will be off-world! Some have come here from other worlds to assist, now incarnated as humans to actually anchor this energy, which would have not happened otherwise!

So the best you can do is became aware of all this before hand!

The split is not just a two way thing! Different people will be placed in different realities according to where they are spiritually and how far they have evolved up to now! Even within present families, members of which MAY be separated according to their levels! We are so much more than this one incarnation! Incredible new technologies and abilities will be available including access to portals that allow you to travel anywhere!

Important to note that that some will remain on his old Earth as their frequency is just so dense, to continue here! Some are universal prisoners that will need to learn further as they are so destructive!

The so called “lift-off” has a limited time period after the blast, as this old Earth will collapse even further, to the point where these craft will no longer be able to return anymore as the frequencies will just be too low!

It sounds like many of the billions of fauna and flora that have died recently in all sorts of catastrophes, will never return here but be transferred to the New Earth!

So keep a lookout for new phenomena and allow and just observe! Do not worry about the increased chaos as all this is temporary and will also actually allow THE SPLIT!



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