
8 de abril de 2016

The Absurd Chimera Middle Class in the West that leads to Autosuicide

The Zionist oligarchy that dominates the political system in the West through bipartisanship and systematic manipulation of information by the mainstream media as well as the sibilant attempt to close the dissidents mouths through persecution and covert repression laws like gag law makes it almost unfeasible to try to change things without seriously consider breaking with the status quo that keeps it.

You can not make an omelette without breaking eggs as you can not change this system without being somewhat or very antisistema.

And here we enter the crux of the matter  
Why a middle class as exists in the West, as reported compared to other times and other regions of the world and so hypersensitised with social injustice, labor abuse, inequality, racism , homophobia and so plecara in its rotunda stance against military interventionism and war, can continue tomaintain their vote this?

I can not imagine how people of different social status, and employment status or with different political sensitivities are able to have a certain attitude críticacon certain issues and then be committed without knowing how to keep voting the same that allow those things to happen.

For example:

I can not imagine how anyone could rend their garments with the scandal papers Panama when then vote to those same legislating to implement the necessary tools to exist and sos same tax havens and can be used legally and with impunity.

I can not imagine how anyone could be against cuts and austerity and then vote to those same who insist on following the path of austericidio.

I can not imagine that there are people who complain about the miserable of his salary, poor working conditions you have, how little it charges unemployed if the cobra, and then go and vote the same that make it possible to happen All this.

I do not understand people who complain of social inequality that goes in crescendo with each passing day, or con banking and abusive commissions, or the super-high electricity rates and telephone, the highest in Europe, they will then vote for those who allow all these kinds of thefts and injustices and guarantee and protect its laws.

I fail to understand why so many ties of solidarity with many and many causes such as refugees or victims of any war or natural disaster, and then go and vote the same that promote and do business with it.

As it is incomprehensible that continue to vote corrupt and the same that have gotten us into this crisis which no possible way out is if it is not broken once with everything that caused and still today eternalizes and possible.

For all this and much more than I'll shut out of sheer lack of time and a certain laziness, I fail to understand the absurd chimera of the middle class of the West that still erre with erre committed to wanting to leave this state of things at the same time keep everything as is, without changing anything and to make matters worse keeping in power, those same that are taking their precarious situation and extermination.

The world has enough food (thousands of tons are thrown away every day), money (billions are printed every year, most for banks) and technology advances so we can all live in peace and harmony. Only the greedy profiteers 1% are not interested in this and it is thanks to their lackeys parties of bipartisanship as achieve this happen and maintained.

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