
16 de junio de 2020

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Leaderless, Bankrupt America in Throes of Chaos and Revolution

era of light alternative news newsThe collapse of the United States of America Corporation escalated last week into what Chinese propagandists likened to the cultural revolution faced by China in the 1960s and ’70s.  The chaos is expected to escalate further during the summer months until there is a real revolution and not this elite-engineered cultural revolution.  The only U.S. institution maintaining its integrity in these grim circumstances is the military, which is standing by to make sure no mass bloodshed or suffering comes out of this political chaos.
Meanwhile, high-level negotiations between Eastern and Western secret societies last week ended in a deadlock after Asian leaders demanded Western subservience, something that will never happen, according to sources involved in the negotiations.
That means the world is going to go through a very dangerous and hot summer with no clear prognosis other than accelerating chaos, especially inside the United States.  There will also be an increasing danger of war using electromagnetic and nuclear weaponry.
Before going back to the East/West negotiations, let us take a look at what is really behind the cultural revolution inside the United States.  Here is what the Chinese communist government propaganda paper Global Times had to say:
“Neither the protesters nor Democrats have come up with practical solutions to address the long-standing racial problems, but are using the fury of the people to gain political benefit… more domestic problems and conflicts will appear in the future, and the unrest is just the beginning,”
In fact, White Dragon Society sources in Canada say much of the so-called Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests are being sub-contracted by the Chinese communists to Synagogues of Satan on the West coast of North America.  This is their revenge for the attacks being orchestrated in Hong Kong, Chinese intelligence agency sources confirm.
What the Chinese propagandists are not saying, though, is that the Chinese cultural revolution was started by factions of the Chinese communist government that wanted to deflect popular anger away from their failed economic policies and towards their political enemies.
The same can be said of the ongoing cultural revolution in the U.S. Elites are trying to deflect anger away from the Wall Street bankers and mega-corporations by stirring racial strife and trying to turn the people against the police.
If we look beneath the surface we find the Davos World Economic forum crowd at work using their age-old “Ab Chao Ordo” (Order out of chaos) crowd control mechanism.  There can be no mistake, the so-called coronavirus crisis and the resulting economic collapse was engineered by the Davos crowd.  Now, they are offering solutions to this chaos they created (in tandem with the Chinese).  In the words of Davos WEF head and founder Klaus Schwab “A Great Reset is needed to shape the post-COVID-19 era, prioritizing the need to redefine our social contract.”  Needless to say, they want to be in charge of redefining.
Fortunately, last week the U.S. military White Hats and their Farnese family patriarchs, took firm action last week by firmly jerking the chain of U.S. President Donald Trump when he tried to get the U.S. military to engage in an engineered civil war with foreign paid Antifa and Black Lives Matter agents.  Instead, they took discrete action to remove the Khazarian agents trying to orchestrate this civil war.
These moves were made possible by the execution of top Jesuit General Adolfo Nicolas, P3 Freemason sources say.  “This was no coincidence because on April 29 Fra’ Della Torre/Knights of Malta also ‘died’” the sources said.
The P3 and Vatican power structures are important because any Western pyramid-shaped power structure like the military and government bureaucracies are controlled by the P3.  This is also true of medical, dental, and architect associations, etc., which involve people who have high salaries thanks to “licenses.”
In any case, as a result of these changes at the top of the Vatican the military White Hats have now re-asserted control over the Trump presidency.  This was seen in the speech they made the Trump body double readout, NSA sources say, to the graduating class of the West Point military academy on June 13th.  Here are some highlights:
“No evil force on Earth can match the noble power and righteous glory of the American warrior…joined together in a common mission to protect our country, to defend our people, and to carry on the traditions of freedom, equality, and liberty that so many gave their lives to secure…you exemplify the power of shared national purpose to transcend all differences and achieve true unity…the United States military is the greatest force for peace and justice the world has ever known.  Right now, America needs a class of cadets that lives by your motto, ‘With vision, we lead.’”
Of course, the speech fails to mention that the U.S. military has been fooled and misdirected into criminal behavior ever since the Khazarian mafia engineered their fascist coup d’etat of September 11, 2001.  However, there are signs that real change is happening as U.S. troops begin their withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, and other places they never should have gone to in the first place.
Nonetheless, long-standing allies in Europe, including Great Britain, together with the rest of the world, to ensure that the US military does justice to its rhetoric as the greatest force for peace and justice by prosecution of US and Israeli war criminals, which allows women, murdered, tortured and killed children and non-combatants.
The other problem that needs to be addressed is the fact that Trump is in (Fisagate vs. Russiagate) gets stuck, while much larger questions remain unsolved.
The biggest unsolved problem is a failed economic system. Negative interest rates and fiat money have taken power away from real savers and real bankers and is concentrated in the hands of the cabal, to which both the central banks and the Fortune 500 countries and are in a gigantic circle jerk.
They have used their money and control of the media in a way that the political system has degenerated to the point of dysfunction.
As things stand at present according to NSA sources, American voters face a choice between fake trump card and a fake Biden who talks about lying media and fake electronic voting is running for office.
However, some real solutions are offered by real thinkers in the establishment.
Here, for example, is a proposal by the former CIA and Naval Intelligence Officer Robert David Steele:
Wall Street has over 10,000 companies through its criminal financial practices, destroyed thousands of innovations and millions of jobs, all of which were Banking Committee of the Senate, the Ministry of Justice (especially the Holder memorandum, which takes the prison off the table), the FBI and the SEC were tolerated and made possible.
By combining data from the NSA, from a mandatory audit of the repository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), which has spat on our laws since its inception and data from ShareIntel, a company ripe for takeover by the DoJ is, you can all lawyers of Wall Street and the decades of delay that with lawyers, completely bypass and deal with the seizure of gold and Silver holdings, art, waterfront villas, condominiums around the world, Super yachts, private planes, private islands and more are starting.
You were deceived, when you were told that $17 trillion was all you could get. Bill Binney and I can raise you another $100 to $200 billion to help America to make you great again.
(For further details, please refer to the page with the letter to the editor)
British MI6 sources are also in a revolutionary mode against the Davos elite, who becomes noticeable: the theme of the iconoclasm in the now beginning World revolution is important…
if the dynamics of recent rapid developments is maintained, we envisage a complete abolition of what is commonly known as the world government/dominant class or, as the Americans say, called the elite will.
Ml6 also wanted us to take note that the Queen publicly to dispel rumors of her death or relief.
You realize.., that the Queen fully supports positive changes in the world, provided that this is necessary.
The meeting between Western and Asian secret societies that took place last week took place, served the striving for positive changes.
Here are some more details about the meeting from one participant:
The representative of the Asian secret societies said they had gold-plated to put $10 trillion worth of assets on the table.
In order to monetize them, they needed an agreement with the controllers of the Federal Reserve Board.
The Asians wanted a 60/40 split in their favour.
The Western representative but insisted on a 50/50 split.
The Asians want 60% because Control the world’s gold and industrial capacity.
However, the western side shows to the fact that although they have been working since the 19th century on the technical had the means to kill or enslave most of Asia, but instead transferred money, technology and industrial capacity to help the Asian to help improve their societies.
In addition, the West can bring futuristic technology to the table that is far ahead of anything that Asia has. After all, the West must completely eliminate its satanic infection before transfer of power to Asia can be considered.
If Asia is going to turn the West into its present form, it would be taken over from within by the Satanists infiltrated and rotten, just like the United States. The West must stop the self-healing of diseases before a surrender is possible.
The date of the next meeting has not yet been set, but the Asians said would have to compile some documentation before any funds were released could become. You said that this could happen as early as July.
Finally, we would like to close this week with a report from a reader who is the so-called free zone of Seattle: This week, Seattle police were ordered to search the East Precinct on the Capitol Evacuate Hill.
A little history, this was the same area where in the year part of the WTO riots took place in 2000. I was on site for the WTO.
The same Groups protested for essentially the same reasons – accountability and Transparency in all forms of government. The news about it was quiet except for the alt-media.
After I saw it for myself it is relatively peaceful, and there is no looting or widespread Vandalism. Although the list of demands was compiled by an antifa/anarchist group that does not speak for the rest of the community.
Most people who have occupy checkpoints, do not want violence or destruction, just a dialogue with SPD and the mayor. This has not happened yet. Originally (as I learned from law enforcement) the group that took control, thereby creating the conditions for an armed confrontation with of the police and the National Guard.
In the meantime, these groups have Clear the area. Now it’s the straphangers taking advantage of the situation to agenda, and crime is gradually increasing. Some groups have Shopkeepers plundered for money and protection.
Others only have goods with at gunpoint. As much as I wish that this would be smashed, it must be done, so the rest of the world can see what happens when the police get out.
This is undoubtedly a way for the lions on the left to demoralize the police and to replace the broad masses with clubs that dance to their tune. I have seen this first hand with Rumsfeld and Obama during their respective terms of office. This will not end peacefully.
Violence will arise when one group or another tries to take control. Either way, this is a drama that was written for public use… we’ll see how it ends.
There is no doubt that, for better or worse, we are witnessing events of of biblical or at least historical significance.
» Source

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