
4 de septiembre de 2017

as of September 4, 2017: China is going to the "gold standard" that forces every other currency / nation in the world to do the same, or be eliminated financially overnight.

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Sept. 4 2017

Compiled 12: 05 am EDT 4 Sept. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces,"

A. Sept. 3 2017 7:48 pm EDT GCR Intel Situation Report: "Golden Decade" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Sunday - September 3, 2017

1. A PROC announcement was made prior to the BRICS summit going on this weekend (Sept. 3-5).

2. China just took over global leadership of the world economy by announcing their Yuan was now gold backed.

3. This new/old value system was replacing the USD as the world's reserve currency and transferring all global military and economic power from the Western world to the East.

4. By China going to the "gold standard" it forces every other currency/nation in the world to do the same, or be eliminated from financial relevancy overnight.

5. The move also eliminates all fiat petrol dollars issued since 1971 when the cabal forced the world into accept crude oil as the collateral backing the then reserve currency (USD) as it was taken off the gold standard by then President Nixon. He was later removed from office for committing this immoral financial act.

6. Instead of officially announcing the gold standard at the BRICS summit this weekend, they let the news out via a macro crude oil deal with Russia and Saudi Arabia - in essence sidestepping the USD permanently.’s-yuan-gold

7. The Chinese Elders have enforced their will upon the western world by agreeing to pay for all future Chinese crude oil supply from the two largest oil producers in the world in Yuan first, then immediately convert into gold bullion!

8. This single announcement not so subtly eliminates the petrol dollar and also lands a death blow to the Cabal's old financial system overnight.

9. This means the global supply of gold is going to sky rocket, which will drive down the price of gold (and silver) back to where it was naturally positioned pre-1971.

10. This new financial reality comes with an infinite supply of gold, available for worldwide purchase, which will allow all of us to conduct basic everyday commerce in gold backed digital currencies - all convertible to gold.

11. This one announcement was China's way of launching the RV, forcing 208 other sovereign nations to immediately comply with the global gold standard that is discretely woven into the secrete GESARA Treaty.

12. This act also automatically crushes USD value and forces both the Republic (the resignation of Trump) and USN (gold backed currency) into immediate public existence before markets re-open onTues. Sept. 5.

13. This also ends the Federal Reserve Bank and it's illegal printing of American money as well as the Cabal's political influence in American politics, including the Israel lobby which also must accept the gold standard for their own currency (Shekel) or be left out of global trade.

14. Translated, this all means the Chinese didn't just declare war on the Cabal, they publicly announced their negotiated surrender.

15. Which is exactly what Chinese President Xi Jinping said at his opening BRICS business summit speech yesterday Sept. 2 if you also read between the lines re: "world peace."

16. He also hinted at how the Elders enforced the gold standard upon the rest world with a new "golden decade."

17. This all is going down in real time tonight Sun. Sept. 3

18. The RV is going to launch at any second from now right now untilTues. morning Sept. 5.

B. Sept. 3 2017 11:56 am EDT Gold could reset at $10,000/oz: Trump Planning Radical Reboot of Dollar, Gold to Reset to $10,000/oz By janskoyles
– Trump could be planning a radical “reboot” of the U.S. dollar
– Currency reboot will see leading nations devalue their currencies against gold
– New gold price would be nearly 8 times higher at $10,000/oz
– Price based on mass exit of foreign governments and investors from the US Dollar
– US total debt now over $80 Trillion – $20T national debt and $60T consumer debt
– Monetary reboot or currency devaluation seen frequently – even modern history
– Buy gold eagles, silver eagles including monster boxes and gold bars 
– Have a 10% allocation to gold, smaller allocation to silver

C. Sept. 3 2017 11:11 am EDT GCR Situation Report: "Wells Fraudgo" - GCR/RV Intel SITREP - Sunday - September 3, 2017 Multiple scandals involving Wells Fargo Bank and Warren Buffet

D. Sept. 3 2017 11:37 am EDT BRICS:
Shining BRICS Golden Decade Infographic

Updates for the last seven days:

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 3, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 2, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sept. 1, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Summary as of Aug. 31, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 31, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 30, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 29, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Aug. 28, 2017

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