
5 de agosto de 2018


President Trump moved his speech in Ohio tonight because of multiple assignation threats, per the Secrete Service.

President Maduro in Venezuela survived a botched assignation attempt tonight.

Zimbabwe’s Emmerson Manangagwa narrowly avoided an assignation attempt last month.

Two private planes went down today in Switzerland today, no names reported yet as to whom were on the flights out of Zurich.

Folks, I hope you’re aware of what has been and is happening now… the ghost clean up crews are engaging the enemy with deadly force, publicly now and in an endless cycle of search and destroy, with an open termination mission (no end).

This has been going on for years btw… but with the back wall now reached and surpassed… you’re gonna start seeing some weird headlines like we did today.

The beach is right now being softened for our redemption landing.  Literally in this moment.

Every bank in the world is ready for the RV… on 24 hour shifts for as long as it takes… do remain present in this reality for your own psychological safety.

Remember, God brought us all here by His Providence, all of us together, the misfits and freaks… do show the same unconditional Grace and Mercy after the event… for together we exist in this plane by Will of a Loving Creator and it’s our calling to serve, as well as our duty.

For to Honor God with Our Service, in Service of others, is the whole goal of the game and why we all have been blessed with breath.

No one can live both selflessly and self-servicing entity… we all must choose a side… God or not God… and the money will only accelerate and hyperbolize your choice… so choose wisely as even though your wealth might be sudden, the truth of God is eternal.

May the peace of Christ consume you before, during and after your appointment, and the Master’s voice guide you through His gauntlet of grace.

God is with us

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