
14 de diciembre de 2018

Do You Live in a City of Light? Dillon

Updated Dec. 6, 2018 – Council of Love with Linda

Do you live in a City of Light? Could you be one of its team of gatekeepers? And is there a City of Light coming soon to a town near you?
Due to the dedicated efforts of many, additional cities of the future are popping up all over the place. This has become a dynamic Gaian group project of massive proportions! And what could possibly be more exciting?
Stay current with the growing list of our future cities by visiting this regularly updated page. And be sure to let me know if you are a Gatekeeper Team and to which city’s team, so we can be sure to add you to the list of these expanding communities of light! Write me at
And scroll down to read guidance on how to work with the Cities of Light as well as exciting information about Genii Townsend’s free Kindle edition of Something’s Coming, Rick Cohen’s free Kindle edition of The Fire-Walking Foot Doctor, and his introduction to the Cities of Light. These Kindle books are only available free for a few days.
The future is ours, my friends!
  1. Port St. Lucie – Galazia/Atlantis Island of Temples – from Vero Beach to Bimini off the tip of Florida ~ 1990s ~ Gatekeeper Team: Linda Dillon, Sherry Epstein
  2. Sedona to Phoenix Arizona – The New Jerusalem ~ 2000 ~ Gatekeeper Team: Genii Townsend (, Linda Dillon, Marianne Baer, Pauline Pearson
  3. Michigan – mainly under Lake Michigan – from Chicago to Wisconsin
  4. Denver, Colorado – ET portal – Quan Yin’s City of Light; integrated city, including elementals & fairies ~ Gatekeeper Team: Kathleen Williams, Sandy Priester
  5. Durango / Pagosa Springs / Crestone, Colorado – 7 D & Star Family – Gatekeeper Team: Anne Kelly
  6. Southern Appalachian, Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains – Asheville to Winston Salem, North Carolina / Knoxville to Chattanooga, Tennessee – Terra’Tralana – Galactic Healing & Restoration ~ Gatekeeper Team: Micki Mercurio
  7. Boise to Coeur D’Alene, Idaho – Terra’Shrianna ~ Gatekeeper Team: Marianne Baer
  8. Anchorage and surrounding area, Alaska ~ Gatekeeper Team: Marianne Baer
  9. New York / Connecticut ~ Gatekeeper Team: Lisa Leinen, Stephanie Pardue
  10. Montreal, Quebec – Mon Vie ~ Gatekeeper Team: Linda Dillon, Josee Arsenault, Donald Paul, Rachel Gingras
  11. Burlington – Moretown – Lake Champlain, Vermont – ET Portal
  12. Winnipeg, Manitoba down through Northern Minnesota & Dakotas
  13. Vancouver, British Columbia ~ Gatekeeper Team: Richard Allan
  14. Hana, Hawaii – Hanae (means Heavenly Joy) ~ Gatekeeper Team: Marianne Baer
  15. San Diego, California ~ Gatekeeper Team: Joe Vasile
  16. Seattle, Washington ~ Gatekeeper Team: Raia and Jules
  17. China – coastal south / Shanghai
  18. Kyoto, Japan ~ Gatekeeper Team: Mary Valanzano, Joe Vasile
  19. Lucerne / Zurich, Switzerland
  20. Northern Sweden / Norway (very fjordy) ~ Gatekeeper Team: Ake Andersson
  21. Sochi, Russia – Tramara – Archangel Michael’s ~ Gatekeeper Team: Marianne Baer
  22. Petersburg, Russia ~ Gatekeeper team: Mikhail
  23. Afghanistan – 5 portals! (lots of caves, very primitive) – stretches into Iran and a little into Turkey ~ Gatekeeper Team: Joe Vasile
  24. Egypt (especially pyramid of Giza)
  25. Safed / Tzfat (Galilee), Israel – community & arts
  26. Capetown, South Africa ~ Gatekeeper Team: Ellen Nairn
  27. Mozambique
  28. San Paulo, Brazil & Araucaria, Brazil – and 3rd point out in the South Atlantic ~ Gatekeeper team: Alan Victor Rocha
  29. Assisi, Italy ~ Gatekeeper Team: Joe Vasile, Pauline Pearson
  30. Prague, Czech Republic ~ Gatekeeper Team: Maree McCorquodale
  31. Vienna, Austria
  32. Malta – City of Rainbow Light
  33. Lake Tahoe, California, Nevada – Sierras ~ Yosemite ~ Terra’Nissa – 2004 ~ Gatekeeper Team: Marianne Baer, Linda Dillon, Andrew Eardley, Dottie Chandler
  34. Carson City, Nevada – Carson Valley City of Light – Arcturian ~ Gatekeeper Team: Tuck Hayes & Kim Best
  35. New Orleans, Louisiana – Cultural Center for music & art ~ Gatekeeper Team: Mary Valanzano
  36. Gulf of Mexico, Florida & Alabama/Panhandle – Massive Intergalactic Center ~ Gatekeeper Team: Mary Valanzano
  37. Chesapeake Bay, Maryland – Center for Ethical Governance and future home of Inter-Galactic Council – 2013 ~ Gatekeeper Team: Lorraine McGovern, Dana Limpert
  38. Pondicherry, India
  39. Pakistan – exact location not yet revealed
  40. Sydney, Australia – lots of gold ~ Gatekeeper Team: Joe Vasile
  41. New Zealand – way hidden still
  42. Cork, Ireland
  43. Daylesford, Australia– Archangel Michael’s City of Peace known as Victory/Victoria – 2016 – Gatekeeper Team: Maree McCorquodale
  44. Lucia, West Indies & Trinidad, West Indies ~ Gatekeeper Team: Hetty Sarjeant, Terrayne Crawford
  45. City of London ~ Gatekeeper Team: Andrew Eardley
  46. Edinburgh, Scotland – green heart center ~ Gatekeeper Team: Ellen Nairn
  47. Prague, Slovakia ~ Gatekeeper Team: Maree McCorquodale, Alena Korandová
  48. Paris, France – art & culture
  49. Provence, France – Mary Magdalene’s City of Light ~ Gatekeeper Team: Ellen Nairn
  50. Amsterdam, Netherlands – new forms of governance ~ Gatekeeper Team: Genio VanHees
  51. Atlanta, Georgia – communications
  52. Avalon – Capital of the COL – England ~ Gatekeeper Team: Marianne Baer, Mary Valanzano
  53. Toronto to Niagara – under Lake Ontario – brotherhoods, sports, clean energy ~ Gatekeeper Team: Linda Dillon
  54. Barcelona, Spain – architecture & new family paradigms – 2026-2030 – Gaudi
  55. Eureka, Arkansas – crystal city, earthkeeper
  56. Joshua Tree – crystal city, star beings, 7th dimensional ~ Gatekeeper Team: Linda Dillon, Dottie Chandler
  57. Santa Barbara in Santa Ynez Mountains – healing and theater arts ~ Gatekeeper Team: Harrigan Logan
  58. San Francisco – art & culture, music, especially voice ~ Gatekeeper Team: CA Jordan
  59. Bali ~ Gatekeeper Team: Pauline Pearson
  60. Taos, New Mexico – nature & home comfort – sacred space harmony ~ Mary Valanzano
  61. Ayers Rock (Uluru), Australia – Aboriginal indigenous people – earthkeepers – hidden still
  62. Mexico – Yucatan, North & Pacific – huge pyramid ~ Gatekeeper Team: Gisella Hammerstein
  63. Angel Falls, Venezuela ~ Gatekeeper Team: Gisella Hammerstein
  64. La Pampas, Argentina – Gaia & nature ~ Gatekeeper Team: Gisella Hammerstein
  65. Los Angeles, California ~ Gatekeeper Team: Dyana STJohn
  66. Keswick, England
  67. Charleston, South Carolina
  68. Banff & Lake Louise, Canada – Archangel Michael’s – nature & elementals ~ Gatekeeper Team: Mike Heule
  69. Lake Titicaca, Peru ~ Gatekeeper Team: Patty Delgado, Else Kemink
  70. Grand Tetons ~ Gatekeeper Team: Marianne Baer, Dottie Chandler
  71. Laughlin, Nevada/Spirit Mountain/Lake Mead ~ Gatekeeper Team: Dyana STJohn, Mike Smith
  72. Great Keppel Island, Queensland, Australia ~ Gatekeeper Team: Winnie Sempio
  73. Magic Mountains of the Northern Rivers, New South Wales, Australia ~ Gatekeeper Team: Winnie Sempio
  74. Tucson, Arizona ~ Gatekeeper Team: Hermes of the Sonoran Collective
  75. Antigua, Guatemala and Lake Atitlan, Guatemala ~ Gatekeeper Team: C. A. Jordan
  76. Hayward, California ~ Gatekeeper Team: Troy Stengel
  77. San Sebastián de La Gomera, seventh chakra of the Canary Islands, Spain ~ Gatekeeper Team: Roberto Durante
  78. Salmon Arm, British Columbia ~ Gatekeeper Team: Connie Cooper
  79. Athens & Ioannina, Greece ~ Gatekeeper Team: Nikos Akrivos
  80. Ibiza, Spain ~ Gatekeeper Team: Nikos Akrivos
  81. Ostrov – Karlovy Vary,  Czech Republic ~ Gatekeeper Team: Rozi Hotovičková
  82. Stockholm, Sweden ~ Gatekeeper Team: Samuel Draper
Guidance for working with and grounding the Cities of Light
From Archangel Michael received through Lorraine McGovern on 7-2-15
We would ask that you visualize the beauty and pristine waters and land surrounding the City of Light and focus on anchoring this reality.
  • Go to the 13th Octave and ground your energies into the heart of Gaia. If you are not familiar with the 13th Octave, consider viewing the following video: httpss://
  • We would ask that you call upon the elemental kingdom, the mineral kingdom, and the angels and masters to join with you.
  • See the City as stable, see the City as whole, and then see the City as welcoming the universe.
  • Ask the universe to ground and anchor the City into the heart of Gaia and then into the heart of the universe and then into the multiverse.
  • See the City of Light within and without.
  • See the City of Light surrounded by its light body and its rainbow body.
  • See the City of Light as a reality and the universe rejoicing and centering itself in this area.
  • See the government as balanced internally and externally, as within, so without.
  • See the government balanced and whole and manifesting truth and wisdom and love.
  • See the peoples of the universe within this City building a just and balanced system that benefits one and a
Be assured that this can be done.  Be assured that it is already done.

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