
4 de julio de 2017

message from Prime Creator

The following events are scheduled to produce the long - awaited changes to the planet Earth.  1) June 30, 2017: A "soft" version of NESARA was postponed by the President of the Republic Trump. 2) 2-3 July 2017: The final removal of the dark and complete the deep state beings. Currently 95% is complete. 3) July 4, 2017: The news of NESARA are scheduled for the Emergency Broadcasting System be transmitted. 4) July 5, 2017: The GCR / RV 800 # 's begin worldwide. 5) July 6, 2017: NESARA / GESARA is accepted worldwide and new elections will be announced by replacing the eliminated with the introduction of common law in governments and courts around the world dark.

  • End of wars.
  •  End of illegal taxes.
  • End of illegal bank debt.
  •  Provide a financial system backed by assets worldwide.
  • End of illegal corporate law since the Civil War (USA).

  • Back to the Constitutional Law on the Government and the courts.

  • Stop all negative government agencies: IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.
  • Release of prisoners where there is no victim (the government can not be a victim).
  • Release and heal all victims of pedophile and sexual abuse.
  • Replacing all oil power plants, coal and gas plants and / households free energy devices.
  • Replacing all vehicles with free energy devices.
  • Creation of all new vehicles with free energy devices.
  • End the use of harmful drugs, GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, chem-trails, fracking, sonar.
  • greatly reduce onshore oil drilling, finishing all drilling offshore.
  • Replacing the health system allopathic holistic healing methods.
  • Provide housing and holistic health care for the homeless.
  • Accepts and welcomes our galactic friends.
  • Return of all refugees to their native land prosperity funds.
  • Accept the sovereignty of all countries.

  • Start living and make decisions from the heart.
  • Move your heart to the heart of Prime Creator. 
  • Channeled by TS 
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • Input GSA extended to 03/07/17 

  • The last date to submit a new GSA or terminate your WCNS is 7.3.17 . No L os processes GSA or WCNS will be accepted after this date. 

  • If you start a GSA by 07/03/17 , it will be allowed to send your WCNS to 03/08/17.
  •  GSA claims, existing WCNS must be submitted before 03/07/17 . 
  • GSA is making final to be presented to the International Court of Common Law preparations, so we have all the novelties presented by 03/07/17 and completion of all previous processes requiring GSA and WCNS payment or documents submitted by 7-3- 17 .

 Initial orders of the GSA Order of WCNS  payment message creator to special beings on Earth Dear beings of the special Earth. "You will be guided lovingly by beings of light into your destiny ascended His fate has been determined by available and ability to accept the light and love. for its moment by moment choices to follow your heart or your ego has brought him to one of three destinations. "the first is the largest group comprising 96.1% of special beings on Earth, fully ascend to the new paradigm of pure light and love where there is no darkness or negativity exist and never will.  "The second group comprises 2% of special things on earth, will reside in a school for additional training and then climb with others in group one. "The third group comprising 1.9% of the special things on Earth, that have rejected the light of my Creator and love repeatedly over the past 17 years in particular, be extinguished as an essence of the soul. " With loving grace, each of my loving souls enter into my new kingdom and receive a new awakening, mindfulness, new bodies of liquid crystal and unlimited vision of possibilities for the new paradigm.  "Each of you will be the master of his own universe creator leveraging its multitude of lessons learned from their past experiences.  " As unlimited beings of light, aplicaréis your imagination in new ways never before conceived for the highest and best of all, where "do not harm" and love each other. In fact, it is impossible to harm another or oneself. "I welcome all my ascendant souls in my blissful kingdom of prosperity, joy and divine ecstasy." His Amoroso First Creator In this issue


  • New procedures GCR
  • More 'Amazing' Creator Gifts
  • Update GSA / WCNS
  • Have you validated your ARs?
  • Who is FCUSA?
  • update RV
  • Update ZIM
  • Why use LLCs? Transition
  • Return policy Member
  • What is your BLT?
  • Abundance - Are you ready?
  • Seven Steps for Ascension
  • Are you suspended?  BIORENEW
  • Quantum Energetics QE
  • Increased energy
  • Christ Consciousness
  • Club status
  • Our New Earth

      "Nothing disappears until teaches us what we need to know." - New Process GCR Pena Chodron 
          Some good new developments have occurred with our Intercambiando what is feasible now share the FIRST 800 #  through any electronic medium. The special issue of ZIM (if ZIM) should NOT be shared because it is his personal account #. If you are a member and our RV list will receive an email with the latest instructions and the first 800 # to call. 

          Contact your 'gifted' in any way you choose and give them the FIRST 800 # ONLY. If you have ZIM, you get your own 800 # second staff not shared with anyone. 

          ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company are three sources that offer tickets 100 trillion Zimbabwe, 2008 AA. 


           It has been another busy week as Prime Creator has endowed Special Earth, the universe and many other universes cleaning.


          • 6/28: The Creator gave gifts to help humanity: 1) an energy pattern to help humans to discern and accept the truth. 2) an improvement for the third human eye to better assimilate the message of the Creator. The frontal cortex (fight or flight) feel inner peace, grounded and centered in the heart. 
          • 6/29: intension has been established for humanity in the SE to sense and feel the desire for peace. special land will also end its need to release negative energy through hurricanes, etc. She will feel like it did during the days of the Garden of Eden. FAVORITE GIFTS FIRST CREATOR 
          • 6 / 19-6 / 25: The Creator is preparing special beings on Earth for accepting the next news of NESARA / GESARA.
          • 6/12: Creator: Remove all hatred of all-that-is in the Universe.
          • 6/12: Humans on Earth Special at the age of 1 were installed with 2 objects by dark beings from another galaxy. We limited by depriving humanity draw 10% of our energy. Remote.

          • 6/12: There was a negative sabotaging the intentions of Agarthan. Remote.
          • 6/12: An implant was placed in humans by a dark source of another universe. It is disrupting clairvoyance in humans. Remote.
          • 6/14: During the ascent, when things reach their destination, all galactic arrivals receive a spiritual cleansing. All ascended beings receive a spiritual message that have risen and are being prepared to begin a new paradigm.
          • 6/14: For All-That-Is in special soil, a spiritual cleansing was provided to remove all the negative energy attack Atlantis Lemuria that shattered his glass. The impact produced, fear, anguish, bitterness, horror, shock, hatred, livid and guilt feelings. These were released and replaced with 'spark' of light and love. Freedom and peace are now to reign forever!
          • 6/17: Our sixth senses awaken soon to allow telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudient and intuition.
          • 6/6: The creator eliminated the religious beliefs of all-that-is.
          • 6/7: The Creator is providing spiritual awakening for all sentient life in the universe.
          • 6/7: You have begun appreciation for all beings in the universe and determination specifically for Special Earth.
          • 6/8: For all beings in the universe, the energies were sent to accept the ascension.
          • 6/8: Respect for the new paradigm has been provided to all of the Special Earth.
          • 5/26: The Creator has provided special compassion to all beings on Earth.
          • 5/29: The creator has the last of the matrix removed.
          • 5/29: A special things on Earth were given the necessary strength of gratitude and humility.
          • 5/30: A program runs covering sporadically sending.
          • 5/1: All hearts will be filled with unconditional love of the Creator and move everything that is in your heart space. Then all that is, move your hearts to the heart of the Creator.
          • 5/1: Something is turning in our neurons in the brain and in our hearts the brain that makes our heart our guide against the ego.
          • 5/1: All beings in the multi-verse have a connection enhancement of the brain and heart. For all beings in the multi-verse had this limitation placed upon them in the incarnation, it is being removed in the brain and increase our spiritual connection to one another.
          • 5/1: For special beings on Earth, there will be a change in our spiritual essence with the elimination of the sinus cavity, removing our hearing based on sound and audio provide clair-audience. Our telepathy is being installed. The animal kingdom in the multi-verse get a spiritual enhancement to improve their affections.
          • 5/1: In special land, those who are not in the dimension 4.1 or higher will be extracted (approximately 1.7%) and taken to another planet and divided into 5 groups of similar energy. The remaining family members receive a consultation with a 4D Earth explaining the absence of family members at home.
          • 5/2: There is a change in how we pray, is now coming from our hearts into the heart of the Creator.
          • 5/2: Our planet will absorb the animal kingdom negative emotional energy and dissipate freeing us from that burden.
          • 5/2: We will receive an improved way to contact elemental to help us create physicality, clean air / water / ground and return to the elementary to a new form as ethereal essences.
          • 5/2: Our emotions will be processed with the River of Life leaving our physical bodies and fields without damage. What we instead are feelings that we process in our hearts without the drama.
          • 5/2: For Galaxy Milky Way, all 5D + beings interact in a new way with improved telepathy. Just thinking of another, we are connected with them. When connected, you can connect to others as well.
          • 5/2: For the Way galaxy, all beings 5D + will be enhanced with positive intentions to manifest faster and more powerful way.
          • 5/2: The negative energies that affect our nervous system, disrupting sleep, and 13 more are now removed (have been around for about 7 million years).
          • 5/2: For the Milky Way galaxy that affects everything-that-is, a new change will allow everyone to transform to become one with the galaxy.
          • 5/2: A 4D being can make a change "to" other beings on your planet to its highest and best even if they do not accept even refuse to heal physically, mentally and emotionally.
          • 5/2: For all beings in this something new universe will give wisdom beings.
          • 5/4: A new flow of gifts from the Creator will now be sent to the god / goddess (Sananda / None) of the multi-verse, then a goddess of a universe, then Gaia (the heart of the multi-verse, then all planets, then all-that-is (including humans).
          • 5/4: What is sent is the etheric substance that changes our attitude toward positive feelings.
          • 5/5: 5% or the population of the Earth was labeled by a negative essence that produces energy drain, spiritual interference and general stress. Remote.
          • 5/6: Friday: The Creator has begun cleaning Special Earth and the Universe. Friday 20% of Rare Earth 3D were extracted. These were mainly terrorists (ISIS, etc.). Team 5.
          • 5/6: Saturday: other 10% was extracted; Staff pharmaceutical (prescription drugs, vaccines, flu shots, etc.). Manufacturers, distributors, doctors, nurses, sales representatives and connections right mind. GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, fracking and chemtrail were also extracted. Team 5.
          • 5/7: Sunday: other 40% of the dark be extracted; Military, police, religious, pedophiles, politicians, government and staff false media at all levels, including political terrorists like Soros, Kissinger, Bush, Clinton, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, etc.
          • 5/7: In addition, detoxification begin to remove physical, mental, emotional and spiritual toxins from all-that-is. Healing will follow. Emotions will fade away and be replaced by feelings.
          • 5/8: Monday, will extract the remaining 30% that does not accept light and 3D. Groups 1-3. 5D beings will visit the homes of other family members who have lost a 3D being and offer consultation.
          • 5/8: All other beings will be infused with feelings of "do no harm" and "love one another". All remaining (98 +%) have an awareness of the positive changes. There will be no need for a "medicine" allopathic or procedures, because the natural healing of physical conditions occur.
          • 5/8: The RV will begin followed by the announcement of NESARA / GESARA around the planet. End the IRS and CRA, so bank debt and new elections announced since most of Congress and state politicians have gone around the world.
          • 5/8 and then: All beings will move in your heart space and in the heart of the Creator. All-that-is infused with an ethereal substance that changes our attitude toward positive feelings.
          • 4/30: The beings 5D + of the Milky Way are getting a boost that they can transfer to the Universal Mind wisdom to all beings in the multi-verse to access.
          • 4/29: During 1 year, multi-verse was affected by programs that produce dark dead feelings, degraded, unappreciated and sad in the multi-verse and rejection in humans. Remote.
          • 4/27: For 10 years a dark energy has drained 10% of human energy and 1% of the animals. Remote.
          • 4/25: Gaia has reached its new home as the heart of the multi-verse where she now communicate with all the planets.
          • 4/25: There were 4 dark ethereal devices orbiting Earth for 80 years by eliminating your heart connection with his yo-god. Remote.  4/25: For 100 years, 100 universes were emotional, mental, physical and spiritual interrupted by negative energy. Remote.
          • 4/23: The senseless killing or animals, humans and the earth have been driven by a dark substance that affects humans with closed hearts (10%). Remoto.Cientos dark energies were interrupting, interfering and interfering using distractions to block our acceptance of light and landing while connected and remained in the heart of the Creator. Remote.
          • 4/22: Dark beings were beings esoterically cutting air (breathing problems), created pain, interrupted sleep, and produced restless leg syndrome for many. Remote.
          • 4/22: The dark beings hindered our connection with our consciousness of Christ. Remote.
          • 4/22: The dark beings as being concealed nature giving false support. Remote.
          • 4/22: Dark being forwarded incoming / outgoing messages to another source that churned creating confusion. Remote.
          • 4/22: The dark creatures disrupted our ability to ascend with their bodies. Remote.
          • 4/22: The dark creatures kept us awake. Remote.
          • 4/22: The dark creatures disrupted our natural ability to interact with other beings heart. Remote.
          • 4/21: Improvements were made to our higher to improve our spiritual connection with the Creator and the locks were removed to improve our mental and emotional state.
          • 4/21: darkness 50 years ago that would disrupt individuals who were about to "liberate" causing failures were eliminated. They were labeled and then stumbled with them whenever approached freedom. 
          • 4/21: For 5 years, a dark energy radiated negative energy to disrupt the planned path 200 patriots key to freedom. Remote.
          • 4/19: A new vibration is raising all in a positive way that will enhance our existing capabilities. Humans can see during meditation in a higher state of consciousness.
          • 4/19: Two crafts / very advanced ships encircle Earth. The first boat identifies the dark and the second transmutes to light. They are visible to those in their hearts (1%).
          • 4/19: Interference with our loved Terrestrial will be removed to allow a new better connection with our higher self and resolve emotional disturbances.
          • 4/19: A new spiritual breath of life that comes through the third eye will increase our ability to receive spiritual messages. Secretion is a breath cleaning for all organs and glands.
          • 4/19: Emotions will no longer be retained in organs, glands, tissues, etc., but they will feel negative and then positive dissipate and may be revised.
          • 4/19: There is an increasing flow of spiritual truth.
          • 4/19: A decrease in the need for emotional support and our mental state will improve as the brain assimilates with the heart.
          • 4/18: An improved method including the third eye now allow clearer to / from the Creator messages. 
          • 4/18: Creator duality has been monitoring over the past 1 million years.
          • 4/17: During the past year, the dark energies were interrupting sleep and providing agitation. Remote.
          • 4/17: Another interfere with our concentration, third eye, perceptions and vision. Remote
          • A toxic sink was removed in the special land and its creatures that precipitated many emotional and physical health challenges more he interferió with our superior self and our god-self for the past 2000 years.

          • Creator has made a change in the Multiverse shell to accommodate the new paradigm.

          • Advanced technology and an intelligent device etheric in this great universe was pre-programmed to mess with us physically, emotionally and interfere with our base was eliminated by the Creator.

          • 6 Universes including ours was blocking the connection of the essence of each planet with your higher self. Humans also affected third eye, clair-audio, mental stress many negative physical responses were eliminated by the Creator.

          • The Creator has set in motion all hearts to illuminate and vibrate now entering new vibrations. All constraints are being eliminated and a new breath of life is coming to raise everything that is in bliss.

          • The Creator said a fear and a block to the spirituality of 20% of humans in 30 Universes. This also blocked our access to our superior and messy with our heart connection with the Creator me.

          • Creator transmuted the negative energy that permeates all special land and interfered with the human ability to act on their spiritual guide. Also he stopped the human ability to understand that they are living in an illusion.

          • The creator took the negative aspect of gang members who were violence, rape and killing. He gave protection to girls more at risk in the world. He gave protection to young men who are susceptible to being recruited by gangs. A dark force used to manipulate humans into 4 universes ours. This dark force that human beings would feel very uncomfortable and blame others for all ills. Still present in human satanic rituals and sacrifices. They are still present in political, legal and police rules to obey the law and the authorities even if not nse. Our second chakra is the center of creativity, feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, money and the connection and was taking the balance by producing " There is a newly discovered 'United Energy' that regulates the amount of light that goes to the different kingdoms and has been interfered with by 1000 years. The highest vibrational realms (including humans) are restricted access to their "feeling" the sixth sense. There is a random disbursement of a cloud as etheric substance in the air that blocks our telepathic abilities. All have been eliminated. We will have a new ability to spiritually eliminate what is not light. Creator has set in motion the elimination of the "log" in our eyes you are looking through as we see or judge another. Others see a heart with love. A dark master, power and ten have precipitated creators 'trash' a total of 3 Universes (including ours) precipitating dark aspects beings who have visited or have been held captive in a prison. It removed all these things.

          Five dark active masters and two inactive. 20 sources and 40 creators of "junk" were found by limiting the ability to heal in all realms Special Earth and 11 other universes has been removed. Prime Creator has eliminated the "Dark Matryoshka ix" the Annanaki created on our honeymoon since the days of Atlantis. This powerful system kept our unresolved emotions from past lives, hindering the release of negative emotions causing them to feel normal. He also limited our intuition, extended negative emotions and blocked our outgoing messages to the higher realm. Dark could return to their families of power, but those seeking light could not free his previous life traumas or ascend or its parent and so we carry these frames back to a new incarnation to live them again. They erased our memories more moving into our new lives and blocked our remembrance of them. Negative energy pushed people out of their hearts and on their heads and ego. Prime Creator has set in motion the energy to return the heart beings into space and return to the heart of the Creator. The Creator had a gift for everyone - which is in the multiverse to assimilate the new paradigm and become one with everything is. The following messages are from various Goddesses of other Universes. The galaxy of the Milky Way is being improved as it becomes its own universe. We have a twin planet in another system in this galaxy that has recently promoted to 5D and this information is in the Akashic recor ds available when special land masses rise. All the darkness in our U will be transmuted lite. All negativity will be removed. Both events will be happening soon. special land can now recover their original energy before the dark matrix was put in place by the Annanaki.

          El tercer ojo especial de la Tierra se está expandiendo para asistir a nuestra ascensión a 5D.
          Master Lady Nada message. Something is changing for all beings in the galaxy of the Milky Way. This will move all beings into their hearts and then to the heart of the Creator. THANK YOU CREATOR FIRST -------------------- GSA / WCNS CALLING [Back] The GSA processing by the International Court of Common Law is accepting the latest posts at 7-3 - 17. There are still hundreds of delinquent accounts GSA. CHECK YOUR STATUS WCNS here Check WCNS column and scroll to your member number (first column in the WCNS group). If you have an end date in the third column of WCNS, it is complete. If it is blank, missing something. GSA process will not be honored unless you have completed all affidavits, data, order and payment. If you are delinquent, your claim will not be honored or paid! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO COMPLETING YOUR WCNS by 03/07/17. 1000+ participants GSA and WCNS lack one or more essential elements in the following areas:

          absent affidavits
          lost data
          Missing order
          Nonpayment With the Trump administration now in place, the World Court has. Teeth and have action on behalf of all claims and remuneration COMPLETED ... but only if you complete all your requirements by 03/07/17.

           You can check your status here: If your GSA or WCNS columns do not have an end date ... missing something that is stopping their successful victory in the World Court. If your process is not completed, use the following links to complete its processes: Order WCNS update: 

          WCNS data or affidavit: http: // gold-shield-alliance. Com / wcns Bank loans: IRS or CRA: 

          Bankruptcy: Bankruptcy QUESTIONS Contact: 

          PayPal payment: 

          Option 8 Check / MO payment to: New Earth 4002 Hwy 78 Suite 530-321 Snellville, GA 30039 AR VALIDATION  

          Do you have an AR sent and paid for? First, log into your backend. Review your orders. Are they accurate? (If you did an AR in 2004 or 2005, will not be shown here, use your own documents for validation.

          Then validate each order 'paid'. (To pay can) WHO IS FCUSA? NEW MEMBERS WELCOME 

           Why be a member of FCUSA? Many of us are fed up with the 'false means' of the mainstream media and we want a real source of news. Earth News provides true expertise in financial, political, health, taxes and economic world with daily updates: EARTH NEWS FREE NEWSLETTER many are struggling with financial problems: The GCR (Global Currency Reset) can provide holders of coins value deleted enormous influence on changing time, the RV (Reassessment). Members learn about undervalued currencies and ways to exchange them advantageous ways to help humanity, projects and themselves financially. ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company are three sources that offer tickets 100 trillion Zimbabwe, 2008 AA. Would you like to participate? Enjoy all the benefits of membership: Member Benefits Full access to the site Open calls Monday introductory call Call prostitution calls to members Monday Calling VIP Tuesday call members Thursday QE Call financial RV NEWS AND NOTIFICATION business news NESARA AMERICAN DREAM Act Papal GSA LLC Benevolence Freedom FREEDOM NEWS CONSTITUTION Taxes Education FREE direct / recorded REPORT CALLS fOR INQUIRY 911 TRUTH CHEMTRAILS VACCINES GMO fluoride welfare Ascension QUANTUM ENERGY BIORENEW membership MAINTAINING MEMBER turn your financial challenges in hard money with GSA! More information Toll free help to order: 1-855-942-8324 9-4 Monday - Friday RV Oriental UPDATE [Back] ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company three sources offering 100 trillion dollars Zimbabwe banknotes, 2008 AA. RV rates larger screen X Notes screen projected rates = Total ZIM 100T x $ 65.00 = $ 6,500t USN USN VND 500,000 x $ 128.00 = $ 64M USN USN IDR 100,000 x $ 10.00 = $ 1M USN USN AFA 100,000 x $ 10.50 USN = $ 1M USN IQD 25,000 x $ 245.00 = $ 6,125M USN USN negotiated rates are significantly higher with NDA. The new currency is already in banks and redemption centers ($ 100 bills into stacks of $ 2,500). The Ruphia, Dinar, Zim, Dong, Rial are in the first basket. HSBC and a number of additional banks now handle all ZIM / redemption currency bonds within the US - through US military protection - US military installations as well as select locations. However, only HSBC is offering the "ZIM negotiated rates", including an NDA. All other refunds will be handled fiat currencies through traditional retail banking brands in the United States, levels 1 to 4. (including Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America and Citibank). Confidentiality Agreement: As a general rule, if you sign a confidentiality agreement that would be required to not talk about his place of change, the amount of money you must pay taxes because the "Obama Act has expired 06/30/17. move your money is not a taxable event.

          The new SIDS / SWIFT banking system works so well that hundreds of arrests have occurred after corrupt people tried to access the system. ISIS is funded by the Cabal (drug money Mossad) and sCIASaudi Arabia and supported by the Clinton and Bush Nazi. Donald Trump is working with our General to exterminate all radical Islamic extremists anywhere in the world starting with Iraq and Syria. Trump has eliminated the United States from the negative environmental part of the Paris Agreement (CO2 emissions are good for the environment that feeds the plant kingdom). Impostaría a negative tax and stifle economies. The GESARA portion remains viable. The European Union was created by the CABAL and is being attacked by citizens across Europe. While Cabal kicked like Obama and Clinton mocked Brexit to preserve the power of Cabala over the UK and Europe, Donald Trump was on the other side working to undo the power of the European Union. Britain has officially been the European Union. France is next! Pharmaceutical companies are owned by the CABAL and his subordinates. Trump's next challenge is to ask Robert Kennedy Jr. to tear down dangerous vaccines and drugs that result in autism, AIDS and a host of injuries, cancer and death. Trump ended the horrible Cabal agreement backed TPP trade would have been the final nail in our economy. Wants to remake the NAFTA agreement that was created by the presidents of Cabal, Bush Sr and signed into law by Clinton. The Cabal was flooding Europe and America with refugees to hide all the mercenaries who were to systematically tear apart our country with terrorism. Trump is blocking its entrance and a Supreme Court supporting the ban. Pedofilia rings extend to Asia, and are embedded in the deepest recesses of the US and the political system in the UK. Why do you think that 97% of the media, and 98% of the political establishment (of both parties), and 100% of SWAMP are against Trump? They are very afraid of Trump - because he is the first and only person - ever in history - to really threaten their gravy train. Trump said: "We have to bring the world's currencies at a level of play." (GCR / RV) Multiple nations including here on US soil, have special forces operating in all theaters with shoot to kill orders and a mission that has intensified quickly. They are turning to the occult leaders Cabal hidden in their hideouts and go "hunting clan". Globally, we have up to 50 million cardholders currency give or take. At last count we have 25,000 more places to redeem modernity in North America alone. Most banks are participating multiple levels. The RV is not a big secret in banking, political and corporate circles. Keep your coin (s) to physically be in a central exchange or guarded military police. Know a final desired final redeemed value for all its currency and ask the number on the negotiation of a fee. And you are unhappy too. Too little regret. But God knows your number - and you'll be fine. WHERE WILL BE STRESSING YOUR CASH? [He came back]

          How will you apply your time, talent and money? What will be your first task? Plan a vacation ... well deserved. Perhaps you are finding ways to feed the hungry, care for the homeless or unemployed. All noble deeds. Perhaps you will link with our members to share their time and talents to be more effective and increase its coverage of our planet. This is the reason why FCUSA has been prepared to bring our members help groups like deployment projects more quickly and efficiently minds. Some will be in our celebrations, others through telephone conferences or group meetings in regions. What is your favorite project? You can vote here to give us an idea of ​​your preferences. This will help us prioritize the projects that interest you most.

           Seven Steps to Ascension (Libertad)
           Step 1
           "Connecting all humans on Earth Special their hearts into the heart of Prime Creator." 
          Step 2 
          "We will Humans are living in an illusion."
          Step 3
          "Accept yourself as a limitless being of light and love having a dreamlike experience in the Special Earth."
           step 4 
          "Act in your messages of heart to turn the game into peace, care, prosperity, health and real-looking and accepting only the truth." 
          Step 5 "Awakening the higher realm of listening and intuitive sense of humanity and have a meditation around the world to agree to adopt and act GESARA and adopt and live the only law of the universe," do no harm ". 
          Step 6 "Extraction of other beings who do not accept the light energy is completando.Como humanity assimilates the awakening of illusion and are in their hearts and in the heart of the Creator, ads worldwide will come by all the media, the truth of the cabal and their removal, the end of oppressive governance, new freedom, forgiveness of debts, massive distribution of wealth, prosperity, the end of wars, release of new technologies and early common law by the people. 
          Step 7
           "Free the full funding of GCR RV." THANK YOU CREATOR PRIMARY BIORENEW [Back]

          Ask for the highest private negotiated rates. Be prepared to discuss and produce an overview of your favorite humanitarian projects and how they will produce jobs and help humanity and the Earth. Private Negotiated Rates or Fees Soberanas Private Negotiated Rates are for those projects or humanitarian plans. These should include job creations, start new businesses, help existing businesses, especially those that are failing, rebuild and provide new equipment for factories, build homes, food banks, building churches, helping veterans, help volunteer programs for schools, hospitals, help farmers and farmers build new sources of energy, providing new buses to all schools, build new parks or improve existing parks, build cities senior Build schools, build vocational schools, centers free tutoring, provide college scholarships, help local municipalities, such as police, fire, public works , etc., animal shelters, environmental problems and cleaning F land, oceans, rivers, lakes, etc. existing charities founded. The list is endless. Indicate what your heart's desire is to do for his humanitarian project. RV startup programs ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company three sources that offer tickets 100 trillion Zimbabwe, 2008 AA. build vocational schools, centers free tutoring, provide college scholarships, help local municipalities, such as police, fire, public works, etc., animal shelters, environmental problems and cleaning F land, oceans , rivers, lakes, etc. existing charities founded. The list is endless. Indicate what your heart's desire is to do for his humanitarian project. RV startup programs ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company three sources that offer tickets 100 trillion Zimbabwe, 2008 AA. build vocational schools, centers free tutoring, provide college scholarships, help local municipalities, such as police, fire, public works, etc., animal shelters, environmental problems and cleaning F land, oceans , rivers, lakes, etc. existing charities founded. The list is endless. Indicate what your heart's desire is to do for his humanitarian project. RV startup programs ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company three sources that offer tickets 100 trillion Zimbabwe, 2008 AA. rivers, lakes, etc. existing charities founded. The list is endless. Indicate what your heart's desire is to do for his humanitarian project. RV startup programs ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company three sources that offer tickets 100 trillion Zimbabwe, 2008 AA. rivers, lakes, etc. existing charities founded. The list is endless. Indicate what your heart's desire is to do for his humanitarian project. RV startup programs ZIM: Ebay, Amazon and The Great American Coin Company three sources that offer tickets 100 trillion Zimbabwe, 2008 AA.

           International: This is the lowest rate. You can see all front screens around the world, and will become for cash without a structured program. Market: This is a flat rate, which is higher than the international rate. You can be received if the customer is willing to participate in a payment program structure, so most of your money goes into an investment over a period of time. Interest payments will be allocated annuity and meet quarterly throughout the structured payment agreement. In addition, there will be a percentage of immediate liquidity (probably up to 20%) to all customers will be allowed to access immediately (basic nondisclosure agreements required). The highest rates negotiated privately: This was once called "sovereign rate"

          A customer will have to justify, show the intention and have plans prefabricated to receive the highest possible rates that are associated with negotiated private fares. Each negotiation will vary and will be strictly confidential (advanced non-disclosure agreements required). The rest of the story ... THE STATE OF CLUB IS INCREASING ENERGY [Back] 96.1% of humanity now 4D. 95% cábala now cornered / removed. 70% Consciousness Unit. 70% Neutralized artillery weapons. 50% The truth must be spoken. 70% Grace humanity. 70% Awareness of Christ. 51% Light Humana. Increase your BLT and self-respect with QE. Christ Consciousness testimonies [Back]

          Building on the "Universal Christ Consciousness" given to all
          They have entered the fourth dimension (100% on Earth with 100% so far accepted), now they have moved your heart space and have moved their hearts to the heart of the Creator? This is a spiritual experience as your next step ascension. Put yourself in these new energies as Jesus did the "Christ" or John the "Christ" or Trisha the "Christ" etc. All those in 4D or more have received this gift, now what are you going to do with this incredible gift? QUANTUM ENERGETICS [Return] If you missed our last special session HEALING with our last session QE can participate in the recordings now. Most participants are taking the change to this higher dimension and somehow feel lighter and carry an inner peace and knowing that all is well and healing. Occasionally, a member feel they can not reach their deep problems for the complete liberation of QE. When testing several of these, we have found that they were inflicted with dark or negative energies in, on and / or around your essence. If the individual is willing, we can easily release these remotely open a truer view of themselves and give them a great relief. If you have registered for QE ($ 0 initial cost and the balance only when it receives a payment from a club program) and this feels like your dilemma, use us and ask for a test and erase the dark / negative energies . We're processing our traumas with light and forgiveness (QE) or are stuck resisting the light and creating internal havoc with our emotions and health. You rise with the new energies of love or fall resistiéndolas. May you be blessed by accepting them. Comments after the recent sessions QE. Quantum Energetics Testimonials "Although I had no problem being clear about the emotions I felt, I had trouble connecting with any specific event, however, as the session progressed, I felt the excitement

          Releases This was especially evident after I brought my 4-year-old from the cloud and gave him a hug. I found that by embracing a small pillow helped make the connection feels real. After that, my invocation to St. Germaine and Lady Mary to help really started the action of the Violet Flame will. "RP" Thank you Tom, for generously and graciously share their healing methods yet to lift our world. (Not to mention, with humor)! I needed this. I feel like a soft noodle that can now believe, love and trust more fully! "DATA" QE really appreciate more and more every time I make these sessions. My increasing clarity of mind every day should be palpable for strangers, because I am experiencing increasingly positive reactions to me without me saying anything while I go about my day. "RP" Thank you, Tom, for generously and graciously share their methods of healing with everyone to raise our world. (Not to mention, with humor)! I needed this. I feel like a soft noodle that can now believe, love and trust more fully! "DATA" I'm so addicted to it that if I will get later, I hope not so patiently for recording to do my part in raising this world of our healing. Thanks, Tom, Lois and FCUSA for this help, healing for our growth. "Dona" Every time I release negative emotions in my psychological onion, I am grateful for this knowledge and process. Thank you very much for his humanitarian service to all who take the time to do the job - no matter how difficult it is to look at these underlying emotions that, in fact, cause our illness ... With sincere gratitude - Thank you. "Much clearer why I have been contrary to wealth, ending with a vote of several generations of refusing the money. I love the ripple effect of completing these sessions QE". Anon "10 years younger felt more energy, better circulation and much gratitude." SY Much better now, breathing deeply, calmer, relaxed. It felt much better! "I CH" I could see my smiling teenager with greater self-confidence and self-acceptance. She thanked me for helping release the self-denial and doubt. "

          "Love heals all. Speak your truth with wisdom, honor and integrity. I am an expression of love." SH "Exceptional. Content and peace. I think this was the best session yet." "I slept very deeply. I felt really good and empowered today. Love heals all. Speak your truth with wisdom, honor and integrity. I am a expression of love. " DOING MORE FOCUSED ON THE HEART The most significant part of it is letting go "outside the room" living a life replacing it with "heart - centered". You begin to trust your heart into the heart of the Creator and knows that internal messages are true. As you rely on this guidance in their everyday more and more decisions, you can discern the truth and necessary solution to every challenge. Let us become less dependent response knee last "false flag" attempt to move in fear and hope in our hearts to guide us to the truth. Explore audios muscle testing to discover their hidden abilities to find the truth as it releases its false about you and your world beliefs. This is the great virtue of Quantum Energy. Release you what is not true and replace them with what is true. QE Those in size 3.1 to 3.5 (very low) are having a very difficult time and are leaving the planet or being arrested. The 3.6 to 3.12 with effort can make the transition to 4D. (QE) All political, religious, military, pharmacists, doctors, bankers, lawyers, judges, police, Media and tax representatives, etc. they are not in the light are now arrested, have died or have been extracted from our planet. See light beings who have risen in dimension 4 taking leadership positions and sharing the truth. We see NESARA / GESARA and RV bless our planet with truth and abundance. We will see the change in ownership of the media and the truth will be shared worldwide. We will see true freedom back to real sovereign sovereignty and the world. We see NESARA / GESARA and RV bless our planet with truth and abundance. We will see the change in ownership of the media and the truth will be shared worldwide. We will see true freedom back to real sovereign sovereignty and the world. We see NESARA / GESARA and RV bless our planet with truth and abundance. We will see the change in ownership of the media and the truth will be shared worldwide. We will see true freedom back to real sovereign sovereignty and the world. 

          As the energy has increased, there are third dimensional beings on our planet. All have gone to 4D or have perished. I know nothing move your energy to a higher than the testimonies of QE vibration. All who choose light will find it. May you be blessed. Rev. Tom Read more here Dreaming a New Reality [Return] is important to understand that the things you think are far away, things that could qualify as only dreams, they can become realities and this is the lesson for all humanity. It is to understand the power you possess when you change your mind from one thing to another, from a low frequency to high. It will create the structure, increase the audience and allow the demonstration. Change "Working with love Remember, while it used to be that growth was based on discipline, admonishment, vibration acceleration energy and light quotient forward. Our New Earth vibration acceleration energy and light quotient forward. Our New Earth

           You will probably discover that these "artificial clouds" in the sky are full of destructive chemicals, toxins and viruses intended to damage life on planet Earth. Vaccines are increasing autism in our children; GMOs are destroying our food supply; The sound is destroying dolphins and whales; HAARP is creating or improving hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes; And fluoride in our water and toothpaste are numb our brains! Copyright © 2017 Freedom Foundation 4002 US Hwy 78, Suite 530-321, Snellville, GA 30039. All rights reserved.

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          SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...