
18 de abril de 2016

What will be the end of the Earth?

The first attempt to make a detailed study of past and expected future Earth history without resorting to divine intervention was the Scottish geologist James Hutton. In 1785 he published what may be considered as the first book of modern geology, which admitted that the study of the Earth did not see any sign of a beginning or end any prospects. 

Since then we have made ​​some progress. Today we're pretty sure that Earth acquired its present form some 4,600 million years ago. It was then when, from the dust and gas of the original nebula that formed the solar system was born our planet as we know it today. Once formed, and left alone as a collection of metals and rocks covered by a thin film of water and air, the Earth could exist forever, at least from what we know today. But they leave you alone? The answer is no. So how and when it will be the end of the world?
The nearest object of sufficient size and power enough to seriously affect Earth is the sun. While the Sun maintain its current level of activity (as it has done for billions years), the Earth will essentially unchanged. But can the sun maintain that level forever? And if not, what change will occur and how this will affect Earth?
Until the thirties of the twentieth century seemed evident that the Sun, like any hot body, had to finish cooling.Pouring and pouring energy into space, so this immense torrent would have to decrease and reduced gradually to a mere trickle. The sun would be orange, then red, would fading more and finally be extinguished. Or so they thought then.
In these conditions, also the Earth would slowly cooling. The water would freeze and polar regions would become increasingly widespread. Ultimately, even the equatorial regions would be warm enough to sustain life.The entire ocean would freeze into a solid block of ice and even liquefy the air first and then freeze. For billions of years, this icy Earth would rotate around the late sun.
But even the Earth, as a planet, still exist under these conditions.
The end of the Earth
However, during the thirties, nuclear scientists began by first to calculate the nuclear reactions that take place inside the Sun and other stars. They found that although the sun has to end by cooling, be periods of intense heating before the end. Once consumed most of the basic fuel, which is hydrogen, other nuclear reactions, which heat up the sun and make it expand greatly begin to develop.
Although it will emit a greater amount of heat, each portion of his now vast surface will touch a much smaller fraction of the heat and is therefore cooler. The Sun will become a red giant. In such conditions it is likely that the Earth will become a ember and then vaporize. At that time, the Earth, as a solid planetary body, will end his days.But do not worry too much. Still throw him about five billion years.Http://

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