
8 de mayo de 2017

The Ark of the Covenant of God a Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin

Greetings this is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 3, 2017. We are closer to changeover than ever before. I would like to begin a dialogue about the last 5,000 years of war on Planet Earth. The greatest perpetrator of the lies on the ground are found in the Old Testament, New Testament and the Koran. It is time to put those lies behind us as we strike a new Path and shift to the new Paradigm. For those new to these writings, Sananda is my name which is found in the Hindu Veda. I am one of the mind-born Sons of Brahma. There are four and we are sometimes called the 4 Holy Kumaras; Sanat, Sananda, Sanaka and Sanatana. We are Star-Farers and we have all had multiple Earth incarnations, Guiding humanity in their voyage within the Grand Experiment. Two of my Earth incarnations are Immanuel, known also as Jesus or Yeshua. I prefer Immanuel. Another incarnation of mine is as King Tutankhamen. What is not widely known is that during both of those incarnations I had possession of the Ark of the Covenant of God.

The Ark of the Covenant of God The Knowledge Star Sapphire Crystal Technology

The key to the Bible is this. The entire Old Testament is the story of Atlantis after the flood.
The entire Old Testament is telling about a very advanced Extraterrestrial technology; the Ark of the Covenant of God. This technology, the Ark, was first given to humankind by the Extraterrestrials (sometimes referred to as Angels) who have been observing and helping Earth’s evolution for at least the last 5000 years. The Ark is also known as the Tree of Life.
The Adam Kadmon Divine Blueprint was revealed in the Garden of Eden. Eve figured out the technology of the Tree of Life and she and Adam understood the knowledge of the Ark, the endless energy it provided and the water coherence and pure food it provided in the garden. This made their DNA strong and they were immortal. From this grew Atlantis. As evolution continued, technology improved and eventually in the duality setting of the Grand Experiment things went terribly wrong. Humanity needed to experience challenges.
In my lifetime as King Tut, my Grandfather, Amenhotep III and my Father-in-law, Akhenaten, took me and my wife, Akhenaten’s third daughter, Anes, when we were still children, took us for Initiation of the Extraterrestrial technology of the Ark of the Covenant in the Great Pyramid in Giza. This was something we studied and prepared for over time. When Akhenaten was killed by the Amun Priesthood, who did not benefit financially, through donations, by his new City where he taught there is only one God, I was next in line to assume the throne. That was the official story.

King Tut with the box which held the Ark sitting at his feet, Anubis the guardian of the Extraterrestrial Technology
King Tut’s Capacitor to carry the Ark of the Covenant of God Anubis on top with wooden poles

The Truth was Akhenaten had control of the ET technology provided by the Ark and the Amun priesthood wanted it for their own. So after they killed him, they killed me before I was of age to assume the throne. Chaos for my then wife followed and eventually a dark Pharaoh took over. Because of this, the technology was in the hands of Moses. Moses lived as the son of Pharaoh in Egypt and was initiated to the knowledge of the Ark of the Covenant of God in the Great Pyramid at Giza by the dark priesthood. He was given the Laws by the burning bush on top of the Mountain from an Extraterrestrial CloudCraft. These were hexagonal sapphire tablets. The dark stone. He had been given the knowledge of the Tree of Life to share with the 12 Tribes of Israel. The Sephiroth. The Knowledge. When he came down from the Mountain he saw they were not ready for immortality. They were not ready to Ascend.

The Ark of the Covenant of God – Extraterrestrial Technology

Eventually he came to know he was a Hebrew. He then left with the 12 Tribes of Israel and he took the Ark of the Covenant out of the Great Pyramid, with Him into the wilderness and stayed there, moving around and keeping it hidden, for 40 years. Eventually it was housed in the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, which today is under the authority of Islam. Later the Philistines removed it and took it to their Temple and used it for dark purposes. One of its powers is atomic warfare. They died as a result from radiation poisoning. They returned the Ark of the Covenant of God to the Solomon Temple. Very much later it was removed to Ethiopia.

Ancient Jewish Temple on Elephantine Island, Egypt

It was removed then, later to Elephantine Island in Egypt and later to Ethiopia. In my life as Immanuel, I was born in the cave near Quorum, Ethiopia in the energetic field of the Ark of the Covenant. This resulted in my DNA being highly structured and far advanced of others. I became the Living Ark. In fact, it is the real reason Immanuel was crucified. Not because of my followers. Of course not. Because I, Sananda as Immanuel, threatened to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. The dark Jewish priesthood, the same souls incarnate today, you call them the Khazarian Jews. My family and I were Essenes, seeded from the Zadokite Jews. The dark priests were in control of Jerusalem then and were flourishing without the Ark. They did not want it, or did they want the public to know about it’s ability to break their lives of slavery and survival culture.
The Ark of the Covenant contained within the Black Sun or the Black Star Sapphire which was the same as is within the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia. This Extraterrestrial technology had many uses which included building the very large Obelisks, Pyramids, Ziggurats and these were the Zero Point technologies of Free Energy. It carved as a laser into blocks of stone up to 1000 tons, over 20 feet tall. It carved the Sphinx in Giza right out of the bedrock. The Ark is a technology which makes a huge amount of coherency in structure of Spacetime around it.


Giza Plateau

Quorum Obelisks

Chichen Itza Pyramid

When the Ark is exposed to water, as it was under Pyramids, the water takes that imprint and goes into coherence and downloads more life-force. This is what effects the DNA coherency and makes immortal life. It is the external force of Ascension. This water when irrigating the fields made amazing crops and plenty of food. Ascension. Freedom. Now 2000 years later Earth has achieved that time when She has both the internal Knowledge and external ability to use the knowledge wisely. This is why we must all, since we all are Extraterrestrial in nature, that is, not originally from Earth, organize together and demand the few remaining Khazarian Jews make the Knowledge known to the public through our governments, ending the unlimited profits of the Secret Space program involving several countries, with Full Galactic Disclosure. The technologies of the Ark of the Covenant of God will then be released to the public and suffering and war on Planet Earth will forever come to an end. Next week will will explore this story in deep dive. This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. 2017 © All rights reserved. Please share with your friends and groups. An Invitation: Many have benefitted and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking please email me at eltrutwin @ It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session with video Skype or telephone. And you may ask anything you like.I have several written testimonials. SANANDA’S INVITATION THROUGH ELIZABETH TRUTWIN: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this moment. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked beth to offer her services for one hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda, to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the Light.~LORD SANANDA

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