
18 de octubre de 2018

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Fall of the Zionist House of Saud

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World events are fast-paced, with a big move against House Saud and a possible coup attempt this weekend against Russian President Vladimir Putin, say Pentagon, CIA and FSB sources.
First, the murder (or psy-op’s staged murder) on Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi is part of a plan to remove the Zionist-satanic house of Saud from control of Saudi Arabia and the oil of the Middle East, sources in the Pentagon said and the CIA.
The operation also aims to raise funds to keep the bankrupt US afloat, CIA sources say.
So the CIA has summarized the situation:
The US Treasury Department holds between $ 3-5 trillion in Saudi Arabian petrodollars that have been accumulating since the 1970s when this whole petrodollar sleigh ride began (around the same time Nixon closed the gold window).
These trillions were confiscated and will not be returned.
The same applies to the thousands of tons of gold stored at Credit Suisse and the UBS banks in Switzerland, owned by Saudi Arabia (House of Saud).
It was also confiscated.
It is a financial game for the Zionist chaotic house of Saud.
This is really a game set match.
It is no coincidence that the incident took place in Chashoggi when the head of the CIA in Turkey, Pastor Andrew Brunson, was released from the Turkish prison.
In the longer term, Turkey will regain control of its former possessions in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, while Israel will become a Jewish autonomous zone under Turkish protection, sources said.
As a precursor, Saudi clown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) may be cleared as Saudi Arabia faces Western sanctions and boycott in a dry run for an attack on Israel when 9/11 documents are released, sources in the Pentagon add.
We will discuss this further below, but as this newsletter was about to be published, we received urgent reports from FSB sources about a coup attempt against Russian President Vladimir Putin this weekend.
According to sources, a major move against the autonomous Donbass region of Ukraine led by Rothschild forces led to a major dispute within the Russian General Staff with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, supporting former FSB chief and Secretary of the Russian Federation Security Council Nikolai Patrushev as the new Russian Leaders, say the sources.
However, Putin was evacuated from Moscow with the support of three patriotic generals, and the coup was averted with the help of Russian special forces, the sources say.
These preliminary findings can be linked to the following report from CIA sources, which claims that several world leaders were called to Russia for a meeting with Putin, but none came from the US.
You were not granted any representation. What is Putin planning with the rest of the world leaders?
The reported coup attempt coincides with a sudden rise in fighting in eastern Ukraine, as reported by several regional news agencies.
The Russian sources say that a landing of 5,000 soldiers along the border with eastern Ukraine and Russia was fought off.
The fighting in Ukraine was part of an attempt to provoke a NATO attack on Russia in order to divert Russian attention from the coup attempt.
We have contacted the sources of the White Dragon Society FSB for further confirmation, but none have been received as this newsletter has been published.
We will provide emergency updates as needed.
In any case, the Rothschilds may have tried to topple Putin as a result of the terrible situation in their slave colony of Israel.
Here, the satanically revered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is attacked from several angles.
His wife, Sara Netanyahu, began her criminal case for fraud on Sunday.
Benyamin Netanyahu has been questioned 12 times by the police in connection with various fraud investigations and is expected to be arrested soon, say Mossad sources.
In addition, US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley has resigned on allegations of corruption for which she herself is being charged for her role in the frauds of Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu, CIA sources said.
It appears that she is soon to be charged with corruption because she has diverted $ 20 million in US aid destined to help the Palestinian people.
We both know that U.S. Aid is a CIA front organization, “they say.
The Pentagon’s sources summarized the situation: the purge begins when Israeli stooge Nikki Haley is knocked out by the UN, whose departure is long overdue, while her preferred replacement globalist Goldmanite Dina Powell is turned down.
Russian troops using electronic warfare in Syria have also ceased all activities of the Israeli Air Force, according to the Mossad-based site Debka.
This may have something to do with the grounding of the entire US fleet of F-35 fighter jets worldwide.
This may also be the reason why the reported coup attempt against Russia was carried out in a final attempt to save the satanic government of Israel.
However, this latest attempt by Zionists / Satanists to launch World War III will not succeed, say Russian, US and Chinese military sources.
Returning to the Saudi situation, we know from our CIA sources that the MBS was installed in power by Israeli special forces.
There is also a very high probability that he was killed in April of last year, when a gunfight was reported in his palace.
Last week, for example, Bloomberg Newspublished published what they claimed was an exclusive interview with him, but the person shown as MBS has little resemblance to the person seen in public before April.
We also find that the possibly murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi was a nephew or cousin, depending on the source (perhaps both, given the Saudi relatives’ relationships) of the arms dealer of Iran Contra Fame. Adnan Khashoggi once sent this writer a honey trap (to honor him, it was the finest honey trap I’ve ever been sent).
While I avoided the honey and thus the trap, she gave me a French book from Khashoggi, claiming that the Jews actually came from Egypt.
In other words, he seemed to try to warn me that they were nothing but the set (Satan, Ba al, Moloch) worshiping Hyksos.
Japanese sources also informed the US last week that their research had shown that people who call themselves Jews were divided into Satan and Yahweh (god) faction factions.
This brings us back to last week’s report from various sources, in which Hillary Clinton and other members of the US elite have performed cruel satanic sacrifices and rituals.
Please remember that the Arch of Baal was on display in Washington, DC, when the battle for the installation of Supreme Judge Brett Kavanaugh reached its peak.
Jonathan Cahn, author of The Paradigm, has pointed out that Baal was a god of power, fertility, and child sacrifice, so this site and many other sources.
The same arch from Baal was exhibited in various meetings of globalists, including 2017 at a World Government Summit in the UAE.
It may just be a coincidence, but last week, when the Globalist World Bank and the IMF held their annual summit in Bali, Indonesia, an earthquake hit the island.
As a CIA source commented: There are no coincidences in my world.
Even though the earthquake was just a coincidence, like the lightning that struck the Vatican when Pope Francis was chosen, there can be no doubt that the good will win.
At this point, our sources in the Pentagon would like to share the following two images of Melania Trump with our readers, with the following explanation: It may be Red October, but Melania wears white hats in Kenya and Egypt.
She wears a white tropical helmet in Kenya to warn China of its colonial ambitions for Africa, and a white felt hat in front of a pyramid to declare war on the cabal.
As usual, there is much that we can not yet report to protect our operations, but rest assured that evil is systematically removed from this planet.

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