
10 de agosto de 2017

57 countries signed a statement offering their strong support for Venezuela

Venezuela reaffirms the strong support received within United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva from 57 countries who signed a compelling document that sympathizes with attempts to intervene

Venezuela reaffirms the strong support received within United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva from 57 countries who signed a compelling document that sympathizes with attempts of foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Venezuela.

This statement was signed by  Russia, China, India, South Africa, Iran, Vietnam, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, UAE, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Angola, Ethiopia, Palestine, Qatar, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Syria, Ecuador, Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, People 's Democratic Republic of Korea, Eritrea, Namibia, Laos Philippines, South Sudan, Republic of Congo, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Tajikistan, Oman, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritania, Mozambique, Togo and Venezuela. 

Following is the full text of that statement:

Joint Statement in support of Venezuela:

1. We recognize the imperative for all States to respect the sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in accordance with the universal principles of non-interference in the internal affairs established in the United Nations Charter.

2. We believe it is the Venezuelan people who compete exclusively determine their future without outside interference.

3. We support the constitutional government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in its commitment to preserve peace and maintain democratic institutions in the country and its determination to ensure full observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Venezuela.

Four. It reiterated support the call made by the President Nicolas Maduro political dialogue between the different sectors that live in Venezuela, in order to preserve peace and ensure the stability of democratic institutions.

5. We welcome the commendable efforts towards political dialogue and peace by the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and former presidents Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero of Spain; Martín Torrijos of Panama; and Leonel Fernandez of the Dominican Republic, together with the Special Envoy of the Holy See.

6. We also support the incorporation of Latin America and the Caribbean to promote political dialogue in Venezuela, namely: El Salvador, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Member States of CARICOM.

7. We condemn any action that disturbs the peace, tranquility and democratic stability, undermining the democratic institutions of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and threatening its sovereignty.

8. We believe that the international community should build capacity and provide technical assistance based on the request of the country concerned, to address human rights challenges in the country.

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