
10 de agosto de 2017

In Venezuela they protest the privileged classes, the richest

In Venezuela protesting the upper classes, the wealthiest ... the people are with RIPE

In Venezuela they protest the privileged classes, the richest

By Luis Britto García.


He said the Colombian novelist William Ospina worldwide celebrate the rich and poor protest, while in Venezuela the poor and the rich celebrate protest. 

Our privileged revolt against whoever wins elections: in fourteen years bolivarianismo triumphed in 18 of 19 unobjectionable consultations. 

The opposition ignored all but a referendum where he won Pyrrhic victory, or isolated victories in local elections. 

In the elections of December 8, 2013 the Bolivarian won 240 of 337 mayoral: it is not uncommon that the unrest will focus first on 18, then 8 finally in 6 oppositional mayor of middle class population. 

No big feat block affluent neighbors barriers garbage on fire under the solicitous protection authorities and local police. 

Some gunmen abalean their own protesters back or folded bolivarianos from buildings. Metrobuses burn fifty and several power plants. 

They fall victim to both sides: what interests the killings is the victim, the raw material for transnational disinformation. Worshipers of death hang dolls as announcing the atrocities of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Astutely says Alejandro Fierro " If true the story of the international media about the glut of youth, has long Chavismo would have been defeated at the polls, since 60% of the Venezuelan population is under 30 years "( Other News , 02/20/2014). 

Recent survey data GIS XXI provides enlightening: 

79% of young people between 14 and 24 years studying; 

67% of them in public and free institutions. 

90% believe that the studies will provide many or many opportunities. 

73% shows that the best system is the Bolivarian participatory democracy; 6%, representative democracy, dictatorship 6%. 

60% think that the best economic system is socialist;  21% capitalist. 

Let us add that nine and a half million Venezuelans, one out of three studies, and one in ten in Higher Education. 

If the majority of students supported the protest, the government would fall in hours under the thrust of a third of the population. 

But according to the Guinness World Records Book  2008 , we are for that year  's World fel iz country . 

According to the  survey Gallup  2010 , we are the  fifth most prosperous country in the world . 

According to  the Happy Planet Index , Venezuela presents for 2010 a brand experienced Wellness 7.5 out of 10, which  the ties with Switzerland and places just for a decimal below Norway . 

In a decade we have reduced poverty by more than thirty points; we are the country with the lowest social inequality Latinoaméricacapitalista. 

There is a picture of frustration or lack of expectations. 

Mass demonstrations of women, students and peasants bolivarianos roam the country without international agencies the register. 

In Venezuela stirs a minority combination of violent lumpen middle class with respect only when wins elections.

Survey published on 24th February by Hinterlaces still sheds more light. 42% of respondents believes that Maduro must complete its mandate; 29% believe that could only leave for a recall referendum; only 23% choose the option to "go out": a majority of 71% support for both institutions. 

On the economy,  35% claim "hard line against hoarders and speculators"; 29% "a partnership between national government and private enterprise"; again only a minority 22% is in favor of "out and" President.

The leadership of forties that promotes unrest not only represents the youth and most of the country: not even represent the majority of the opposition. 

Leopoldo Lopez, who unleashes violence on February 12 goading a mob to destroy the building of the Prosecutor and then disappears, came third in the primary elections for presidential candidates. 

María Corina Machado, feverish supporter of the incendiary line, did not get even 2% of the vote in them. 

Both compete in prominence fight to wrest the leadership of the extreme right Capriles, who declared that the government did not conquer with street riots, after having convened one that left a dozen dead. 

They do not respect democracy even among them.

In 2002 the employers' association FEDECAMARAS coup imposed by its President as a dictator for 72 hours; He tried to break the country with a closure of companies or lock out more than two months and cut food distribution. 

The current wave of violence started after the business fades into ghost imports 50,000 million dollars that the government gives them privileged with rate change; after traders start an economic war with strategic stockouts and usurious overpricing, and as the government countered with a law that sets fair prices capped at 30% commercial profit Do the protests demanding vaporizable 60,000 million dollars? Legalizing benefits 1,500%? A new dictatorship?

Or are desperate appeal to coup or foreign intervention? 

The last and most violent outbreak of unrest is concentrated in some municipalities in the border state of Tachira, bridges prolonged paramilitary infiltration Excuse an invasion that secesione the rich West of Venezuela? 

Does the recolonization of Bolivar's homeland? Everything you expect from those who believe have a right to everything without the vote of anyone.  PS:Venezuela, the rebellion of the rich .


The example given Terrible Venezuela and the press-tutes media are silent

The Terrible Example Venezuela

Did you know that in Venezuela pays no rent because everyone has the right to housing?

What nobody pays electricity, water or gas because it is a public right that everyone has?

Did you know that those long lines that television shows are only in supermarkets with subsidized by the state acquired for a nominal price and not found in other foods supermarkets?

Did you know that with $ 4 gasoline tank is filled car?

I did not know, I did not know it? Strange, no?

Why is it that the media does not inform us of this ... There is food for thought?

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