
15 de septiembre de 2017

SURROUNDED "- GCR / RV Intel SITREP - Why are we still behind schedule?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Why are we still behind?

This is why.

Here is what the nPTB (BRICS) is doing to the oPTB (Cabal), as well as the aPTB (Elders), on the advice of the bPTB (Benevolent).

Involvement is a military strategy for the situation when a force or a target is isolated and  surrounded by enemy forces.

This situation is highly dangerous for the force circumscribed to a strategic level because it can not receive reinforcements or supplies, and in the tactical plane because the encircled force can be subject to an attack from several sides.

Finally, since the surrounding force can not retreat, unless it is relieved or broken, it  must fight to the death or surrender.

A special enclosure is called a siege.

In this case, the encircled forces are wrapped in a fortified position in which supplies and strong defenses are in place, allowing them to withstand attacks.

The sieges have taken place in almost all the epochs of the war. In modern warfare, a force that is not under siege is commonly known as a pocket.

Sun Tzu and other military thinkers suggest that an army should not be completely surrounded and should be given some space to escape, to "fencing" for army men to raise their morale and fight to the death.

It is better to keep them in mind, with the possibility of defeat.

Once the enemy retreats, they can be pursued and captured or destroyed with much less risk to the pursuing forces than a fight to the death.

The clique has been slowly surrounded for decades, around the world, and the rope is tightened more and more.

Afflicting the corrupt and their leaders, forcing governments to return to the world including the Corporation of the United States of America, which is exactly what is being played at this time really.

God is with us.

N. of R.

GCR - Global Currency Reset - Global Monetary Resettlement

RV - Revaluation / Revaluation of Devalued Currencies

SITREP - SITuation REPort - Status Report

oPTB [old Power That Be]

nPTB [New Power That Be]

aPTB [Ancient Powers That Be]

bPTB [benevolents Power That Be - benevolent ETs in power]

BRICS - an acronym for an economic-trade association of the five largest emerging national economies in the world. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.


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