
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta US middle East. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta US middle East. Mostrar todas las entradas

20 de marzo de 2018

US coalition evacuates several leaders of the Islamic State in northeastern Syria

The US - led international coalition has evacuated with the help of three helicopters four leaders of the  Islamic State  in northeastern Syria, reports the agency  Sana .

Citing civilian sources, the media said that helicopters have landed Monday in an area between the towns of Al Jissi and Kalu, both located in the region of the Syrian city of Qamishli.

The military accompanied four Iraqi nationals residing in a house identified as a center for Islamic State leaders, who were taken to an unknown destination.

It is not the first report that suggests that the coalition helps terrorists to leave the territory before the advance of Syrian forces.

For example, it has been reported the evacuation of terrorists in the region of Deir ez Zor.

Meanwhile, according to the agency, on February 26, two US helicopters ferried several terrorists of the Islamic State from the region of the Syrian city of Al Shaddadi to a center located south of Hasaka US forces used as a training center for terrorist groups.

Jaafari: US threats against Syria incite terrorists to use chemical weapons

UN (Sputnik) - Washington's statements about possible actions in Syria incite terrorists to launch chemical attacks, said the Arab country's permanent representative to the UN, Bashar Jaafari.
Earlier, US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, said the US is willing to act against the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria.
"All these statements and irresponsible and provocative intentions contradict the UN Charter, are a direct incitement to terrorist groups using chemical weapons and return to fabricate evidence and blame the Syrian army, as they have done in the past," Jaafari said .
This March 12 Russia's permanent representative to UN, Vasili Nebenzia said that the terrorist group Al-Nusra Front (also known as Fatah al Sham, banned in Russia) used a substance containing chlorine in East Guta, rural area on the outskirts Damascus.
Syrian opposition reported on 4 April that 80 people died and 200 were injured after the alleged chemical weapons attack in the city of Khan Shaykhun of Idlib province (northwest).

The complaint indicated as responsible government troops in Syria, which strongly rejected this accusation and charged the radical groups and their sponsors.
Syrian authorities said they never used chemical weapons against civilians or terrorists and that the whole arsenal of toxic agents was removed from the country under the control of the OPCW.
The OPCW Joint Investigation Mechanism of the UN and presented at the end of October to the Secretary General of the UN its report on two alleged chemical attacks: the use of sarin in Khan Shaykhun on April 4, 2017, and the mustard gas Umm Hawsh from 15 to 16 September 2016.
The report blamed Damascus for the first case and the Daesh terrorist group (banned in Russia), the second.

© Ford WILLIAMS / US NAVY / AFP The guided missile destroyer USS Porter of carrying out attack operations while it is in the Mediterranean Sea, on April 7, 2017

11 de diciembre de 2017

Is America really a superpower or simply the largest collection of stupid things on the planet?

SYRIA - ISIS EXPIRES - the USA. UU. They are on the next line

Paul Craig Roberts 

December 11, 2017  Is America really a superpower or simply the largest collection of stupid things on the planet? Syria - ISIS is defeated - United States is the next in line  Washington has already lost once the Syrian war. Now he is about to lose a second time. A few days ago the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, declared a "complete victory" in Syria:  "Two hours ago, the defense minister (Russian) informed me that operations in the eastern and western banks of the Euphrates had completed the total defeat of the terrorists. " Iranian forces commander who support the Syrian and Iraqi governments sent a note to the US. UU. to inform Washington that any remaining US force in Syria will be defeated:

"The corps commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Brigadier General Haj Qassem Soleimani sent a verbal letter, via Russia, the chief commander of US forces in Syria, advising him to withdraw all US forces to the last soldier 'or doors hell ' "will open.  

.." My message to the military command of the US: when you finish the battle against ISIS (the Islamic State), any American soldier be tolerated in Syria.  I advise you to leave your own free will or you'll be forced to do so. " 

According to reports, Russia has confirmed that Iran will remain in Syria as Syrian President Assad, who insists Syria free all without exception for Americans to decide. Washington's plan to occupy a corner of Syria and revive ISIS is dead in the water, like all US troops sacrificed for this purpose. 

According to reports, the CIA director Mike Pompeo Soleimani sent a letter expressing concern about Iran's intention to attack US interests, declaring that Washington "Soleimani and Iran liable for any attack." 

According to reports, the letter from the CIA had no effect and was treated with utter contempt:

"Mohammad Mohammadi Golpayegani, a senior official of Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, confirmed the attempt to Pompeo send a letter, but said 'Soleimani refused to read it or take it because it has nothing else to add.  "Sources in the area believe it is unlikely that the Kurdish troops operating in al-Hasaka and are loyal to the government of Damascus, are willing to be led against US forces. Many of these troops remained loyal to Syria: reject any occupation force in their homeland or partition the country. "  

There are references to the events of 1983 in which hundreds of US Marines and French paratroopers were killed after two suicide bombings by Islamists in Beirut.  As a result of these attacks, US forces were in ahurry.  the future may well reflect this past event.  

Possibly this is a false news. If not, we must accept the humiliation suffered by the United States, its government and its people is the work of the neoconservatives and their doctrine of US world hegemony. Are the neoconservatives who caused the US. UU. They were at war with Muslims for 16 years. They are the neoconservatives who act through Obama and Hillary who led the United States to a humiliating defeat in Syria. 

There is only a handful of these neocons. Why do Americans tolerate? 

Why Trump has not arrested? They are anti - American, pro - Israel in the center. The neocons are the worst enemy of Americans and of all humanity. 

It seems that the Russians already have enough of the arrogance of Washington. 

Russian General Konashenkov, the Su-35 shooed the F-22 lower US trying to interfere with a Russian attack on ISIS, said any statement made by US military officials about the fact that there "somewhere airspace Syria "" Konashenkov also said that "Syria is a sovereign state and a member of the UN, which means that there can be a proper US airspace." Unlike the Russian air Force, the US - led coalition is operate in Syria without any legal basis. "   

was  will  consider that Washington has squandered its leadership in the Middle East and go home, or Washington will bring more humiliation to theUnited States?

4 de diciembre de 2017

ISIS = US + ISRAEL - - - Syria: Ex FDS spokesman admits that allowed allies to abandon Daesh Raqa by US requirements

ISIS result image = US + ISRAEL

Syria:  Ex FDS spokesman admits that allowed allies to abandon Daesh Raqa by US requirements

This is not the first time Washington has organized the evacuation of jihadists so that they can resist the Syrian army in other key points of that Arab country.
E.UU. facilitated the departure of hundreds of fighters from the Islamic terrorist organization State of the Syrian city of Raqa to offer resistance to the forces of Damascus in the province of Deir ez Zor , has revealed the former secretary press of Democratic Forces in Syria (SDF in English) Silo Talal, who fled to Turkey last November.

Earlier,  the BBC reported that some 250 terrorists EI Raqa left under the protection of the international coalition led by Washington, in coordination with the SDF. 
The Pentagon  confirmed  that information , but denied that the US was part of the coalition pact with the terrorist organization.
"Americans believed that the forces of the regime (of President Bashar al Assad) would reach Deir ez-Zor in six weeks. 
But when the Syrian army was advancing at a rapid pace,  USA He demanded that the SDF begin negotiations with EI. 
Therefore, the terrorists were to leave Raqa and head to the city of Al-Bukamal in the province of Deir ez Zor,  in order to prevent the advance of Assad's forces. 
Negotiations were conducted to allow 3,500 terrorists could leave , "Silo said in an interview with the Turkish agency  Anadolu .
Smokescreen to cover aid to terrorists
Washington wanted terrorists arrived in Deir ez-Zor before the Syrian army, and  to cover this operation two , "theatrical" mounted to the press , he said. 
Under the first operation,  the SDF presented to the media the supposed surrender of 275 jihadists, who were only civilians brought from other towns who made them go through EI fighters.
"In the second scenario,  reporters were forbidden to go to Raqa , warning that there were strong place confrontations with terrorists who had holed up in the city. But really not a bullet did not fire. 
During that time, the terrorists who left the city reached their destination. Then we announced that Raqa was  released . Later we learned that some of these terrorists went to other places , "said Shiloh.
According to the exportavoz of the SDF, Raqa has not been the only place that has been evacuated members of the Islamic State since  at least twice more Washington organized the evacuation of a total of 3,000 armed extremists and supplies from other Syrian cities.

12 de junio de 2017

United States allows the leaders of the Islamic Caliphate leave Raqqa

United States allows the leaders of the Islamic Caliphate leave Raqqa

US troops and Kurdish Democratic Forces are allowing terrorists of the Islamic Caliphate leave Raqqa, rather than eliminate them, he said today the general Serguei Surovikin, commander of Russian forces fighting in Syria.

Surovikin has criticized the US-led forces in northern Syria to reach an agreement with the leaders of the Islamic Caliphate so they can leave the city without firing a shot.

The plan of the imperialists is moving the bulk of jihadist the fronts on which operates the Syrian regular army militias, said the Russian general.

Under the pretext of "fighting terrorism," the US uses the ayihadistas to deal with the Syrian army advancing towards the eastern border.

The operation to liberate Raqqda began three days ago and has already managed to dislodge the Islamic Caliphate of one of the districts, according to Kurdish sources.

Raqqa was occupied in 2013 and has since been the center of most important Islamic Caliphate operations.

The Frace Press Agency reported that the first units of the Syrian regular army have reached the Iraqi border in the east, for the first time this morning since 2015.

The good news may be overshadowed by another: the border is infected with US troops and other imperialist powers, with shocks that may occur, as is already happening in the south, where yesterday shot down a Syrian drone.

In the next few hours an official statement from the government of Bashar Al-Assad, which demands the withdrawal of all foreign troops occupying their territory illegally expected.

Posted by  Popular Resistance

9 de mayo de 2017

Syria launches operation to prevent US invasion and Jordan

By  May Schwarzkopf ,

The Syrian army has launched an offensive to stop the advance of armed groups supported by  Jordan and the US  on the outskirts of  Damascus , Syria 's capital.
Syrian forces in airbase  Al-Seen , east of  Damascus,  attacked the positions of the 'rebels', headed members called  Free Syrian Army  (ELS) in the area  Bear al-Saba,  he has reported Sunday the portal  web Al-Masdar News.
He explained that the 5th Legion Syrian army has taken control of  Bear al-Saba,  forcing the rebels to withdraw from the desert region of the province.
To such an offensive is  deterring the possible intervention of US and Jordanian troops  in the field of Damascus, he said a Syrian military source told Al-Masdar News.
The 5th Legion Syrian Army  was formed several months ago by the Russian military in order to meet the needs of  Damascus  in its fight against terrorist groups operating in the country.
The new offensive by the Syrian army takes place after Syrian President  Bashar al-Assad,  announced last April to have more information about the  plans of Jordan to deploy troops on Syrian soil  in coordination with the US already deployed in  Syria.
About a month, the media speculated that makes  Jordan, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Israeli regime and Saudi Arabia  may have deployed forces in the Jordanian-Syrian border and  be planning to open a new front against Syrian army in the south.
In response to these speculations, Foreign Minister of  Syria Walid al-Moallem said that Russia , Iran and Syria  have discussed this issue, and confirmed that the three countries have "common proceedings against any aggression that may have by white territory Sirius". 

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