
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta corruption. Bilderberg. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta corruption. Bilderberg. Mostrar todas las entradas

6 de septiembre de 2018

Bilderberg Traitors Busting the Myths of Operation Market Garden

How did the Nazis find out the paratroopers were coming?

Open your Eyes

To achieve full consciousness, trust your own intuition. Unfortunately, people still say, “What other choice do I have than to trust our leaders?” Clearly, these people have chosen not to open their eyes and mind, while on the road to world domination are a few criminal Deep State Elites. These people are not willing to think for themselves, joining the growing number of citizens that are united in this upcoming transformation of our world. The rotten mind-set is being revealed that only serves one plan, that of the New World Order; with their plans to cull the population by 90%, destroy civilisation and make the rest serfs to the Archon bloodline elites. – Quoted from a secret protocol from the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1950:

“We shall have World Government, whether or not people like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”

Prince Bernard of the Netherlands chaired sixty-four-years ago in 1954, the inauguration of the secretive Bilderberg group, a sister alliance of the CFR, in Oosterbeek, a suburb of Arnhem in the Netherlands.

This first conference led to the signing of the Treaty of Rome, which started the European Economic Community (EEC) three years later. This venue was highly significant, being the same spot where a decade before, the British army had suffered around 10,000 casualties in one of the last Nazi bloodbaths of World War II. As it later turned out; Bernhard had given the game away and when it looked like, despite his treachery, the brave allied soldiers might pull it off, then Carrington and his corps of tanks approaching from the south, grinded to a halt in Lent, 15Kms south of Arnhem, just north of the river Waal for ‘an eighteen-hour tea break’.

Whichever way we look at it, now over sixty-four years later, the ‘coded’ message from that first Bilderberg meeting should read loud and clear. – Ten years after the war, the Nazis were set to come back again. Or seventy-five years since the Arnhem slaughter and about sixty-plus-years since the first Bilderberg conference, the EEC has become the EU. – NATO’s new feudal oligarchy of Western banksters and multinationals, owned and fully controlled by the bloodline illuminati – and the big political parties, actually almost everything that moves both sides of the Atlantic.

Prince Bernhard the Traitor of the Netherlands

To be more specific: Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was born into the German aristocracy. He joined the Nazi party at university – then the SS. When he married into the Dutch royal family, he shelved his black SS uniform just before the war started. Thereafter, his old Nazi friends invaded his newly adopted Holland in 1940, after which he fled to Britain with the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, while his wife, Princess Juliana, together with their children, took refuge in Canada. – As a former SS officer, the Admiralty’s wartime spymaster, Ian Fleming (MI5) who scrutinised Bernhard, signed him to the British army as a trusted Dutch liaison officer.

Operation Market Garden

To liberate The Netherlands from German occupation and to end WWII, Field Marshall Montgomery’s daring airborne operation, the biggest in history, was specifically designed; with the special Operation code ‘Market Garden’. It advanced on Sunday September 17, 1944. But most of this carefully planned operation was leaked to the Germans.

Prince Bernhard betrayed the Dutch people in his most important job in 1944 as liaison officer for the pending Arnhem deliverance, while also supervising the Dutch resistance underground in the run-up to this liberation of the northern part of Holland. He abused his authority when he leaked to the Germans ten days in advance of the operation through a Dutch spy, the details of this pending operation, so that the Nazis could prepare their resistance fighters to attack the western allies moving to the Rheine Bridge. The result was that, “the British paratroopers at Arnhem were quickly split in two and were surrounded by German forces possessing self-propelled guns, tanks and fanatic SS troops, ‘who happened to be residing nearby’. Nevertheless, Frost’s 2nd battalion held onto the bridge, leaving the rest of the 1st Airborne Division surrounded by what the Nazis called the ‘Hexenkessel’, in Arnhem’s suburb Oosterbeek.

Around 80,000 allied soldiers and airmen took part in what is still the biggest airborne operation in history. The consequences were catastrophic for the allied armed forces but worse for the Dutch civilian population. In the subsequent ‘Hongerwinter’ (Hunger Winter), after the Germans had cut off all food supplies to the Arnhem region, an estimated 22,000 Dutch civilians were starved to death. The week-long battle resulted in around 2,500 dead soldiers on both sides, roughly 7,000 German and 15,000 allied casualties in total, while 6,500 British paratroopers were taken prisoner.

On Wednesday 20 September, 1944, as British Airborne Colonel John Frost’s remaining paratroopers were being mauled by SS Panzers at the Arnhem Bridge, the tanks of the Grenadier Guards, along with US paratroopers, were tantalisingly close (just 15KM south of the Arnhem bridge), destroying the last German defences down the road in Nijmegen.

Ironically, this took place under the commando of a “young captain, who in his later life was also to chair the Bilderberg meetings, named Lord Peter Carrington. He led the Grenadier battle group of Sherman tanks as they took the penultimate bridge over the river Waal in Nijmegen. At 8 o’clock that evening, he was just a 20-minute drive from reinforcing Frost at the Arnhem Bridge, which would have ensured victory. But although they still had eight hours or so left before the Arnhem Bridge would finally fall into German hands, Carrington’s force, along with the Irish guards of a hundred or so tanks, inexplicably stopped just over the Nijmegen Bridge in the village of Lent for an eighteen-hour rest.

After the war, SS Panzer Division General Heinz Harmel ridiculed Carrington saying, “The British tanks made a mistake when they stayed in Lent. If they had carried on it would have been all over for us.”

The Bilderberg’s first 1954 venue chaired by Prince Bernhard – ironically again -took place in Oosterbeek, about 5 KM away from the Rheine bridge in Arnhem – Holland, apparently highly significant, being the same spot where a decade before the British army had suffered nearly 10,000 casualties in one of the last Nazi bloodbaths of World War II. Prince Bernhard had given the game away, but despite his treachery, the brave allied soldiers pulled it off. The Prince personally presided over the Bilderberg group until 1976, after which he had to resign, after admitting that he had accepted large sums of money in bribes from Lockheed Martin to promote the sale of aircraft to the Dutch government. In 1991 Lord Peter Carrington, the former NATO secretary general, became chairman of the Bilderbergers.

For your Contemplation

Pause a moment before reading on to contemplate the significance: Bernhard, the prince of the Dutch people – deliberately killed 10.000 young soldiers, and created the severest hunger winter in western world history in the northern part of The Netherlands, during which hundreds of thousands of innocent people starved from lack of food, water, shelter, and heating. It may blow your mind since this is completely verified. The evidence should convince us that authorities cannot be trusted, past or present!

The Oosterbeek-founded Bilderberg lobby which Bernhard and Carrington chaired was also accused in 2010 by Italy’s most senior judge Ferdinando Imposimato, of working together with international organised crime; of using far right agents in the NATO intelligence structures to kill hundreds of European citizens in ‘Gladio’ terrorist attacks, from the 1970s to 1990s, which they consistently tried to blame on Moscow.

Governments are not interested in the wellbeing of the populace

It is tradition that people trust their government. They believe they care about their fate. This is an absolute fallacy; it is the Deep Sate that rules the world in the spirit of the End justifying the Means. They rule from behind the scenes of the official curtain. The bloodline illuminati designate the fate of this world, a secret group of people who know each other well and appoint themselves and their successors. Their power exists by virtue of unconditional confidentiality.

Busting the myths of Operation Market Garden

On Saturday the 22nd of September next, in two weeks’ time, former BBC- British journalist Tony Gosling has organised anaudio-visual seminar, to be presented in Community Center the KREEK in Oosterbeek, Weverstraat 24, 6862 DP Oosterbeek in the Netherlands.

Mr. Tony Gosling will present evidence that, after August 1944, senior collaborators within the British state were doing secret deals with high-ranking Nazis for enriched uranium, gold and money, in exchange for safe passage and new identities after the war, in a Top Secret operation named Operation Paperclip. He goes on to explain how two key figures who made decisive ‘blunders’ at Operation Market Garden, were rewarded with top jobs in political lobbying for corporate cartels across the NATO countries; the EEC; eventually the EU and also the Euro currency.

For seventy-five years we have been taught Operation Market Garden, British commander Montgomery’s plan to liberate Holland, was a badly concocted mission, doomed to fail. However, British journalist Tony Gosling begs to differ. He believes the battle of Arnhem was deliberately sabotaged to prolong the war on the Western front by treacherous anti-Soviet elements in the British Establishment.

The agenda of the seminar will cover the following subjects:
  • How did the Nazis find out the paratroopers were coming?
  • Who gave the permission for a former SS officer to help plan Market Garden?
  • How did a Dutch-born British army counter-intelligence officer nearly save the day?
  • Who really cut the wires and prevented the Waffen-SS from blowing up the Nijmegen bridge?
  • Why did the British tanks, which could have relieved Arnhem, grind to a halt in Lent?
  • Which Germans came to the first Bilderberg hotel meeting in 1954?
  • What have the consequences of losing in Arnhem been for the post-war world?
  • Who are the real heroes and traitors of Nijmegen and Arnhem?

It is highly recommended, especially to Dutch citizens, to use this opportunity for first-hand learning, to become convinced through facts and evidence that the Dutch Royal House of Orange, the Dutch government and all others in positions of authority notoriously betray, us the populace.

Source: Final Wakeup Call

29 de diciembre de 2017

Trump executive order aims to deep state and opens the door to full disclosure

Something very profound occurred in the United States on December 21 with the approval of the "Executive Order of President Donald Trump to block Property Persons Involved in Corruption and Abuse of Human Rights". The  order declares a state of national emergency  with respect to corruption and human rights, and names specific individuals and organizations that have their bank accounts frozen assets no matter where in the world the abuses were committed.
While the mass media have sovereignly ignored Executive Order Trump, alternative media have been paying close attention. Many have noted that the Executive Order is much more important than it seems on the surface. Instead of freezing the financial resources of foreign nationals linked to the sphere of Russian influence, as it appears to on the surface, it is actually pointing to members of the "Deep State" (also known as Cabal or Iluminati) who have been involved in human trafficking, pedophilia and systematic corruption around the globe.
The  language of the Executive Order  is very open in terms of how international corruption and human rights abuses threaten national security of the United States:
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of corruption and human rights abuses that have their source in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those who committed or were directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that threaten the stability of economic systems and international political ... the United States seeks to impose tangible consequences and meaningful to those who commit serious human rights abuses or engage in corruption as well as protecting the financial system of the United States of abuse by these same people.
I, therefore, determined that corruption and serious human rights abuses around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary national security foreign policy threat, and the economy of the United States, and, by this document, I declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.
This Annex  identifies key individuals and organizations, several of which are clearly associated with Russia. Executive Order is linked to the  Global Law Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability , which emerged from the killing of a prominent dissident who exposed the human rights abuses and corruption in Russia.
This link can easily lead readers to believe falsely that the Executive Order is only targeting the corrupt Russian officials and human rights abuses and corruption of countries in the Russian sphere of influence.
However, as to various sources of alternative means, Executive Order Trump goes far beyond the Russian sphere of influence. Actually it is pointing to the deep state, and fulfilling his  campaign promise 2016  to "drain the swamp".
For example, Jim Stone, a freelance journalist, writes:
The executive order is presented as a national emergency, front, from the beginning. At the beginning reads like foreigners behind which are appointed directly in an annex at the end. Is not that. The first part of the order only cements the second part of the order, to prevent American criminals from escaping to other countries and are supported by foreigners.
To summarize this:
No swamp creature can accept help from other swamp creature to escape ... The child traffickers and other human rights abuses are covered, theft and misuse of government funds is covered, all items are covered for foreigners and norteamercanos citizens any alien who has properties in the United States and who has done something against the United States for the purpose of supporting the American swamp see those properties confiscated, anyone in violation of some of this executive order will see their property confiscated ...
An  anonymous whistleblower who uses the pseudonym Mega Anon  said that the Executive Oden made many powerful members of the Deep State awakened without financial resources.
Guess what? Swamp finance froze as they slept last night. It's going to be a loooong Christmas break for them ... They were all bankrupt before sunup.
This covers children / humans, drugs, guns / pistols, WMD / Chemical / Uranio, organs, etc. Now, if you want to know who in our swamp woke up with frozen accounts, foundations, "charity" and front attachment business / LLC's organizations, etc. searches annexed list.
Executive Order and the language used really marks an important moment. Simply mark the transfer of political power of the state to Deep US military in terms of who really is in control of the Republic of the United States.
It is no secret that Donald Trump has surrounded himself with experienced military officers who share the desire to "drain the swamp". His chief of staff, John Kelly, is a retired 4-star General of the Marine Corps; Secretary of Defense James Mattis, is also a retired 4-star General of the Marine Corps; his National Security Advisor, James McMaster, is an active 3-star General of the United States Army; the head of the National Security Agency, Mike Rogers, is a 4-star Admiral of the Navy; the head of the Secret Service, Randolph Alles is a 2 star General retired Navy; and the list goes on.
The role of Admiral Mike Rogers is particularly significant as it broke the chain of command with the intelligence community of the United States in late 2016 to prevent Trump on an effort by the deep state to undermine and even prevent them from coming to power, the spy his transition team. While Trump was elected president, Rogers traveled to the Trump Tower on Nov. 17, 2016 to  warn him of the plans of the deep state .
The next day, The  Washington Post reported  a recommendation of the Intelligence Community and the Pentagon in October 2016 to bring Rogers. The Director of National Intelligence of President Obama, Ashton Carter,  was unhappy  with the attitude of Rogers, including his visit to Trump:
In a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying his superiors, he traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday Trump Tower. This caused consternation at the highest levels of government, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal personnel matters
CIA Director John Brennon was a key player in the effort to get Rogers, as illustrated by the  history of the Washington Post  which is the traditional official news source that promotes the interests of the CIA. For your benefit, President Obama took no action against Rogers.
Now, more than a year after these maneuvers behind the scenes, Rogers Permanence at the helm of the  National Security Agency to monitor the overall activities of the deep state  and advising Trump and his national security team.
This has been especially significant when it comes to the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], which has long been the key institution of the United States to finance and enforce the will of the deep state.
In particular, the divisions of Counterintelligence and CIA Clandestine Services were instrumental in creating an  unofficial "black budget"  to finance highly classified projects and operations since the creation of the CIA in 1947.
These two branches of the CIA have long been the secret enforcers what the deep state planning and the best proof is the Kennedy assassination. James Jesus Angleton, head of the Office of Counterintelligence CIA played a direct role , while Richard Helms (Deputy Director of Plans) it provided covert support for the operation.
Trump's promotion of former Congressman Mike Pompeo, to become Director of the CIA intended to put the CIA under direct presidential authority. Pompeo was, however, effectively relegated to exercise any real power over covert CIA operations. The intention of Pompeo balanced relations USA-Russia earned him the  enmity of the groups of the CIA in the shadows .
The situation changed dramatically on Saturday 18 November, when several Marine Corps helicopters flew over the US CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. A former FBI agent,  Hal Turner confirmed  through reliable sources that the helicopters did "shake" the headquarters of the CIA for about 30 minutes.
The intent was clear, the Marine Corps were threatening clandestine services division of the CIA to join the Trump administration or it will face the consequences. This is not the first time the CIA has been cowed by US President threatening to drop the US military against him.
In 1958, President Eisenhower threatened facilities CIA Area 51 in Nevada with an invasion of the First US Navy stationed in Colorado if the CIA did not fully divulged classified all its programs there. In a video interview in May 2013, a former CIA agent revealed what he heard that Eisenhower told his boss to pass the message to the mysterious MJ-12 committee in charge of the facility Area 51, for which the CIA was safety.
The clearest sign that the CIA is now firmly under control Trump is that President Putin thanked the President Trump and Pompeo to thwart planned terrorist attack against a major cathedral in St. Petersburg. A press release from the Kremlin on December 17 stated:
Vladimir Putin thanked Donald Trump for the information provided by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States that helped stop the terrorists plotting to detonate explosions in Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg and other public places in the city. The information received from the CIA was enough to locate and arrest criminals.
Russian President asked the US President to convey his thanks and appreciation to the director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the agents of US intelligence services who received this information.
There is no precedent that a Russian head of state publicly thank the CIA. The underlying message was clear, the CIA is now under the control of the White Hats in the national security system US and Putin was very grateful.
We are witnessing, with the Executive Order Trump December 21, the final act of a plan well thought out to overcome the deep state, "drain the swamp" and restore direct presidential authority over the national security system in USA . Indeed, we are witnessing the real exchange Deep state power to the US military via Donald Trump as Commander in Chief.
What is particularly noticeable in the Executive Order, is that this transfer of power is being done quietly behind the scenes with very little attention from the media. Key figures in the Deep frozen state are seeing their financial resources, and are being held in secret via the sealed indictments that now have global impact because of Executive Order Trump.
End of November, had  more than four thousand sealed federal charges being tracked by journalists alternative means as Hal Turner. Many of these are being met by  staff Special Operations Command that are going around the planet arresting key figures in the Deep State.
All this leads us to the question, What does all this for seven decades of cover-up concerning extraterrestrial life and technology, the existence of a separatist German colony in Antarctica, and the existence of multiple secret space programs?

The way the Executive Order has been drafted for a specific purpose, and becoming silent meet, indicate that the US military want to keep much of what is happening outside the public radar. The main reason for doing so is clear, the minimize disruption of the political system of USA while the transfer of power takes place.
When the transfer process is complete, we can expect that some of the sealed indictments are revealed publicly, and Trump publicly declare victory in its effort to "drain the swamp". We can expect a lot of retirements or unexpected withdrawals of individuals accused who are currently making judicial treatment gradually as not to disturb society USA and stability of the global community.
Disclosure is inevitable, but the US military increasingly by the American side of the process, it is likely that disclosure occurs in a series of gradual steps that culminate with radical changes worldwide as advanced technologies including zero-point energy, antigravity propulsion and holographic healing are strategically are revealed.


While the removal of the deep state and its corrosive global influence through human rights abuse and corruption is a story that embrace the immense influence behind the scenes of the US military in the Trump administration causes long-term concern . Predictably, the disclosures occur in the remainder of the Trump administration will promote the national security interests of USA greatly defined by the military idea.
The biggest regret of President Eisenhower on how the classified projects involving advanced technologies were being handled in the United States, was that excessive secrecy cut the best people in the process of making and decision making. Only full disclosure can prevent a similar problem in the future, where a new deep state emerges, one dominated by military interests, with control over advanced technologies, which used to dominate the rest of humanity appears.
Full disclosure is essential for the transition of mankind of a planet dominated island, either by criminal syndicates or military minds towards a more peaceful global society, which deserves to be full member of a galactic community,

11 de diciembre de 2017

Sexual initiation ritual secrets of the royal guard of Queen Elizabeth (Jezebel) # Katecon2006

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The sex scandal rocking the Royal Guard of Queen Elizabeth II - Picture 1It is the ancient rituals that have always been carried out like royalty through their circles and secret societies, rituals that have been simepre led by priests and priestesses containing a high magic component, practices that have spread to our days ... they still give total secrecy and mimicked going unnoticed for a public increasingly asleep 

Every day we see a British subject people hypnotized and made to believe that you have a queen as a representative is the best that could happen to them, they should feel proud to have kings, queens, princes and princesses ... of course, with so many fairy tales they have brainwashed everyone, without really knowing who these royals who admire, adore and deliver much of the national budget, slaving away to keep that family who know nothing really what What are they

The sex scandal rocking the Royal Guard of Queen Elizabeth II - Image 3The people do not want to see that the royal family suffers from "split personality" that before cameras play to be about, caring, altruistic, who think people and love their people, but within the royal palaces shown they really are, evil beings, sádicso, sick and living a different religion they claim to profess and worse, they hate their worst people than anything in life

Their attitudes and various subjects in which they have been involved as forced disappearance of children in the care of social services, sexual abuse of minors in the royal palaces, targeted assassinations, and always strangely have come clean and well delivered, They suggest that the control exercised far beyond what is imaginable .... and we refer in this specific case to allegations came to light initiations on that subject Soldatos of the royal guard like buggering each other, reminding us of the initiations of the knights Templar in ancient initiatory rituals ... strangely gruesome despite complaints still continue and worse, are still hiding the mass media that they control

Image result Templar sexual ritualsThanks to complaints of these recruits have not only rejected these indignities and survived to tell the tale is that we can see that the royal house is not what it seems to appear as a worthy family of adminar, and things happen so absurd and contemptible they are not interested send away those who report, before these traditions are gone ....  it seems that few survive to tell the tale, and two of those brave recruits between 21 and 28 years, they reported all sorts of indignities to which they were subjected by his superiors to join as honorary protective group of soldiers of queen Elizabeth II, reports that add to various "rumors" surrounding communities of young soldiers who are subjected to similar rites of passage

Staufer image results in Baden-Württemberg soldaten sexueller ritualeHere in Germany a scandal that was quickly silenced and so did not have much echo as it should have been but it was enough to make the connections between what happens to the soldiers of the royal house and soldiers from various countries like ours was given.  It was sexual rituals performed inside the German military, as described by the victims involved and taken against their will to commit sadistic and perverse acts that occurred in a barracks of soldiers from elite special forces in Staufer in Baden -Wurttemberg  Pfullendorf.  

Thanks to a female soldier and another young man who has come out strongly affected psychologically is that out these facts to light, indicating that the soldiers were not only subjected to great humiliation but harassment of a sexual nature and violent rituals and also included coercion it's a way of mind control. Among some things that made them realize was undressing in front of all the troops and put tampons in the rectum and go naked to their daily workouts, which also were photographed and filmed, they have also made them sit naked on chairs for hours while they were tied and sprayed with pressurized water hoses,
Staufer image results in Baden-Württemberg soldaten sexueller rituale

 In this case alleged investigations yielded results that never opened ... as usual, for public opinion was important to know that the alleged perpetrators were either militia, however those behind the rituals are still there as if nothing , prosecutors assigned to the investigation have said they will not proceed against those responsible since they have not found "improper or criminal conduct" that while other timid barracks and anonymous voices that attest that these abuses continue to occur are launched throughout the country and it seems that there is a government cover-up about which is totally true

Result image Tower of LondonTwo of the soldiers were released these shameful acts around the royal guard, they told how they were drunk and then forced to participate in sexual initiation ritual, where they had to have relationships between them and their superiors while being filmed all these facts they gave and continue to give in the tower of London, a place full of mysticism, legends and horrors place because there came to decapitate not only thousands of enemies but royals who witnesses, their ghosts still wander in the darkness of night.  

Result image Tower of London ravens

There also is still being guarded by a court of crows that supposedly protect the royal family and which they have allocated for their protection and care to a military battalion in the service of his royal majesty, visitors who come to the tower they are even warns that there are dangerous animals that bite, referring to the crows living there for centuries to add to the mystery, there are many other cases of soldiers of the royal guard who died under mysterious circumstances in step the years never come to clarify and continue condendas the deepest, darkest secrets of the royal family

Actual image result queen elizabeth shoot soldier guard
I do not know if you remember the video that compñartí them in January of Queen Elizabeth II, about not only his strange disappearance for almost the whole month of December giving rise to speculation about his death, but a fact precisely Annex to this in the royal guards, since there was an incident that the royal house narrated in a somewhat jocular but he could really be something much worse and related to that of initiatory rituals and even sacrificial rituals and perhaps death of these soldiers by the same royal family .

The royal house narrated the incident as the queen after a sleepless night, he gave him leave his quarters in the early morning hours to take a little "fresh air" at a temperature that night was pra around -2 degrees , what is striking is that supposedly no one knew who had come out and said that one of the guards shot him but the shot did not hit, it sounds strange story that means, that a guard fired a shot thinking they were thieves ... and if instead he had shot him to fend off any attack from this evil queen?

related imageCuriously, in 2013 there was an identical event with the son of the queen, Prince Andrew ... that is involved in the Pizzagate and pointed to form pedophile rings and go to sex havens where girls and young women are offered to the highest bidder .. .. supposedly Andrew also came out in the early morning hours also "fresh air" and one of the guards shot him but he managed him and also for allegedly suspected thieves in the palace ... 

Actual image result soldier guardqueen elizabethThese two events are very rare considering actual palaces are guarded by these soldiers become part against his will initiatory groups élitey secret societies and those palaces are also monitored 24 hours a day with cameras infrared spectrum and night vision that can see what happens in every centimeter of the gardens ... these soldiers guarding the artifacts have been monitoring intrusion jump walls and penetrate the gardens and corridors and have captured but have not seen with cameras security to the queen and her son? It could be one of the ways have died mysteriously some of the soldiers in the service of his majesty?soldiers who undoubtedly spent all initiations to belong to such an important group ...

As you can see, this rituals seem things of mystery movies, fiction and horror yet are activities of daily life for these people linked to the corrupt elite that governs us

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