
21 de julio de 2017

Catalan territorial problem is not a revolution to Catalan - the error made by the owner of the route remains the same, confusing politics with justice

Catalan territorial problem is not a revolution in Catalan

ConstitutionThe Catalan problem being fulfilled stages, now is the day fixed for the train crash, a train tells the other that separate the track belongs, the other tells you that the track is the first to arrive and so we are. However, I would like to explain to whoever read this, how we got here seen as a viewer who lives in Catalonia. Those who own the way they feel entitled to stop the train that comes against resorting to  justice, however, has not been effective this decision and now seek to draw on the "foolproof solution."  This final solution is to cut the power that drives the train. The "foolproof solution" is found in Article 155 of the Constitution. 155, it is said, which empowers the government to take a drastic solution to suspend the autonomy of Catalonia . I do not understand is why  if the government and opposition bring out the Constitution to say that is not allowed a separatist referendum 155 says nothing about the suspension of autonomy.  I'm the same is not set correctly and after reading and rereading many laws, regulations, royal decrees, judgments and martingale number has gone jar as Don Quixote with many books of chivalry. 155 reads:  1. If an Autonomous Community does not fulfill the obligations that the Constitution or other laws imposed upon it, or acts in a way seriously prejudicing the general interest of Spain, the Government, upon request to the President of the Autonomous Community, if not addressed, with approval by an absolute majority of the Senate, it may take the necessary measures  to compel the latter forcibly compliance with those obligations or for the protection of that public interest. "  Everything is based on what I have stressed  may take the necessary measures . This is too ambiguous. Let 's see how fit this term in a penal law.
Constitución_Española_de_1978If in a penal law this term where the judge could dip into the article to stop the free interpretation was introduced when a thief stole a couple of chickens and previous requirement was warned that stealing is a crime and return to backslide  could take necessary steps to do it again . If so, we go back to antiquity and was a necessary measure chop off hands. So it is necessary to go to the proportionality and the realization of " necessary measures" . The Spanish Constitution does not go beyond the simple reason that he could not foresee the train crash and remained imprecise. The mistake made by the owner of the route remains the same,  confuse politics with justice and a referendum approved by citizens of Catalonia what scuppered the constitutional, political denunciation of the PP prior. At that time the force was demonstrated that it could exercise the government of the nation passed over decisions urn managed and it became clear that the constitution is worthless. Ángel Gabilondo, a former PSOE minister recently said that  "after a referendum what to do is go to eat" on the contrary made by the PP. What could be a discrepancy between regional and state governments was resulting in a confrontation with foul play and through the sewers of the State. Mistakes have been committed all. prior political denunciation of the PP. At that time the force was demonstrated that it could exercise the government of the nation passed over decisions urn managed and it became clear that the constitution is worthless. Ángel Gabilondo, a former PSOE minister recently said that "after a referendum what to do is go to eat" on the contrary made by the PP. What could be a discrepancy between regional and state governments was resulting in a confrontation with foul play and through the sewers of the State. Mistakes have been committed all. prior political denunciation of the PP. At that time the force was demonstrated that it could exercise the government of the nation passed over decisions urn managed and it became clear that the constitution is worthless. Ángel Gabilondo, a former PSOE minister recently said that "after a referendum what to do is go to eat" on the contrary made by the PP. What could be a discrepancy between regional and state governments was resulting in a confrontation with foul play and through the sewers of the State. Mistakes have been committed all. Ángel Gabilondo, a former PSOE minister recently said that "after a referendum what to do is go to eat" on the contrary made by the PP. What could be a discrepancy between regional and state governments was resulting in a confrontation with foul play and through the sewers of the State. Mistakes have been committed all. Ángel Gabilondo, a former PSOE minister recently said that "after a referendum what to do is go to eat"  on the contrary made by the PP. What could be a discrepancy between regional and state governments was resulting in a confrontation with foul play and through the sewers of the State. Mistakes have been committed all.
damaged carI'll explain otherwise where mistakes are obvious. An individual purchased a car that was fully satisfied for many years until one day he lit the temperature pilot had to stop and wait until the engine temperature decrease and to resume the route. Later, over time, the same thing happened again, but this time carrying a jug with water and the problem was minimized. The incident was repeated, but by then had found a practical solution: add water, and then, before leaving. So, it seemed the problem was solved engine temperature, until one fateful day  the car stopped and no longer wanted to walk  What had happened? So that it was not a problem this time temperature was a problemón engine: had melted and the cost of repair is made impracticable, the car had no other destination that scrapping. It was time that the individual is what he had to say to his wife, fantastic car had died, as he explained the good woman was climbing the walls, until it exploded and said: But you fool you, the car was complaining and were unable to take it to the shop and examine passing! Now what, we were without a car? That's what happened to the PP and the PSOE, to a lesser extent, they have run out of Catalonia. as he explained the good woman was climbing the walls, until it exploded and said: But you're a fool, the car was complaining and were unable to take it to the shop and examine passing! Now what, we were without a car? That's what happened to the PP and the PSOE, to a lesser extent, they have run out of Catalonia. as he explained the good woman was climbing the walls, until it exploded and said: But you're a fool, the car was complaining and were unable to take it to the shop and examine passing! Now what, we were without a car? That's what happened to the PP and the PSOE, to a lesser extent, they have run out of Catalonia.
images101 [1]The increase in temperature and the repetition of these episodes had to take the political class to see what the hell was wrong with  the Catalan separatists who went from 15% to overcome most , nothing was done, it is applied in degree sumo, ridicule, taunt and joke all at the same time in a competition to see who said fatter and out in the news. The socarronería headed the government of the Generalitat believed in the mantra of "a confrontation between governments" but the Catalans understood that was heading toward them  and that perception problems arising from the crisis with cuts meet, applied two years before the applied anywhere in Spain, unemployment that has ravaged, and continued lack of investment, including in the network of commuter trains that carry millions of people and that one day every other also failed by a whistle or flute was pissed off staff. To all this, just like the PP corruption he appeared that had been dammed  and when the dam began to show cracks gushing out corruption destroying everything. What had happened? Well, this time it was no longer a problem temperature engine was a big problem: had melted and the cost of repair is made impracticable, the car had no other destination that scrapping  The problem of Catalonia was transferred to the population and had ceased to be a confrontation between governments. like little corruption of the PP he appeared that had been dammed and when the dam began to show cracks gushing out corruption destroying everything. What had happened? Well, this time it was no longer a problem temperature engine was a big problem: had melted and the cost of repair is made impracticable, the car had no other destination that scrapping The problem of Catalonia was transferred to the population and had ceased to be a confrontation between governments. like little corruption of the PP he appeared that had been dammed and when the dam began to show cracks gushing out corruption destroying everything. What had happened? Well, this time it was no longer a problem temperature engine was a big problem: had melted and the cost of repair is made impracticable, the car had no other destination that scrapping The problem of Catalonia was transferred to the population and had ceased to be a confrontation between governments. had melted and the cost of repair is made impracticable, the car had no other destination that scrapping . The problem of Catalonia was transferred to the population and had ceased to be a confrontation between governments. had melted and the cost of repair is made impracticable, the car had no other destination that scrapping . The problem of Catalonia was transferred to the population and had ceased to be a confrontation between governments.
If I were on the other side of the river Ebro
matchesCatalan problem is not a territorial problem, though it may seem,  the problem for the state is that part of the population had enough, enough of corruption, enough to pass everything and nothing happens, enough to legislate for an oligarchy which is enriched with both hands, enough astronomical "aid to banks" that have no end and cheekily forget that were given as a loan, while all this happens and more, and more, came social cuts and have installed to address sovereign debt . Everything seems normal and dissent is eliminated with the gag laws,  who moves out in the police photo. They no longer have the right or left, it 's all the same thing, new parties or are bombarded by the media or are suckled support from the oligarchy to continue sucking the boat. What is left to the middle class that has been devastated? Watch impassively as the setting of his life What is a young man who has made as he was told if I wanted to be something in life deteriorates? Work poverty, unstable and without a future. What is a parent with 50 years and a mortgage or rent? Remain unemployed until you retire and then what? Not worth continuing this litany of post-truth, this country, if you take away patriotism is worthless, it sucks to be clear. Some will have been angry when reading this statement, but what do you think of this one? Depressive Germany - in Spain twice anti consumed.  These drugs do not buy in the supermarket around the corner, prescribed by a doctor. Not to mention the daily suicides is fully recommended not talk about them Do you know how many are produced daily? Between 10 and 11, not long ago it was 9, of which half are related to the loss of housing.
1797425_583783715040498_1462547059_n1 [1]These conditions are buried by government propaganda that releases us that GDP rises by 3% the largest countries in Europe, but it will be by increases in corporate profits. Even the IMF, the World Bank and various institutions of this order are recommending the government to raise wages because with this level of pay no development of consumption. The population is the commodity which is used to overcome the crisis that the oligarchy causes  what can be done to reverse this situation? Between nothing and very little, just follow me chained to the galley rowed to the beat of the drum and lashes for missing a beat. What it has happened in Catalonia, for anyone who wants to understand what it is that  most of the population has had enough, you stay there. Is not a territorial problem is a revolution that is taking place in an area of Spain , is a "revolution Catalan" without violence stirs panic in the upper echelons of the oligarchy because nothing will be the same once ENDESA will end the monopoly of electricity, Repsol their gas stations, banks will lose customers to see new banks emerge with a new way of doing, and so with everything that smells of spoliation. I think it is sufficient to prove that it is a revolution that was born to stay.  What day will occur on October 2, the day after? Whatever it is the revolution will continue. is a "revolution Catalan" without violence stirs panic in the upper echelons of the oligarchy because nothing will be the same once you run out to ENDESA's electricity monopoly, Repsol their gas stations, banks will lose customers to see new banks emerge with a new way of doing, and so with everything that smells of spoliation. I think it is sufficient to prove that it is a revolution that was born to stay. What day will occur on October 2, the day after? Whatever it is the revolution will continue. is a "revolution Catalan" without violence stirs panic in the upper echelons of the oligarchy because nothing will be the same once you run out to ENDESA's electricity monopoly, Repsol their gas stations, banks will lose customers to see new banks emerge with a new way of doing, and so with everything that smells of spoliation. I think it is sufficient to prove that it is a revolution that was born to stay. What day will occur on October 2, the day after? Whatever it is the revolution will continue. I think it is sufficient to prove that it is a revolution that was born to stay. What day will occur on October 2, the day after? Whatever it is the revolution will continue. I think it is sufficient to prove that it is a revolution that was born to stay. What day will occur on October 2, the day after? Whatever it is the revolution will continue.
magazineAt this stage of the conflict I think that if not holding the referendum on schedule is that the government of Rajoy can not withstand the pressure that has emerged from the recommendation of the  New York Times  that  it would be better for the Spanish government allow the referendum to try to stop it is made.  In this American newspaper have joined diplomacy of some countries warn  mossosRajoy of the negative image that means  tanks against urns . The problem is in the wording diffuse 155  "may take the necessary measures"  and also speaks of  "forced compliance" will  need the intervention of the regional police to see who responds, If the central government or the Generalitat de Catalunya. Here is the key , because if they do not obey d'Escuadra Mossos, the government will have to resort to the Civil Guard and the National, Police insufficient to cover the territory and that is where the army can intervene. Defense Minister, Cospedal, has already released the pill army as the guarantor of the unity of Spain.
images [1]Finally  a couple of risky forecasts , one I did some time ago:  Catalonia is an independent state associated with Spain and be bound by the sovereign debt imposed by financial markets , which now I do is as risky as the previous one :  the State Spanish will assign to thereferendum and the condition will be postponed one year in order to launch a campaign potent NO.  It is a way to correct the mistakes made in the past by promoting a campaign without resorting to the sewers of the State, highlighting the desirability of Catalonia continue united to Spain.
f4b9dc0d9dd8f7e1e43800f1ac7c29e4 [1]I leave you with a link to El Confidencial who published a survey about the perception that generates the referendum in Catalonia, I think in the polls as in the Magi, however, he has called me any attention to their results. For my part,  if I were on the other side of the river Ebro, I would not mind the Catalans speak out through a vote  of fate that you want to give your life, albeit with a counterweight of the pros and Cons of  a campaign of NO . If the oligarchy is adamantly against it it is that is good for the people How not going to be against Felipe González, José María Aznar, Zapatero and Mariano Rajoy when they see the control box of thunder escapes? I insist,  Catalan territorial problem is not a revolution to Catalan. Everyone who sees it as you like.
One final thought: I  anticipate that is not mine, be listened to Pedro Sánchez during his recent visit to Barcelona, says something like if a government does politics and derives its decisions solely towards compliance with the law, a government is not necessary with the judges would have enough.

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