
18 de febrero de 2018

Aligned to the reality of inner power

Arcturians with SUZANNE LIE   NESARA GESARA ASCENSION  🌎  February 16, 2018
Conversation with the Arcturians - Align the reality of the internal power
Sue / Arcturians: Greetings, we are the Arcturians and we understand that you, Suzille and Shawnna, wanted to talk with us about his adventures in the future.
Shawnna, you want to ask a question?
Yeah, well, thanks for your constant orientation. Is there anything it deems appropriate transmit or share with our Leadership Team and the wider audience at this time?
Sue / Arcturians: 
Within this now perceive that humanity is a change. There are changes, especially in the United States, who are and will be happening, and also in some other countries.
If we are interested in understanding the current energies and chaotic changes that are happening, maybe you could share your higher perspective on that?
Sue / Arcturians: 
Yes, give us the operational definition of chaotic changes? How do you perceive that? Because we perceive it on a planetary level. And we do not perceive the chaos in the same way as humans. So if you could give us your human perspective, then we can talk more directly to your question.
From our perspective, I guess we perceive as what we call chaos preceding the change, and manifests itself in many ways. We see the political system, natural resources, the importance of spiritual protection at this time, and only have an awareness of our environment and all the influences that are quite active at this time.
Sue / Arcturians: 
Yes, and there are some very positive influences that are also active at this time. The Pleiadians have doubled their troops and are in the process of a large landing, however, people do not know this landing unless they can activate their awareness of the Fourth / Fifth Dimension Superior.
Since its awareness of the Fourth / Fifth Dimension Superior, will have the feeling that something is changing, that the militia is here to help, that help that may not have been recognized in the past. And the Pleiadians, Arcturians, the Antareans and Venusians are particularly watching Gaia.
They are watching Gaia because they want to ensure that things remain peaceful. And we want all mankind to know is that the transition from third to fourth and into the Fifth Dimension is intended to be peaceful, friendly and loving.
However, there are those of lower consciousness states currently use a vessel third dimension that do not want change because they maintain the degree of power once the change has occurred.
Now those who have no interest in power and those who just want to focus on their own internal power are very pleased, very open, they are very eager and ready to receive these frequencies Upper Light.
However, there are those who want to have power, and much of this conflict has been going on in the United States because it was supposed to be one of the first flashpoints of Ascension. Some people are afraid to go ahead because they do not want to lose the power they have gained within their current system.
And the reality is that there are many, many more who are not interested in power; that they are open to communicate and interact with the Beings of the Higher Dimensions so they can help. They can help others, can help the planet and can help the myriad of different systems that undergo major changes.
Only technology alone will be amplified at 2, 4, 8, 10, 12% of what it was before, and this will free humanity.
But it will startle those who have power, because power is in the lower fourth dimension of reality. Humanity continues to expand its consciousness to the Fourth Dimension and beyond the lowest octave of the Fifth Dimension.
Those who want to become extinct, because no one will look. Instead, they look within themselves to their own Superior Guide.
Shawnna, would you like to summarize it a bit and then ask another question?
Yeah, well, you've covered quite there, so I guess as we see this polarity of power and power, and compare the wishes of everyone, we will see that continuous bifurcation of reality. Whatever the reality that resuenemos is what we will experience.
I guess it's important for us to keep our focus on internal power to align ourselves with the frequency of the existence of the Fourth, Fifth and Superior Dimensional connected to our Superior Guide. And as you embody that, increasingly we just create that reality together.
Sue / Arcturians: 
Yes, create that reality, and that reality will grow, and those who want to be able to closely resemble children who are abusers, and offenders can only intimidate people who are afraid. They can not intimidate people who feel strong within themselves.
And then the work of those who have found their power within, of course, to help others find their power within and refuse to participate in any kind of situation where any person, place, situation or thing you have power over they. Because once they get that, then it becomes a contest. Then takes place the thought of the third dimension, and want to win the contest.
How to avoid conflicts and contests with those who have come to Gaia specifically to keep that frequency of the Third / Fourth Dimension, it is to choose not to participate. They know that once Gaia begins to move its frequency Fifth Dimension, you can not control it at all.
So those who love Gaia, who rely on Gaia, which protect Gaia, and they know that the Pleiadians, Arcturians, the Antareans, the Tau Cetians and Andromedans and the Venusians are ready and able to help dear Gaia.
Gaia is not alone, and many of its human inhabitants and, of course, all animal and plant kingdom all work together to protect it.
All humans working to protect her, because she is pregnant. Gaia is pregnant with her Fifth Dimensional Being. The term of your pregnancy will depend largely on how humanity decided to create the environment that surrounds it, and that mankind thinks in terms of Gaia as your planetary mother, and as humanity moves out of personal reflection and beyond groupthink and moves in planetary thinking, they may perceive that the planet is a living being.
Gaia is a member of a family of other planets are living beings, and specific planets, such as the Pleiades and Arcturus and Andromeda and Antares, all are close in space, which is not close in terms of their three-dimensional spaces but close in terms of interdimensional and multidimensional spaces.
As these energies combine, that will greatly enhance the energy field of Personal and Planetary Ascension, and not just Earth, but for all the realities we have mentioned. All these realities are at different stages of your Ascension process. All they help each other and create almost what you would call a ladder.
At the bottom of the ladder is the beloved Gaia, who has assumed the polarities of good and evil and enabled the lost who have traveled from different places. As these places evolved, they were expelled. They have deeply dug into the ground because they want to be expelled again. But what they do not realize is that they are not expelled, they simply can not catch up.
So we have no intention to kick anyone. Our intention is to help each being in Gaia to expand into unconditional love for all, and dedicate themselves to helping others, help the planet and help in the process of Ascension of this entire quadrant of space.
Shawnna, Did you say something and give you the opportunity to incorporate what we said? Maybe I can ask some questions that you think others might want to ask.
Sure, and we appreciate the reminder that it is not only our planet, but this family of planets impacted by our reality and our transformation and transmutation. Is it correct to say that every person on this path of unconditional love and inner power is somehow giving birth to her being the Fifth Dimension, the Higher Self of the dimensions?
Sue / Arcturians: 
Absolutely. However, one can not approach the activity with the intention, with a selfish intention to give birth to her own Dimensional Being. Because if they intend, "I'm doing this so that I can be Fifth Dimension" then not have the energy field for Fifth Dimension.
If you look at all the Ascended Masters, they were physical beings who could reach the Fifth Dimension and ascend beyond planet. All those things 100% focused on serving others, no matter what it means for themselves. They focused on serving others.
And in your case, in the case of humanity, service to others includes service to Gaia and the moon Gaia, and Gaia's sister, Venus.
Because Venus and sister Gaia are a team and work as one. So as Gaia rises, so will Venus, and Venus rises while also ascend Earth.
Featuring Dr. Suzanne Lie's Personal experiences and Arcturian Teachings.

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