
23 de junio de 2018

European States Revolt on Reform Plan" by P&G

Entry Submitted by P&G at 3:15 AM EDT on June 23, 2018

12 European States Revolt "Merkcron" Plan to Reform Europe

Another excellent article by Tyler Durden. He really covers the bases here.

This looks very much like the de-europeanization of the EU where each country returns to its own currency and autonomy with a loosely held association of European states.

Without a strong Germany and/or France to carry the load this time around, the rest of the EU are not going to follow the M&M's any further. That means that Merkel's days are numbered and the pathetic plan of Macron will simply blowup in his RKM face.

Consequently, Macron will likely face a loss of support in France once his internal RKM supporters are either removed or rendered powerless.

This sets the stage for the necessary GESARA provisions to be implemented in Europe.

Given that the Paris Treaty has nothing to do with the RV/GCR or GESARA, there is no visible authority for the implementation of GESARA worldwide. However, NESARA is already signed into law here... just not implemented yet.

So my guess is that we will see NESARA implemented here first and that will be the touchstone for GESARA to be immediately signed into law around the world under emergency measures... after the mass indictments and subsequent arrests have begun.



It does look like that indeed.

Isn't it strange how the countries being on their own rather than unified is actually good and not bad? Like United Nations, the EU. It would appear to be a good thing to be unified but it's actually not because it's part of a whole agenda to enslave the population. Instead, we have to use the divide and conquer tactic on the Cabal just as they've used it on us.



Yes, very astute observation. This goes for the U.S. as well. We can't have the original Republic without recognizing each state Republic and their union with the other Republic states.

Theoretically, each state should have its own gold and asset backed currency. As long as every currency is gold backed the individual states don't need to be herded under one central fictionalized/fractionalized debt system.

That's the essence of the financial slave state model right there. We are so brainwashed into thinking inside the box that we can imagine being outside of it. 

Once the people see that reality and the curtain is pulled back and the ugly wizard shows his decrepit legs spinning the wheels of deception... then the people will require the necessary division of states republics with full autonomy and independent currency.

Until then we will continue to remain under another form of centralized deception. Now this discussion should be published... just to see if the people visiting your site are really awake or not.


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