
6 de enero de 2019

Lemurian connection: Lemuria and Telos

Lemuria and TelosLemurian Era  lasted from 4,500,000 BC to about 12,000 years ago. Until the sinking of the continents of Lemuria and later of Atlantis, there were seven major continents on this planet. The continent of Lemuria was located in the Pacific Ocean and spread from the western United States and Canada to the lands of the Indian Ocean and Madagascar and included what is now Australia, New Zealand, Figi Islands, New Guinea, Easter Island and Hawaii.

Before the fall of consciousness, the Lemurians lived in a fifth dimensional frequency or dimension, and were able to switch from fifth to third at will. The first souls who inhabited the planet came from the land of Mu in the Universe Dahl. Half years ago and four million. Among these newcomers were many of the Ascended Masters who are helping humanity today. Later they were joined by breeds Sirius, The Pleiades, Alpha Centauri and other systems. Together they formed the Lemurian civilization that became the cradle of civilization on this planet. Was the "Fatherland" which helped in the birth of other civilizations. Atlantis occurred in relatively recent times.

The first Lemurians retained their Christ Consciousness and expressed his divinity in every area of their lives. They honored the sacredness of all life and lived in a like Eden, of exquisite beauty, abundance and perfection paradise. Disease, lack and limitation were unknown for a few million years. They lived in a peaceful domain with the elements of nature and lacked nothing. They lived mainly in their light bodies 5th.Dimension, but could at will lower your vibration to experience the denser levels of physicality.

During the first Golden Ages, the Lemurian experienced a perfect balance between masculine and feminine energies and between mind and heart. This balance allowed almost instantaneous and perfect manifestation of what was desired. For hundreds of thousands of years wisely used the universal laws of sacred knowledge and sacred flame of God were loved, honored and protected in their temples for raising humanity.

The gradual fall in human consciousness ended the Golden Age is still deeply recorded in our DNA. We started experimenting with other ways of life and our misuse of our divine powers lost our Christ Consciousness and our ability to magically manifest what we wanted. Gradually, the previous balance of masculine and feminine energy shifted in favor of the mind on the heart. As a result, divine Love and Compassion appearance "Mother" Father / Mother God slowly faded from our consciousness, resulting in increasing expressions of male manipulation, domination and control that persists today.

Since we lost our ability to consciously create our reality, pain, lack and struggle became a kind of unconditional love Presence of the Mother became a forgotten memory. It took a long time, but finally we reduce the level of the fourth dimension and later to the density of the third dimension where we are today. Great Avatars have been sent to re-awaken us from our self - inflicted Darkness, but most were not heard, often rejected or killed so strong was our opposition to the Light.

Twenty-five thousand years ago, Lemuria and Altantis were the two most developed civilizations on the planet. The original intention was that the two civilizations Atlantis represent the energies of the Divine Father and Lemuria representing the energies of the Divine Mother. They intended to work not only for the benefit of both peoples, but also as guides and role models for other civilizations evolving and for younger and less experienced souls.

Dissension between the two arose regarding the development and evolution of other civilizations. The Lemurians believed that the other less evolved cultures should be left alone to continue their own evolution at their own pace according to their own understandings and routes, while the Atlanteans believed that the less evolved cultures should be controlled by the two more evolved civilizations. His discussion of ideologies led to several thermonuclear war that weakened both continental plates. When the wars ended and the dust settled, no winners, only death, destruction and degradation of the human mind to the point that both sides realized the futility of such behavior.

People, through the priesthood, he was informed that in less than 15,000 years , its continents would sink completely. In those days, because people lived an average of 20.000 to 30.000 years commonly, they understood that many who caused the havoc would live to experience the destruction.

Before the sinking of the continent, "Telos" which means "communication with spirit" was the name of the eastern part of Lemuria consisting of what is now California and part of British Columbia. Today, "Telos" is just the name of the city that the Lemurian built beneath Mount Shasta over 12,000 years ago.

Having received many advance warnings that eventually lose their homeland, leaders were encouraged to devise a plan to protect and preserve their records, sacred treasures, culture and, most importantly, relocating to protect all the Sacred Flames uninflated who they were focused on their numerous temples. They decided to build an underground city that would be free of any surface interruption or discord. The priesthood that Mount Shasta knew would be safe during the coming Earth changes, so the leaders asked the head of the network of underground Agartha Cities permission to build a city beneath the mountain.

To obtain permission to build a city and become part of the Agartha Network, they had to prove that they had learned their lessons of war and aggression. They also had to prove to other agencies such as the Galactic Confederation of Planets. Permission was granted, but among the other cities in the Agartha network was not much optimism for its success.

The starting point to build his city was a large domed cavern inside the mountain and several natural tunnels and volcanic tubes. Using their mastery of energy, crystals, sound and vibration, they emptied the space for the city. Construction continued for several thousand years to complete the city designed to house 200,000 people.

Tragically, the exact time of the planned cataclysm had been underestimated and only 25,000 were safe in Telos when the continent sank. Their records had been moved and new temples were built in honor of the Sacred Flames. His beloved homeland descended from the overnight. He sank so quietly that nearly everybody was totally unaware what was happening. Virtually everyone was sleeping during the occurrence. There were no unusual weather conditions that night. According to one given by Lord Himalaya in 1959 through Geraldine Innocenti transmission, twin flame of El Morya, explained that many of the priests who had remained faithful to the Light and their sacred calling, like captains of a sinking ship they retained their posts, and fearless to the end, and sang and prayed as they went down beneath the waves.

Land after the sinking of the two continents

At the time Lemuria down, Atlantis started shaking and losing parts of their land. The gradual destruction continued for 200 years until the rest of the continent sank completely. For 2,000 years after the Lemurian and Atlantean catastrophes, the planet was still trembling. For hundreds of years after the destruction of both continents, so much debris had been thrown into the atmosphere that the Earth never became bright in daylight. The atmosphere became very cold because the sunlight could not penetrate through the thick toxic and very little food could grow atmosphere. Many animals and plants perished. There is no evidence of cataclysms because cities on the planet that did not sink were shaken to rubble or were destroyed by earthquakes or tidal waves that reach up to 1,  000 miles inland and destroying everything in its path. Life for survivors of cataclysms became so hard and difficult rapidly reduced to hunger, poverty, fighting and disease.

The original height of mankind on this planet was approximately 12 feet tall. The Hyperboreans were and still are 12 feet tall and none of them live on the surface at this time. When Lemuria sank, the Lemurians were reduced to 7 feet tall and still are 7 to 8 feet tall to this day. And there is a decrease in height on this planet, as most of us on the surface are 6 feet tall or less. As our civilization evolves, this will be restored. Even now, people on the surface of this planet are higher once every 100 years.

Telos City today

Telos is a fairly large with a population of about a million and a half city. There are several villages that share the local government, Telos is divided into 5 levels of several square miles beneath the mountain. Shasta

The first level  : The large percentage of people living below the dome on the first level. This is also where the administrative and public buildings and several temples are located. In the center of this level is the main temple, called temple of mara, a kind of pyramid structure. It will sit 10,000 people at a time. This temple is dedicated to thepriesthood of Melchizedek. The pyramid is white, with the cornerstone, called the "living stone" donated by Venus.

The second level  : This is where all production and manufacturing is done to meet the needs of people. It also contains several schools for classes for children and adults. Many more people live at that level too.

The third level  is devoted entirely to hydroponic gardens where all the food is grown on about 7 acres of land. Gardening methods are so effective that seven acres of land is all that is needed. Hydroponic gardens produce crops continuously. They can grow food much faster, using advanced hydroponics technology with very little land and plenty of water without the use of chemicals as we do on the surface. Their food is completely organic and of the highest vibration. His form of gardening does not need fertilizers and does not deplete the soil. They place organic minerals in the water for plants. Crops are also improved and accelerated by the high vibration of light, energy and love of Telos. This is the magic of his conscience 5th dimension that we willsoon discover.

The fourth level  contains some hydroponic gardening, some manufacturing and a large area for natural parks.

The fifth level  is totally devoted to nature. Tall trees and lakes contribute to its park like atmosphere and this is where they keep all the animals. In this natural level, they have retained many plants and animals that no longer have on the surface. His animals are all vegetarians and do not eat each other. Live side by side in harmony, without fear or aggression toward people and toward others. Telos is really the place where the lion and the lamb lie down together and sleep together in total confidence.

Government of Telos

In Telos, there are two forms of government. The king and queen of Telos, Ra and Rana Mu, ascended masters who are also twin flames, form an aspect of the government of Telos. They are the last rulers of Telos.

The second form of government is the local Council, called Lemurian Council of Light of Telos, consisting of 12 ascended masters, where 6 men and 6 women serve on the council to balance the divine masculine with the divine feminine. A thirteenth member, the High Priest of Telos principal at this time Adama, officiates as leader of the council to make the final decision when there is an equal vote in decisions made by the council.

Council members are selected according to the level of spiritual attainment they have reached, inner qualities, maturity and area of expertise. When a council member decides to move to another level of service, the vacancy is made known to our people and those wishing totake a seat on the council can apply. All applications are carefully studied by the council, members of the priesthood and the King and Queen of Telos. The king and queen have the final say on who is elected among applicants to be on the board.

New Lemuria

Lemuria still exists at a frequency of fourth and fifth dimension, not yet visible to our vision and perception of the third dimension. As the veil between dimensions becomes getting thinner, Lemuria, in Her new Splendor and Glory, will reveal ourselves in a very physical and tangible way.

As we open ourselves to a way of life more aware and we purify all systems distorted and erroneous beliefs we have embraced in the last millennia, we can perceive once again our beloved Motherland and finally we will be allowed to intervene . to be received by her with all the love and splendor now she has to offer.

New Day, the New World is about to be born. New Lemuria, the lost paradise, is about to unfold again. Lemuria, the part that remained faithful to the Light and their sacred calling, was elevated to the 4th dimension at the time of cataclysm. It was never really totally destroyed, only it was the three - dimensional appearance. Lemuria continued to thrive and evolve to a fifth dimensional consciousness to this day, and exists fully in the higher dimension.
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