
8 de marzo de 2019

ATTENTION BEFORE LEAN remove it ... "robber barons" have to call them by their names: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, Walburg, Harriman, Lazard, Leman, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Kissinger, Pulitzer, Krupp Moses Israel and many more 馃憣馃摚馃挜

BEFORE YOU REMOVE ... 馃憣馃摚馃挜! 

Al Fin response why the world is so wrong! 
After 96 years , the best kept secret in history was discovered: From December 23, 1913, Private Federal Reserve Bank (FED) seized the US and the vast majority of the world does not know. 
By the will of them and their predecessors (Bank of America), wars are declared, attacks are financed (twin towers attack in London, bombings in Madrid), presidents (Jaime Roldos, Omar Torrijos, Kennedy, Warren Harding, McKinley, is assassinated James Garfield, etc), trafficking in weapons of mass destruction (Carlyle, Bechtel, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, Northrop Grumman).
These bankers own the media (FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, etc.) used the strategy to distract the population with programs of surface TV , short-lived technology products, reality shows and cartoons ridiculing family values. News of murders and crimes in order to gradually destroy our trust in others, preventing the union of people and a world popular revolt.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York is co-owner of NASA, the CIA (school of terrorists), the Pentagon, BIS-Bank for International Settlements (Switzerland), IMF, World Bank, FOMC, as well as having privileged voting Nations UN and NATO. FED (Federal Reserve) is also permitted to operate the drug cartels and arms trafficking. Powerful of the powerful: the main owners known mafia families of the Federal Reserve: Mega-Rich These families and their descendants, they are untouchables for justice and tax exempt for life. Every time they make an "economic sabotage" actually are buying banks and financial world, gradually appropriating the country they "save". -The magazine Forbes is a farce that shows only popular second-tier millionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet,
If you have never heard of them, it is simply because they discovered that the world is best handled from the underground (learned from the mistakes that Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander the Great and others committed many conquerors), which being very evident in their plans, failed even a tenth of what the Federal Reserve has achieved so far: -adue帽arse almost the whole world! - The heads of the US president: 
1. Family Rothschild (London, Berlin and Israel) 
2. Family Rockefeller (US and Israel) 
3. Family Warburg (Germany) 
4. Family Morgan (England) 
5. Family Lazard (Paris, France ) 
6. Family Mos茅s Israel Seif (Italy) 
7. Family Kuhn Loeb (Germany and USA) 
8. Family Lehman Brothers (USA)
9. Family Goldman Sachs (USA) To Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (British banking giant) and David Rockefeller (oil giant) There is no government, president or army that is above them.
They and their dome-oil banker are self-appointed heads of all US presidents since 1913. The fortunes of these two people is incalculable, because being owners of the Federal Reserve, are legally own the printing presses that print the trillions of dollars exporting to the world. They work alongside the powerful Bilderbergers, the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission, the BIS (CLUB OF CENTRAL BANKS OF THE WORLD) The Institute Tavistock (EXPERTS IN MASSIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTROL TELEVISION) the Club of Rome, the IMF, The World Bank, CIA, Pentagon, etc. Form the Elite deciding which country to attack, which killed President that "terrorist attack" fund, which economic crisis plan, which show or "smokescreen" invent, what "flu" use, etc. "
Masterpiece FEDERAL RESERVE was the autoatentado of the Twin Towers "Using the power of persuasion of international television, a fake video, where an actor impersonating was" Bin Laden "bomber was proclaimed. When the towers actually contained explosives planted by CIA aircraft previously prepared and ready to crash. Tests: 
1. Landslide at 5pm of the third tower (WTC 7) without any plane has touched, in the same way at the same speed of free fall, when the twin towers fell. 
2. Derrumbe the Controlled Demolition of the 3 towers style, looks to the naked eye.
3. Seizure videos showing explosions far below where aircraft collided and where molten metal is dropped (jet fuel never melts metal). 
4. Remains of "Thermite" (powerful explosive used in military industry demolition) found in the white powder that drove the towers to collapse. 
5. Al Qaeda is the name that gave the CIA the movement of the Mujahideen who fought against the Soviet Union in the 80s 
! Hypocritical lie covert means!
6. US is running out of oil and planned the attack to plunder Iraq's oil fields, trade in human organs and appropriate fields of poppy (opium) drug Afghanistan, which exported to countries like China to weaken their hand cheap labor. 
7. What hit the Pentagon was not a plane, silenced witnesses saw a tele-guided missile at an area where construction of the pentagon had almost no offices.Why was not just a hole and marks wings "alleged plane" 
8. After autoatentado, facilities was given to the family of true Bin Laden (oil partners Bush), to leave the US and not answer the press.
9. Presentation on TV from a fraudulent list of alleged "terrorists" who piloted the aircraft, when most of them were not even in the US. 
10. The announcement did to Aaron Russo (famous politician and filmmaker) in a celebration of Nick Rockefeller, where the confessed that an "event" (attack) would help the US take the oil from Iraq, nine months before the occurrence of the Auto attack ! 
11. A suspicious fact: Both the land of the twin towers as the terrain where it was built the UN building were donated by the Rockefeller family.
Banker-oil mafia FEDERAL RESERVE is the source of the evils of our world today, all wars, terrorist attacks and provocations (against North Korea / Iran), the story of the "Influenza A" (business company Gilead Sciences of Donald Rumsfeld, defense secretary Bush), the global crisis anticipated by the supercomputer "High-Frequency co-located" Wall Street. All this and much more will never know, have their origin in the decisions made by the banker-oil mafia families FEDERAL RESERVE. "Now you know. A private bank thanks to a secret coup d'茅tat in 1913, now heads the most powerful nation on the planet" 
❓Pero what can I do YO❓
 Just forward this message, because if the Fed is still in power, is due to total ignorance of the world 'spopulation. Benefits if the Fed was returned to the US government: 
1. End of War: that the Federal Reserve would stop giving money to Congress and would prevent companies like Harriburton profit from death. 
2. There would be no global crisis, only affect countries that generate them 
3. terrorist attacks financed by the CIA using as anexcuse to steal natural resources to democratic and non - democratic governments of the world would end. 
4. Free access to Cure Cancer and AIDS, which are jealously guarded at the Rockefeller Institute.
5. would begin the era of Ecological Electric Car, appeared in 1996 (EV1-GM) and destroyed 6 years after its launch, by banker-oil. 
6. Declining inflation worldwide because they would nolonger be printed trillions of dollars by the Federal Reserve, stopping the devaluation of the dollar. 
7. cheaper food for everyone because so controlled by TLC Federal Reserve prohibiting countries to import monopolies and no. 
8. Stop legal Fluorine contamination of our precious drinking water. 
9. gradual extinction of drug trafficking, because they do not have the protection of the EDF.
If you're still doubting this information ... Reflect on the evil persecution and false charges created by the Federal Reserve against the citizen Julian Assange (owner of just to spread the truth about torture and killings of innocent civilians and children in oil war looting in Iraq. See video on Youtube "collateral murder subtitled" (before being deleted) which shows an American helicopter strafing unmerciful a van with two children on board, after peppering a group of civilians who quietly walked down the street.
Julian Assange represents what we can happen to us as free citizens, if we keep letting people ignore making it the world FEDERAL RESERVE have returned to the era of inquisition and nobody notices! Prior to torture an innocent person was accused of "heretic or atheist" now is accused of "terrorist". And instead of walking to the victim before the crowd, exposing destroy it on TV worldwide, so everyone believes the story. It's simple logic: While the Fed continues to control the world's money, there will be no force capable of competing against the power that print trillions dollars a day, able to corrupt even the most honest and well-intentioned official.
You have to let fear aside, it is not enough to call them "Capitalists", "Plutocrats", "Elite" or "robber barons" have to start calling them by their names: Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, Walburg, Harriman, Lazard Leman, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Kissinger, Pulitzer, Krupp, Israel Moses and all the other mega-wealthy families and politicians who hide under their protection.
Just that time of humanity is ending are living the last days and they took control over millions of years while humans were distracted, asleep, alienated, attached to the bears in the world, money, deceived the world including satanic pagan religion of Rome is the triumph of the Roman empire the Catholic religion take Jesus as their icon to fanatizar, control and have threatened its "Christian" population have made this world is full of death, pain and blood and edge end of it aLL! 

! awake! 馃摚馃挜馃摚馃挜馃摚馃挜馃摚馃憣馃挐馃檹 Share with consciousness 

Marco Herguz

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