
19 de marzo de 2019

Who is Your Galactic Family of Light?

Why Establish

Contact With

Our Galactic Family of Light?

- Re-unite with your Galactic Family of Origin

- Experience the profound love from your Galactic Family of Light

- Receive energetic upgrades to move through upcoming changes with ease

- Receive healing and new healing modalities

- Receive advanced technologies to restore the planet

- Take a deliberate step to connect to the higher dimensions of Galactic Civilizations of Light


- Seeded the Earth amongst other Galactic civilizations

- Assist humanity with spiritual evolution

- Are here to educate and assist in raising the vibrational frequencies of Earth

- Guarding the Earth against Galactic beings who don’t mean well

- Cannot interfere with our free will

- Part of this group consists of Angelic beings

- They have a highly developed spiritual culture and technological sophistication, which gives them great influence in the Galaxy

- They oversee the timelines and details of contact experiences with humanity now. They have the desire to see this go well and they assist in any way they can

The Arcturian’s Main Activities:

- Integrating spiritual values with advanced technologies

- Providing strategic advice in transforming planetary systems

- Transparent and accountable global governance

- Integrating global, financial, political and societal systems

- Help humanity coordinate effectively with all extraterrestrial races

- Diplomacy and conflict resolution


- The portion of the population of Lyra that decided to stay and not to migrate to the Pleiades

- As the population of Lyra grew, they began colonies in other star systems

- Alex Collier describes the start of the Lyran civilization:

Based on the age of the Suns and the planets in our galaxy, it was decided that the human life form was to be created in the Lyran system. The human race lived there for approximately 40 million years, evolving. The orientation of the human race in Lyra was agricultural in nature. Apparently, we were very plentiful and
abundant, and lived in peace.

The Lyrans posses Nordic features and are quite possibly the ‘Elohim’ described in religious traditions both on Earth and around the galaxy. Due to the Lyrans role in the genesis of the human presence in the galaxy, the Lyrans have the most detailed understanding of human origins and galactic history.

- They can be described as the ‘Galactic historians’ for the human species

- Those from Lyra have an affinity for origins and ancient histories

- Spread the unique history of the human race in the galaxy

- Assisting in understanding human motivations and potentials

The global solutions the Lyrans provide include:

- Accurate information about human history and understanding of galactic history

- Discovery of the human essence

- Diplomacy and conflict resolution

- Global education


- Descendants of the Lyra, had migrated between a number of star systems before finally settling in the Pleiades constellation


- They have been migrating to different star systems with large crafts to find a home. The largest portion made the Pleiades their home

- Some have seeded the Earth here on their quest for a home

- From the future timeline, they are highly evolved and are returning to our present moment through contact, to assist us with the lessons they have learned, while on Earth.

- They are here to uplift our consciousness

- Australia’s Aborigines have a strong connection to the Pleiades

- Assist humanity to find freedom from oppressive structures through the raising of consciousness.

- The energy experience is of a high vibration of love

- A portion of the Pleiadian population joined the great “Mu” migration to Earth (Together with Sirians and Alpha Centaurians), which resulted in the civilization of Lemuria and later Telos.
The Pleiadians can assist in finding global

solutions such as:

- Universal human rights

- Participatory democratic systems

- The evolution of human consciousness

- Global education



- Direct descendants of Lyrans

- Settled in the Andromeda constellation

- Strong emphasis on educating their children for 150 – 200 years in Arts and Science

- They have highly advanced technologies to help evolve

- Instrumental in the Andromeda council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems that come together and discuss the future of our galaxy.

- Assisting us in setting a new trajectory to insure a peaceful and prosperous future.

The Andromedans’ chief activities:

- Facilitating decisions of the Galactic community in dealing with difficult problems, such as the current

Earth situation

- Innovative strategies for resolving conflict

- Education of youth

The global solutions they promote include:

- Assisting the growth of psychic/crystal/rainbow children

- Peace education

- Exposing elite manipulation

- Promoting improved global governance

- Diplomacy and conflict resolution.

Sirius A and Sirius B


Sirians from Sirius A and B

- Sirius is a binary star system that hosts advanced life around its two main stars, Sirius A and B.

- Sirius A is a blue/white star that is twenty times brighter than the sun and is the most brilliant star in the night sky.

- In contrast, Sirius B is a white dwarf sun that moves around Sirius A in an elliptical orbit.

- The African tribe called the Dogon, has an intricate understanding of this elliptical orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A.

This knowledge was apparently given to their ancestors by advanced extraterrestrials from the Sirius star system.

- Sirius B is “generally occupied by aquatic-type beings.”

(including Whale and Dolphin beings)
The population of Sirius A

- Humanoid of the Lyran lineage

- A portion of their population joined the “MU” migration to establish Lemuria/Telos

-They have music and are connected to nature. They are builders and not very political. Their governments are based on “spiritual technology.”

- Sirians are using sound, color and sacred geometry as “spiritual technology” and they specialize in terra forming planets and making them suitable for the evolution of life by altering the “bio-magnetic energy” grid.

Sirians assist in:

- Global solutions such as environmental protection

- Promoting biodiversity

- Assist in consciousness raising

- Evolution of the biosphere

Ashtar Command

The Ashtar Command
- Airborne division of the Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord Sananda,

Commander-in-Chief, known to Earth as Jesus the Christ, as well as the Great White Brotherhood of Light.

- Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many civilizations, the Ashtar Command is here to assist Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary ascension.

- They serve like midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth.

Alpha Centauri


Alpha Centaurians

- Providing a form of sanctuary and protection to humans that desire assistance in dealing with societal changes

- Alpha Centaurians are very interested in social justice and helping in the transition of Earth towards a more trusting and nurturing global society Alpha Centaurians have an open society, a trusting and loving one, which is useful information for us, as we begin to design the social rules for an alternative to a combative or competitive social structure.

The main activity of the Alpha Centaurians are:

- Promoting social justice and human freedom

- Creating zones of peace or peace sanctuaries

- Human rights

© Copyright Asara Adams

published Everth Thenansehed through Joan Ashtar

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