
21 de mayo de 2019

Spiral of Creation by Jamye Price

Blessed Being, as always, it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. It is your awareness that shapes this world, just as it is this world that moves you into more creation.
You are in a powerful time of amplification as the movement around you brings rapid change. Yet, as you relax into this movement, you discover the power of your inner realm. This time calls you to clarify and empower your inner realm.
It is the natural way of Ascension.


The spiral is the core of all structures that you observe and create. It is the core of physical structure and the core of subtle structure. The spiral form is shaped like an hourglass that starts wide at top, gets tighter in the middle and wider again at the bottom.
The spiral shape is the same as the infinity symbol. The infinity symbol represents the spiral in two dimensions. The continual movement of life.
The spiral energy is an important energy because at its core, it teaches you that you can go with the flow and you can direct the flow. Duality connected. This is different than controlling the flow.
What you are now experiencing, in this time of amplification, is an increase in the spin of the spiral energy. This spin is affecting you physically, emotionally and mentally. You can observe this in your weather and your news stories. The mental and emotional aspect within everyone is being spun in a way that is either separating to self or connecting to self more.
Love is the energy that aligns and connects Life. As you are loving your self and loving Life, you are creating a strong bond within that amplifies your focus. The power of loving yourself is that you become much clearer in loving Life. Life is fail-safed toward Love.
Life wants you to flow your energy into Life. That is how Life continues. You are Life. Love shapes the future with its clear resonance. Take that power—because Love never overpowers. Love creates resonance.
spiral brother of creation by moralde10-d411zg4


This time(space), as the spiral energetic amplifies, is calling for those strong enough to flow their energy more boldly into the world. Trust that you will flow action when the movement is clear and calling you forth.
This period of intense flow will stir you to action very clearly or it will pull you back to find your center.
It is the equivalent of the spiral flowing so tightly in the middle that both sides (above and below) are touched. There is a clarity within this connection and direction becomes clearer. Until then, you must go with the flow of the spiral—observing, healing, choosing anew.
You will know when and how action is appropriate, even if you don’t have all the details. You will have a compelling from the vast aspect of you. There will be a smoother flow with your action.
Allow yourself more peace to discover appropriate action. Allow yourself more peace to move through all aspects of creation, even the ones that aren’t as easy or satisfying.


Allow yourself time to relax into connection with your experience. This will help you find clarity.
Relaxing is the equivalent of enjoying your flow. Is this not the way of relaxing?
But you have been taught that to create you must work hard, and yes; your participation is required. But as you relax, the energy of joy amplifies your experience, your capability and your flow.
When you relax, you open your energy field and allow more of your connected self to create with you. This blends the physical (1% of you) and non-physical (99% of you).
Relaxing is a spectrum of participation that may be fast-paced or slow, it may be intense or easy, it may be frustrating or funny. But underneath all of that experience is an openness to your inherent capability.
Things seem to speed up when action is calling you. Things seem to slow down when patience and integration is needed. This is the spiral flowing. Allow and enjoy both, and you are relaxing into the natural flow. You have a choice of how to flow that energy. Life surrenders to you. You are that powerful.


Do not fear your choices because you have an invisible aspect of yourself that is infinite, connected to all of Life and knows how to communicate with you. It has been doing this your entire Life.
It (your Higher Self) understands clearly the best path for the future you are wanting to create. You can resist it; however, it is difficult to do so. Soothe yourself into a clarity of connection that will provide the appropriate path for the future you are creating.
As you relax, the Higher Self can communicate more easily with the physical self. As you relax you are allowing an opening of your energy field that creates a resonance of peace and neutrality. This opening creates a connection with the new.
Your own neutrality is a powerful ally in creating clarity and strength that serves your future. You are creating a future that is resonant with peace. You are creating a future that is resonant with your joy and desires.
Go with the flow of what you are experiencing. When it gets intense, nurture yourself to go inward more. This is what the intensification of the spiral calls you toward. Inward can sometimes mean connecting in the moment and sometimes connecting in the past or future to heal your thoughts and emotions.
Connect in a way that benefits your strength in the moment. This connects you with your loving power, which is what changes the future.


Your peace in the present moment is the most powerful transformer of your Life. It has a resonance that creates the new. Action that stems from your peace will direct you to interact or direct you inward as appropriate.
Relaxing into Life is a powerful opener and clarifier of energy.
To do this, begin with observing the present moment. Connect with the potentials that are being created. Here you begin to layer your multidimensional, infinite nature into your present moment. When you are more consciously connected to your Higher Self, you are able to connect beyond linear time.
Empowered beings are connected to the present moment and strong enough to see beyond it to build the future.
From that place of observing potentials, remind yourself, “I know the future is changing. I know the future is building in a way that is more resonant with my Love because I am creating it. I am being it.”


When the physical experience is overwhelming and you have no flow, focus inward. Take some deep breaths and ask yourself, “What is this opportunity giving me?”
It can give you more clarity, strength and a clearer desire of what you would like to create. It can give you replenishment because it is a time for patience, not action, while form builds (even if just in the subtle realm). It can give you new inspiration or support.
Take the benefit. Shift your resonance by shifting your subtle bridge—your thoughts and emotions.
This small shift in your focus begins to align you with a new potential.


You are in a time of intensification that is seemingly moving so fast. This timespace is like the point in the spiral that is tightening and tightening as it meets in the middle of the hourglass. It feels like you are being pulled to the middle and also being pushed outward.
If your physical action has no easy flow, focus inward. Relax. It is time for the use of the subtle emotions and thoughts. Allow that natural flow of releasing the physical responsibility.
Honor the power of your subtle energy. The impact is much greater than the physical resistance that you may try to create. Use the universal laws of nature as the spin is intensifying, and let go of the physical resistance. Let go of trying so hard. Utilize the power of your subtle energy.
Often you have been taught that control is from the outside and that you must respond to that or suffer. This is not the whole truth. Your awareness has power. Your subtle energy has power. Your physicality also has power.
When you are grounded in the present moment you are using the full spectrum of your being to transform your Life in many directions. Yet you only need to focus within. The key is having patience for the subtle to build in physical form.
Have patience to trust yourself and Life. Discover empirically that you create your own reality.
Relaxing into Life provides you with the patience to allow the subtle to build. It takes practice because you have been taught to focus physically. Now you are using more of your subtle power.
You are creating a powerful experience of Life where the subtle energy within each of you is honored. This powerful time is calling you to focus and choose Love in your Life. Boldly say yes and boldly say no.
You are blessing Life with your focus. Honor that power. Own your power and utilize it. It will become more fun as you use your imagination to build the future that you want to experience. Relaxing is fun. It is more powerful than you have been taught.
You have great power. The gift that you give to Life is immense.
Honor the beauty that is within you. Honor the power that flows through you, it is the same power that build worlds. It is in You.
Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah. It is a great honor to meet in your awareness.

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