
27 de abril de 2017

Major Strikes Against The Shadow Government

by Christina Sarich
April 04, 2017
from TheMindUnleashed Website

We've been promised that there are white hats taking down the cabal - the shadow government that even six former presidents have referenced - but is it really true?

Here are some of the pieces of the puzzle which suggest that the shadow government is actually failing against their opponents:

The Marble Framework is Exposed

The  3rd Vault 7 Wikileaks release suggests that the white hats just completed a major chess move against the deep state.

In essence, the Vault 7 release reveals that the CIA has anti-forensic programs in place (to cover their rear-ends). These are 676 source code files for the CIA's secret anti-forensic Marble Framework.

Marble is used to hamper forensic investigators and anti-virus companies from attributing viruses, trojans and hacking attacks to the CIA, but more importantly, it shows that they can cover up their own computer hacking into intelligence "dumps" such as suggesting Russia is responsible for everything happening in the U.S.

The Feds Are About to Be Audited

Just a few days ago Jason Chaffetz shocked everyone by saying that the House Panel on Government Reform was going to Audit the Federal Reserve.

The House panel has approved legislation that will allow a government watchdog audit the Federal Reserve's monetary policy decisions, a move bitterly opposed by the central bank.

The move was passed after only about 30 minutes of debate. They had their minds made up it was time to sink these fools.

Other bills have been submitted before to audit the Fed that were shot down, but President Trump has expressed interest in carrying this one through.

Let's hope he actually supports this one to the bitter end.

The Fed's total abolishment would start with an audit, which would then give us ample proof of reason to shut them down for good.

The Truth About Vaccines is Likely Around the Corner

Del Bigtree the producer of the movie Vaxxed, says CDC Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson and his claims are being investigated.

When he asked the oversight committee charged with investigating Dr. William Thompson's claims that MMR vaccines were causing autism in the past he was met with blank stares.

He is now reporting that every politician he speaks to knows exactly who Thompson is, and that his claims are being investigated.

The Syrian War Policy Has Been Changed

Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) called out our government a few weeks back and asked them to stop funding terrorists, after travelling to Syria for herself on a secret trip to see exactly what was going on.

The U.S. also admitted that the ISIS headquarters they just blew up was aninnocent family's home, and Assange says the CIA created ISIS.

Maybe that's why the Syrian war policy is suddenly abruptly changing.

Something is Brewing with Pizzagate

After doing an abrupt about-face on PizzagateAlex Jones issued a formal apology.

This should clue us in that things are heating up. Big media players like Money magazine and NPR reported the heck out of this abrupt change in opinion, without explaining why Jones would be so brash as to talk up the pedophile problem and then act as if it suddenly didn't exist.

This news is also timed just weeks afterTrump signed the Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking.

Now John Podesta is seeking immunity if he is to testify about Hillary, and other pedophilia business, which he has been linked to.

I'm not sure who is about to wail on all the big wigs.

It could be Podesta, or someone else to save their own rear-ends, but someone's about to give up the goose. This could spell the beginning of the end for international pedophilia rings in the U.S. and U.K.

Our times stay interesting, if nothing else.

Let's hope the white hats are winning, and with our help to pass the message, the cabal's attempts to control information are at least stymied...

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