
21 de junio de 2017

Spain's scared because they see that in half a year can break

The maddened Spain and treats Puigdemont as a terrorist ...

Their lies have not taken effect; They tried to deceive ourselves that Catalonia could not pay pensions; we would throw the euro, the EU and the solar system ...

A speech to terrorize the Catalan people and, in most cases, has been a laugh ... I still laugh when "Hot Lips" Camacho said Camarga university degrees ... If there would not be worth the prize  Razzie  for policy would have won it ...

In any case; in the same way that the unionist does not care that there are no investments in the commuter train, which is boycotting the airport El Prat, which tolls are paid or Spain rob us of 16,000 million euros per year; the independence will also care a hoot that these ridiculous threats were met. 
In addition, as I said in another post, the Spanish jodería them more than we were in the EFTA countries in the EU ... 
And another thing, unlike them, the Catalans will not force anyone to be removed Catalan identity card and is the state that pays their pensions.Even let them to beat it if you want ...

But the question is, now that we are in the final stretch of procés , it  is logical that Madrid are aghast at the prospect that Spain will lose 20% of GDP, 25% of exports, 25% of tourism, 23% of trade in goods, 25% of the proceeds of Finance ... 
All that with 16% of population. Clearly, the economic weight of each Catalan is worth more than a Spanish ...

And Spain will meet a GDP of about 800,000 million and debt will exceed one trillion ...

Another important aspect is the spoliation of 16,000 million euros suffer the Catalans, that money represents exactly half of the fiscal deficit of subsidized autonomies. Not that I say so, Extremadura and Galicia acknowledged that they would have problems without Catalunya .

That amount should put a state that would have lost 25% of its revenues ... In addition, as demonstrated by the Spanish government  does not have a penny  to improve the financing of the common system communities (although it has 400 million the Basque Country and Canary Islands).

The point is that the Spain of autonomies going up in flames, pensions and Spain also can not pay the debt ... And all that from 3 to 6 months ahead.

Normal to be nervous and plan guerracivilista . 
This blog always happens people we continually warn that there will be no independence and such ...  
Ya ... but if there is , it will be difficult to manage the morale of those indigent Trolls intellectuals who repeat what they hear of the PP and C's. .. we find a country with tens of millions of frustrated and deceived ... people who will have to endure the snickers of the separatists. 
And I guess then fill the network with questions of their politicians as "you said to us that Catalonia would break and have broken us", "you said to us that they could not pay pensions and we who can not" ... 

All that I explain what they know in Madrid.

I know that the world punished by ERE, is full of fellows, but even so, I find it difficult to think of a chance ... 
it is clear that, in drafting El Mundo, photos Puigdemont file is the "terrorists" ... folder 
But I know, I put pictures of the items does not make a bot ...

Clearly they did on purpose and point. And "point" because they did not even apologize or pay for it. Moreover, there will be no other means to scold them. 
By the way, is not the first time it happens:

But, not content with that, today have risen indignant because the mesetarios Puigdemont compared the fight against ETA in Catalonia. So that everyone understands what the President said is that persistence will get you everywhere. In other words, it did not compare or Catalonia or Spain with ETA, only conjugated the verb persist ...

For that, those of the World has laid them wrong, very wrong ...

Dastardly and shameful was not asking for Article 155 after ETA killed 21 Catalans ... It 
was dastardly and shameful that no one asked the end of the financial concert while ETA hit shots to the neck or put stickies ... 
It's dastardly and shameful guns have finally gotten a better tax treatment for the Basques.

I do not know how to continue these posts, perhaps remembering that, if we win, have won them.

SPAIN has gone mad.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...