
2 de julio de 2017

a survey of LA VANGUARDIA makes Catalonia more independent than ever.

Surprisingly a survey of LA VANGUARDIA makes Catalonia more independent than ever.
That a unionist means to take out this survey is to make the Spaniards tremble ...

As they are a referendum, they only count the votes of the SI and the NO, therefore the extrapolated results give us:
YES: 53%
NO: 47%
Two weeks ago, El Periódico published another one in which the result was: YES 52%, NO 48 ...

It is clear that the Catalan people want the independence of Catalonia, that we are a State. A country within the UN and the economic organization we decide ...

It is curious that there are more people than in April who believe that the referendum is made unilaterally.
Although one question is left to those who want the referendum to be made in an agreed manner; You should ask yourself what Catalonia should do if Spain persists in
Prohibit it ...?

I would like to know if they are satisfied with not being able to vote and that, besides, they accept the government
Spanish does not propose anything as now.

We must remember that Rajoy's scorn is so great that he told Puigdemont that, yes
He wanted better financing, he convinced the other communities of the common regime. To the same
 Time that announced a gift of 400 million annually for the Canary Islands and another 400 for the Country
 Vasco, in addition to paying a fictitious 1,500 million debt ...

That's why the question should be: do you still think that the referendum should be agreed upon, seeing that Spain robs us 16,000 million euros per year ...?

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