
21 de noviembre de 2017

100 years of criminal complicity between Zionism and the United Kingdom

Today  [November 2]  commemorate 100 years since the fateful agreement between Zionism and the British empire to unleash goals colonization of Palestine .
Colonization that would be carried out by European settlers, encouraged by the Zionist leadership and under the religious myth of the return to a promised land for a divinity, that the same exhibited titles domain exclusivity and preferences for selected towns.
Balfour:  Piece Design Domain Middle East
That agreement that I mention is called "Balfour Declaration" and refers, specifically, to a letter sent by the Secretary of British Foreign  Secretary Arthur James Balfour  to Baron  Lionel Walter Rothschild , a leader of the Jewish community of Great Britain and Ireland, November 2 , 1917, so that the contents of this letter, that was known and discussed within the Zionist Federation.
© Hispan TV
A statement comes as part of a design domain Middle East, which has its beginning with the Sykes-Picot Agreement between Britain and France, which breach the promises made to the Arab world to allow the formation of Independent States, as the goal was just to have the support of these peoples to fight the Ottoman Empire but then seize the territories under their rule. 

Thus the logical continuation of Sykes-Picot was the Balfour Declaration, which would also have to Mark Sykes, as an architect of this injurious behavior for millions of human beings living in the Middle East.

A statement with consequences until today giving political support in Britain and other Western governments to Zionism budding issue that led to the creation of the British Mandate in Palestine after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which would facilitate the arrival of settlers Jews to Palestine and thus lay the groundwork for construction of the Zionist entity artificia 1948, supporting the current conflict that shakes this area of ​​the world.
Sykes I mean is the same as gestated a meeting in London in February 1917 attended by billionaires and influential members of the Zionist Federation based in Britain, Walter Rothschild, Herbert Samuel - who called to exercise an English protectorate Palestine - and Chaim Weizmann - Belarussian origin and who would be the first president of the Zionist entity in 1948 - among others. 
The start therefore an especially European, to a region where Jews lived escasísimos essentially religious, but not Zionists as those reached beyond the Mediterranean Jewish migration.
The Balfour Declaration is a document that reveals the complicity between British imperial policy and the leaders of Zionism bodies, under the financial strength and its privileged position in circles of power, both in France, the United States and Britain, had started an intense lobbying aimed at getting approval of the British Empire - at that time a major economic and military powers of the world - to intensify the process of colonization of Palestinian land . 
A promotion of transfer of Jews, mostly Ashkenazi, who move to a land which had no reference and a nonexistent roots but which are becoming interested view promises to own land and assets provided by European Zionists billionaires, who financed this colonial operation. 
It united the goal of regional hegemony by the British government begins to crave hegemony over these lands, then under the rule of Ottoman empire in decline. And for that, what better than to have labor, dirty work of settlers willing to do anything for an ideal tip constructed myths?
The Balfour Declaration , despite the Zionist attempt to present it as the legal basis for its supposed right to a land that is not theirs,  was a letter of strong political and propagandistic content, which essentially belittled the rights of millions of people living in then in Palestine . 
It was a letter that promised something that the British did not have, which they were not entitled under any international law. So bad you could give to others gossiping. A letter under the framework of an imperialist mentality which stated:
"Dear Lord Rothschild. I am pleased to guide you, on behalf of Her Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with the aspirations of the Zionist Jews, which has been submitted to Cabinet and approved by him. The Government of His Majesty considers favorably the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. we shall be grateful if you could put this statement on knowledge of the Zionist Federation. Sincerely yours, Arthur James Balfour "
The reality showed that those desires were mere hypocrisy and strong support for the Zionist movement to begin a process of land settlement in Palestine. 

So much so that Balfour, the same as talking about self-respect and not prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, on 19 January 1919 held in another letter to the British government:
"In Palestine we propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country ... The four great powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism, good or bad, right or wrong, is anchored in ancient traditions, in present needs and future hopes of far greater importance than the desires and concerns of 700.00 Arabs who now inhabit this ancient land. "
A few wise words and these clearly showed the criminal complicity between an empire that began its decline, but capable of causing harm to millions of people, who were unaware, at the time, the plans were weaving behind the racks and meetings between imperialism English and Zionism, which through its financial support to an empire at war and thirst for resources to carry out the campaign of World war I bought an alliance that would serve as political credentials to enhance their "aliyah" and pass to have 85 thousand Jews in a territory where Palestinians lived 600,000 1915 600,000 settlers have 1947 against a million and a half Palestinians. 

This means a constant process of colonization protected by the British Empire, until the last day of his term of office on Palestine - despite some disagreements with Jewish extremist groups who wished to accelerate the process of occupation of Palestinian territory.

It is indisputable, though the hasbara (Zionist propaganda) present it as a legal document that Britain had no political, legal or moral authority to make delivery promises or share objectives colonial ideology did not know Palestine rather than maps , as evidenced by the fact that discussions to find "a Jewish national home" options divided between the South American Patagonia, Uganda and the Levant. 
Issue that forced the ideologists of Zionism to find the reasons and discursive axes centerlines to let him argue with some strength that Palestine was the final destination.
Britain, in a historical absurdity, in an abusive and criminal decision promised to deliver a territory that was not owned by third parties - European Jews - whose link with the region was nonexistent. 
This meant endorsing a plan of colonization, which essentially bore the sign of racism because it involves people with foreign a land inhabited, evicting the resident native population and creating the foundations of the current system of apartheid that governs in historic Palestine for Palestinians They live there and brutally in the occupied West Bank and blocked the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories.
The Balfour Declaration served as a framework for Zionism will increase their ambition and territorial appetite and carry forward its plans for installation, for those who became believers alienated a myth that made practical control and dispossession of the Palestinian territory. 
Ideology also begins to weave the historical falsification to make the world think that they - Western civilizing property rights granted by a deity - what they did in his speech convincing, was not colonize, invade lands, segregating and usurp but simply were occupying a barren land without population - although it should inhabit 700 thousand Palestinians, land, crops, with families who were rooted to the beginning of history. 
A myth in every sense of the word, that until today taught as dogma of faith relying on archaeological excavations to show their religious myth, in processes of cultural crushing of the Palestinian people. All this had its catalyst process with the Balfour Declaration.
Palacios Rubio requirement of the Zionist requirement
It is precisely because of this perverse guarantee given by the British Empire Zionism through the Balfour Declaration, which has risen strongly demands that Britain apologize for the political action and the harm caused. 
A statement used as the core of the legal requirements and Zionist policies exhibiting this statement as those Spanish conquistadors showing the so-called requirement Palacios Rubio indigenous who knew nothing of these foreigners beyond came the seas to argue that these new lands belonged to them by divine right to the Spanish monarchy.
In this case the requirement Zionist exhibited imperial ideas, generosity with other people, contained in a letter usurping the rights of others. 
Desires and strategic objectives of officials of an empire that was intended to dominate territory and use these Europeans endowed with a racist ideology, that had nothing to do with the Jews who lived in Palestine a number that did not exceed twenty thousand people in a universe of 550 thousand Palestinians, before the first Zionist Aliyah in the late nineteenth century, as colonizers and advanced Western civilization. 
The Balfour Declaration is responsible, therefore, to endorse the establishment of political and economic bases, military, demographic and cultural characteristics of what would be the birth of the Zionist entity 1948.
For this historical responsibility, Britain should not only apologize for the damage caused, but also implement policies that allow repair the damage caused and one of them is clearly recognize the Palestinian state and demand an end to the Zionist occupation of the Palestinian territories. 
Is Britain ready to do so? Do not!!! 
At this point it is a rhetorical question, a simple chimera as political, military and financial links between international Zionism and London are profound. 
Britain, the United States and France have in their societies power groups and lobbyists of Zionism that make it difficult to separate the colonialist Israeli interests with the interests of those powers. 
It is an association created to commit a crime, illicit association within the Security Council to shield the criminal entity on the planet . 
Thus, under the action of the Bilderberg Club, the meeting become more powerful political, economic, media and economic powers of the world under the aegis Zionist converted into faithful squires and guarantees of the crimes of Zionism
Sometimes the look balanced, as London seems certain sentences against Israel in the international arena, as UN resolutions, opinions of UNESCO or other, does not mean that his commitment to Israeli governments forget. 
British society is that governments should require them to cease their support for the colonialist, racist and criminal policy of Israel, there is a historical responsibility that Britain can not deny that offers more amnesia. 
As it is also responsible Palestinian society the call to fight the occupier and for this the support of the Axis of Resistance is essential to change the current correlation of forces. 
Only the combination of all forms of struggle grant self-determination for the Palestinian people, nothing can be expected from those powers that have supported Zionism.
British-Zionist alliance - and with it the role played by Washington and its regional allies - has had a catastrophic impact on the lives of millions of people, not only in Palestine but throughout the Levant . 
Britain should a repair on the broader aspects of the Palestinian people, it is not only guilty who shoot at point blank range unarmed men and women, who usurped territories, destroyed villages, demolishing houses, building walls. 
Which is also responsible for their silence allows these crimes and Britain with his obsequious silence is responsible for the Balfour declaration and the sufferings of a people subjected to colonial savagery of Zionism. 

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