
21 de noviembre de 2017


The Zionists are terrorists. 
Something that was already evident in the eleventh century with the Khazars (Kazars), expelled from southern Russia to Germany, England and France in the XVIII. 
Dedicated as always to crime, extortion, espionage, murder and the purchase of wills. 
These Ashkenazi Yiddish speakers belonging to the tribe of DAN are the illuminatis of the present day since in the 18th century they took over the influence and the lobby in Europe and the new USA. 
They are the scourge of humanity and society, the source of pain, misfortunes, terrorism and wars, financial crises and the crack of stock markets with the control of their derivatives and the placement of international and domestic loans to individuals. 
We must think that their domes are worshipers of evil, of Satan, of Lucifer in the Lodges in the 33rd degrees. 
Our dimension and concepts of good and evil have nothing to do with theirs, where human sacrifice and destruction are part of their everyday life.
Terrorism was always a card of Corsican de Sion. 

With terrorism they obtain powers and cut freedoms, rights and control of governments that would not otherwise achieve. 

It is about the others doing it and they being in the shadows from the control and ensuring that their authorship is not known or known. 

Although now with the culmination of its global power of the State of Israel and it seems that they  do not mind to be discovered and especially because they know that the Internet can no longer hide, so they pose a Chinese control of the Internet, but they also know that with the control they would lose all the control information themselves. 

A control now electronic, cameras, eavesdropping, interception of messages and control of the police, armies and governments.

They plan the biggest attacks in Europe, surpassing even those of the Twin Towers World Trade Center. And it is more than likely that it is in Spain. 
The recent false Zionist attacks in New York show that they have started big. 
Although it is expected to be Airbus 200 over Madrid or Barcelona, ​​their scenarios may vary by virtue of the forecast we have or not. 
It is a matter of having us in suspense, knowing that most of us who read and are informed know it - others who do not find out for themselves do not count, they do not give work. Playing with the destiny adjusted to the kábala and to the calendar and Jewish numerology. 
Letting us get lost trying to calculate and guess where, when and how it will be next 11/9.
The maneuvers always precede and are part of the current terrorist scenarios. 

bridges of cameras in companies and control of the situation of millions of people and their GPS geolocation via mobile phones or their presence or absence in their usual internet place. - images

How did you achieve it throughout the story ?:
Everything was born of the instilled sense of guilt worked for decades. Through mainly the cinema, television, press, literature, and conferences.
This is what they have made us forget:

- Zionism is directly and objectively the creator of international terrorism.
- Zionism is the creator of wars. Of all. 
To sell weapons for their banks, eliminate people and distort history, and destroy cities and infrastructure to force states to rebuild them for the benefit of their banks.
- Zionism is the creator of all revolutions that precede wars. -Creation of pests and diseases, and development of GM GMOs. 
Now with the plague of the olive tree to create olive trees and transgenic oil that are already planted in Israel, and diseases of military laboratories -before other powers and now from laboratories in Israel itself-, such as malaria, the Zika symptomatology derived from their pesticides of Monsanto, Ebola, AIDS and annual flu to sell remedies that do not cure all of their drug factories. A whole new industry paid for by the USA, and the EU -for 7 years-,
- They have died and suffered many millions of people with their wars directing and financing both sides. And all they do not get is the suffering of the Jewish people in each audiovisual production.
- Hollywood is a Zionist and is the main focus of worldwide pedophilia and sexual trafficking of influences to be able to work, and all this is Jewish.
- And now the greatest form of silent crime for centuries: control of finances, control of the issuance of money, and control of loans. 

How do they cause suffering and kill millions and millions of people each year ?: 

By controlling inflation with the issuance of electronic money that only they can create, they create inflation. 

Inflation creates poverty, unemployment, inability to repay loans, suicides, families in serious distress, hunger, depression, associated illnesses, millions of suicides - sudden or slow with alcohol, drugs, gambling, and the ruin of self-esteem marking the body with tattoos and piercings as a way of emotional self-injury knowing the kind of slave world in which we live. 

We self-inflict misfortunes, depressions, submission to the system, knowing that we can not do anything against a system organized by Zionism around money, from social slavery to access the comfort and well-being of the most basic, which can only be accessed from money and the acceptance of slavery. 

So we are the total population of the world that we are in visible concentration camps. 

Visible in work schedules, in bad lives of vices that we choose as struggle of our sensibility, in self-drilling, in silence before the hierarchy of power. All this comes from the same generation of debt with them.

Money and barter are good and they did not invent it, it was always done since man is man. 

They converted the capital into usury with speculation, with predatory loans and petty criminal letters, eliminating the banks or state savings that were in competition with their credit control, the form of investment and the deposit of the money in other baskets. 

They appropriate patents, they create the precepts of the contracts, they apply the fine print, they control the superior courts of justice.

- They are atheists, they eliminate religions, the ones they support are punctually to sink the others. 
They control satanism and world masonry -as always the strategy of being everywhere and on all sides-, because they are really satanism. 
For them, religion is a way to keep people occupied and, above all, to FOSTER THE SENTIMENT OF GUILT, which is the most efficient tool for assent and the disposition to slavery of its precepts.
- They always speak with multiple senses, they lay eggs in all baskets, they participate in all religions, they penetrate all ideologies and political parties, they become owners of all banking, the course of official aid, and control of debt . There is no independence, there is not a single free people that is not subject to them, and they still want more:

- the culmination of the NOM with the privatization of sovereign armies that by converting sovereignty into Brands through the generation of debt allows them to control state decisions, achieve that every will is theirs.

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