
1 de mayo de 2018


We discussed the issue once and we will return to it giving more  clues to recognize a true spiritual guide, a being of light, an angel , or whatever you want to call  according to your beliefs  otherwise it is not 

We will not get to name the different types of beings with whom you can contact but want you to know that  between Light and Darkness there are many gray Playful gray, gray confused, gray little aware ... that slip in dreams, meditations and visualizations, so it is vital to recognize and identify who gives you the information because you may be kidding. I do not want to be scared, no one can hurt you without your permission and less, but may confuse you a lot. We do not want that right? 

I think  everyone has the opportunity to contact other dimensionsThe problem is that not everyone knows how to distinguish and differentiate dimension're getting into. For me, that is the main problem because everyone, absolutely everyone, we called extrasensory powers but not everyone is educated to know them and use them, why we control them to us. Luckily for me, since childhood, I have taught me to distinguish and protect me from everything that was not light. That has saved me many problems ... amount. Unfortunately not everyone is so lucky, so I'll pass on what I know, what I've learned and what they have taught me, if you can help. 

So they do not control us and to prevent confuse us with false information we will  keep inmind that :

1)  A Being of Light , is Ascended Master ie an angel (or whatever you want to call according to your beliefs)  will never judge you . You'll NEVER say do this or that wrong, never, never, never less without your permission. If you ask them the information you can to get but never will plant a teacher before you and you'll say you're bad or take an ugly karma or you'll cause any malaise. 

2)  A Being of Light  (Master ...)  never accuse anyone being evil or darkness.NEVER because what we are trying to put in the hard hardheaded we have is that we are one, ALL. They never speak ill of anyone and if you ask for someone you have a go conflict to end up feeling great compassion toward the other being involved because it is what they feel the Beings of Light for us COMPASSION (good, not what comes from it) and love. )

3)  When a Being of Light accompanies you fills you with a sense of well being .Neither, nor cold. Excessive heat This I commented to my Master of the Universe.Some believe that hell is hot ... so it follows that if you are cold is accompanied by a Being of Light. No. Lie. Light Beings get welfare. That does not mean that sometimes feel a tremendous heat that will floods the body. This is energy that produces you or send you to heal. If you remove the trials and will surely observe that heat comes from one of your chakras. That's not bad, is a separate issue. 
4)  A Being of Light always respects your free willHe never ordain or command you to do something. Will give you clues, they will show the way, if you ask, but leaving the decision in your hands. I always say that the task of making this blog sent me in dreams and meditations. It is true, and I could say no. I would not have spent anything, just would have been the task to someone else. Nothing else, not bad karma, or stories. Of course, when you agreed before birth to something all you'll take there. Not because you force the Beings of Light, it is that your own soul you "pushed" to the place you need to go but it's something you have agreed before birth, do not you send. 

5)  A Being of Light will never give information about others without their consent, conscious or unconsciousIf I ask anyone besides my being, I can access my records, no one will be able to do. I have "banned" access to my records.They can only be accessed three people. My cerecita, my Master of the Universe and my Twin Flame. Nobody else. If someone tells me that the Masters have told me this or that, without asking and without giving MY PERMISSION know that person has not got the information from the right place. This is not to lie or not to lie, it would be simple. You can be doing with the best will in the world and believed to be helping me, but that information does not come from where to come. In fact there is information about my Twin Flame is banned me. He does not want me to see or know that and tell you very kindly, you can not go there. Perfect, it is their divine right and must honor and respect. Why I asked about his stuff? For help, because sometimes it allowed us to work on healing the other sending energy or doing something concrete but ... that does not mean that the whole mountain is oregano and we can chafardear at will. When there is a limit, very affectionately, they make you understand that out there, no.

Look, this is much simpler than it may seem. If the Divine teachings, do not say religious, lead us towards: 
-The non-judgment 
-Erase the false concept of separation to integrate Oneness. 
-the unconditional love for self and others. 
-The forgiveness. 
How are you going to do or send or send the opposite message Beings responsible sustain?This is not school, here the teacher does not tell you that smoking is bad and then in his house three canutos smokes and is so wide. Here, the teacher does is teach by example, this means ... UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, UNITY, acceptance, respect, forgiveness toward all beings. Is thatIf you find a Being of Light that has ego, you can cut the connection because if anything they have in their bodies that is. 

We isnot come into his head that the universe is governed by the law of cause and effect (karma), we mount everything to come to Earth to learn so that, later, the beings who have come to where weheaded judge, we put conditions and we hold grudges. Nooooo, that's not so.
Precisely the Masters, or guidelines ... or whatever you prefer, are Masters because they have already learned what we are learning nowIf it had not really integrated into your Being they would be here in our own classroom, not where they are. It is simple but, like everything simple, difficult to realize. This is because we do not remember our origins and we base our perceptions in this three-dimensional world. If I've learned that teachers are not questioned at school, 60 years'm not going to question a teacher in any other area, including spiritual What will happen? If my belief is that teachers point out my shortcomings and are to correct me and not with me ... I believe before a being who tell me that I do wrong than one who lovingly me smile and give me total freedom.

That said, what I really want you to do with this information is to observe, you will reflect and will not leave in white or black. You went one step further and do not stay in the judgment or limiting third dimension but beyond you, so you have free will, I just invited you. 

Now ¿ do we do when we are not sure whether the Being we see, speak or perceive is light or not so light 
1)  Ask the Green Ray of Truth to tell us who he really is. This does not fail.
2) observe our bodily sensations. If there ill be ... closed the door. 
3) tells us and how we say it If there are tacos, profanity or tell you anything but love, forgiveness, compassion ... out. A man says tacos, someone very evolved, no. 

In case of suspicion or certainty that this Being is not a being of light, do not panic,just have to ask you to leave your energy field forever, and they will not bother you.

It is normal for the first few times the contact is established with less vibration beings because we are the closest or most similar to us energy level but they can say no Why? Because whenever our free will is respected. ALWAYS. We also may deny the Beings of Light and respect. Also ALWAYS. 

I hope these keys, indications and / or tips will provide some clarity on the issue. If you have any questions leave a comment and, if I can, I'll help you solve it 


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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...