
22 de noviembre de 2018

Creations tapestry of life: holidays and you

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We want to address the growing need to live the life he dreamed of being free.
Maybe you think you continue following the others, we apologize. Once you did not consider yourself or others, sometimes. Although you can now function as others wish, you are declaring their independence internally or externally.
Before, you not consciously know you had a choice, your duties were so deeply rooted.
Your choices are now coming to the forefront with thoughts of "I want to do this or that be?" A new concept for most of you. 3D your choices were limited to statements of correct actions of their parents, community, country and global citizenship at that specific time in the history of 3D.
But now you're starting to think "outside what should" about their needs and interests, your life is becoming more difficult. Not because it is wrong to declare a sovereign being, but because it is not working as it once did.
Those closest to you are amazed and enthralled. Although his answer might be anger based on fear, it is also likely to begin to start their spark of independence thanks to you.
The next few days will probably seem that no one is particularly excited with your words or actions because they are waiting for being with whom they are familiar. Making youquestion yourself, since you're used to being the "nice" person that is mixed with the flow of society.
These new and unusual words and his actions could come from deep inside her, and surprise him as much as the person with whom you are interacting.
While others marvel at his courage, they will also feel a certain disdain for this value because it assumes that everyone must follow the rules.
Innovators can not be followers of the rule.
You are changing the earth in ways never before attempted. Then, each of you, precursors, is an innovator in a field or different area. It 's as if the forerunners created a university with millions of program areas.
Therefore, you will not necessarily find someone fully compatible with your thoughts or actions. For those of 3D they will be surprised, if not angry, with their new independence and other precursors not be as interested as you in your area.
This does not mean that it will be isolated, but will have the independence of thought and action encouraged by other precursors. It is also likely to generate anger in those who are fully 3D, and wonder at those who begin their transition process.
You're not like any land or universes. You are a strong and independent being who willingly accepted this challenge to change the land from fear to love. It is not necessarily an easy task, but a task that you accepted with enthusiasm and joy.
So you're tired of fit within the strict parameters of earthly life, a life is required after another to hone your current skills.
It's like you, mass, he tells the universe: "I have engaged my square peg in round holes ground too many times in preparation for this transition. If the transition does not occur in this life, send someone else to do my homework. " At that time, you and your predecessors were ready.
So you're changing the land from fear to love faster than you imagined. Although fear and hatred continue to be promoted, they are increasingly less willing to be part of any of them.
You think is your innate humanity that comes to the forefront. Instead, it is your universal being of love.
Rather than burn at the stake, imprison or terminate your actions so that fear can dominate the world, others are beginning to follow your leadership precursor.
All precursors have been severely punished for actions of love in one or more lives. Not because those actions were not right for you, but because the land had not yet completed their lessons in fear.
This time is different, as those of you who dare to look outside their duties are discovering. Those who want to stay in 3D are fading into the background. And those caused by your need to be free of all requirements of 3D you are staring in awe and amazement with thoughts of "Why do I have to do or be?"
A few months ago we said that your vacation would never be the same as in the past. That's how you're finding out what we mean by that statement. Because your holidays are now more in line with what is becoming, rather than what it was, what surprises him as much as others.
You have become a beacon of light that leads to those who live in the darkness of fear in the light of self - esteem. You are exceptional leaders who hold their beacon of light each day higher.
Allow your new self shine through your physical being doing and saying what feels right, rather than what others expect.
You're new in all your glory. Let that be. So be it. Amen.  . If you want to receive Blogs Brenda when it is released, click the Subscribe button at the top of your blog page and Subscribe , and then click on the line - Brenda Subscribe to Blog via email. Complete your subscription by entering your email address and accepting the confirmation email.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post it on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but keep the integrity of this article including author / channel: Brenda Hoffman and website link Source:  LifeTapestryCreations .com

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