
9 de noviembre de 2018


'Dear brothers !! ... We its Major-Ayaplianos Brothers, The Inner City, The Ascended Masters and Celestial Beings of Light Legion of Antimatter-spiritual reality have always been with you, fulfilling our mission: Cure the cell-Tera and all of you ... children of the Cosmos and the Universe.
We have followed step by step, evolution and energy lift their souls and it is time to harvest.Sow a fertile land 150.000 years ago and today you are the result of that seed, made with knowledge, understanding and love is time to separate the seeds and pulling the weeds.; it's time to see if all the tools they had at their disposal, could help them heal and if healing is truly profound, to support them in cognitive transition from life experiences.
Date: 11/11/11 ... it means: 2-2-2 = 6. You are entering the number 6 = LOVE. It is the perfect dimension.
Date: 11/11/11 ... it means: 33 = 6. The first two numbers represent: Matter and soul. You must work even third 3 represents the spirit to really form the complete number and the perfect trilogy of conscious reality, which is: 3.3.3. = 9. This is the frequency and vibration that you need to raise, out, belong to the universe and thus return to the origin of existence.
This date can not be taken literally, is symbolic, represents in numerology language, transmitting a concept that you must understand and study. The numbers in the universe are very important, because the universe is governed by cause and effect and is the mathematical order, Chemist, Geométrico etc. which naturally governs the Universal Consciousness.
3.3 The number determines the end of an era of ambition and power. The first 3 represents the physical body (matter); 3 shows the second body Psi (core). Those who do not form the third 3 shall have 7 Billion years of preparation to get it and if you do not reach will remain trapped in the materiality of their lives. The universe does not condemn, censure or make distinctions, is the energy-thinking (souls) in the Freedom of free will who will choose his eternal way. The universe never deletes or discriminates against their children-thoughts, always gives them many opportunities, experiences and experiences so they can get it.
Many of you are activating the third 3 (9) which represents the spiritual body, thereby creating the true cosmic number: 3.3.3 and in doing so, are raising the frequency and vibration of themselves and electromagnetism to rise in September. It raises this number, order and place the energy-thoughts (souls) in their proper place. All those who have conceived her baby-spirit marked with their physical and ethereal presence, the changes announced in the last 30 years.
The number 3.3 = 6 is the awakening soul, communicating and collating the energy-thoughts in their own concepts, which will join in a single thought of harmony and peace. It is attached to meditation and analysis of the soul that is inspired by conducting internal growth, rising with his fertile imagination in the service of growth and humanity.
3.3 = 6 supports 9 means: The Lid Circuit joins forces rejects antagonism, regains consciousness and form the "Alliance" of human beings. 6 closes and becomes 8 means: Alliance Infinite Cosmic and Universal. Is the balance of electromagnetism, male and female, of the union of colors, revealing the true inner essence and everything he said so far.It is 8 to rise a step toward his cosmic consciousness and know his true and royal family: Mind, Energy and have his baby-Spirit: A large and full of wisdom thought.
l No. 3 squared, it is the third card of the Tarot: "The Empress" She is the creative imagination The world of the Empress is the idea planted by the magician, is transforming and transmuting of the subconscious reality.. humans. the beings live in the truth of their true feelings, symbolizing the fullness of spiritual realization. Being live through your positive mind, balanced by his positivism led to joy, expansion and interior dynamism.
These numbers: 3 - 6 - 9 also indicate a process, a channel that will allow the spirits of Venus incarnate in human on the planet, whose souls raised the receive in their right brain. These energy-thoughts (souls) of Venus full of knowledge, understanding and love will be a very special and high-energy food for humans, from here Being rid of slavery, control and manipulation.
The physical body (matter) represents the number ... 3 = 3 
Psi Corps (Alma) represents the number ... 3.3 = 6 
The Mental Body (Spirit) represents the number ... 3.3.3 = 9
We have the number 369 = 18 = 9
The dated 11/11/11 indicates Soul Transmutation them to give way to the birth of the Spirit. It is the end of the beginning of 3.3 and 3.3.3 This was you call it "Golden Age" are the next 333 years: Awakening, Growth, Plenitude, Learning, Elevation, Order, Freedom, Consciousness and Healing.
also mark, souls to be prepared for final output on the planet. Some of these souls have one, two or three incarnations and after them, will be prepared to enter the Inner City on the planet. In this Inner City souls leave their countries to their baby-spirit and when he is born as an energetic being, may leave the vortex-cone-North to Venus; to realize it will have to acquire through the transmutation of the soul, the energy body of light and love.This body will be very subtle and photon energy.
3.3.3 The number also tells them the passage and orderly way to the final output of the solar system. The souls of planet Earth are number 3, they will enter the Inner City to form their energetic being. Once formed continue their journey to Venus is No. 6, here they will continue their learning and photonics transformation. After his photonic transformation will come from Venus to reach Mercury is number 9 and finally travel to Astro Sol representing number 10 . The cycle is closed to make way for a new reality of existence.Beings converted souls Energy, transformed into Beings of Light, merge the male and female joining in Love; They will live eternally in the reality of antimatter solar worlds and higher dimensions of knowledge, understanding and universal love.
'Children of the Universe and Love !! The lifting process was already activated 60 years ago. You are in the path of the lift and return. They do not fear future events, surrender their souls to the creator and await the results. Continue to work on themselves and vuélquenlo the welfare of his brothers and the planet. Be happy and make their journey beings with much love and patience.
The future will be filled with events that will surprise, therefore must be prepared to receive them with maturity and inner peace. Never fear anything, will always be protected and helped by the angelic hosts of Light Beings, who always watched over at all times for you, working tirelessly for the cosmic passage of energy growth is realized in the most subtle and harmonious way, so that their souls find Love, Peace and Wholeness and can be rightfully called the Universal Sentiment: CELESTIAL BEING ONE LOVE ....
Thank you brother Sersapis Bei
Melatiah AA 21/11/32 Rafael Jophiel

Image: Being One Books | Who are the Ayaplianos?

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