
11 de mayo de 2017

Why Carme Forcadell and Catalonia are at the meeting of the Francophonie?

Perhaps someone should think that in Northern Catalonia speak Catalan because it is commonplace at borders (almost all ... the Spanish border speak Portuguese, not Spanish Portuguese ...). Explaining fast (for victims of LOGSE), the Catalunya Nord was a Catalan territory which Spain lost in the Treaty of the Pyrenees . Spain gave a piece of Catalonia in exchange for keeping possessions in Flanders who also lost ...curious that since Spain has forgotten the Catalunya Nord, Menorca or not Gibraltar (British by the Treaty of Utrecht). In other words, Catalonia is a nation divided in two states (3 if there are Andorra). There 's even a Catalan town within France  (Llivia) . But the Catalan relationship with France does not end here, during the  War of the French , Napoleon annexed Catalonia to France, which was not made with any other part of Spain. Until it was divided into different departments: Pirineus Orientals, Segre, Ter, Montserrat i l'Ebre blocks (Andorra was included in the Segre). You see, part of our territory is currently French and the Catalans went for a couple of years French citizens.Seeing this story is normal that Catalonia is linked to the Francophonie. Although truth is that the Spanish pressures have so far prevented the full integration of Catalunya in that organization (which has not made Canada with Quebec and New Brunswick).However, Catalunya itself  part since 2008 as an observer of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie. This condition gives the Catalan Chamber the opportunity to participate in meetings and make use of the word, with the authorization of the president of this organization.

Map website Francophony,

It is curious that countries wishing to join the Francophonie, Commonwealth ... and the old Spanish empire has not been able to create anything ... 
There must be some

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