
4 de mayo de 2018


Resultat d'imatges aquarium Zodiac

Characteristics of Aquarius, the mysterious zodiac sign par excellence

Date: 21 January-20 February


Element: Air

Color: Light blue, blue general, indigo.

Uranus planet

Metal: Uranium, Aluminum.

Personality: Sanguine, extrovert.

Lucky Number: 3

Zodiacal signs, have specific characteristics regarding their character and conduct. There are precious, specific to each sign stones. Gems that bring to life each of them, great luck and prosperity in many areas. There are 12 signs of the zodiac, and each of these stones, they work in their favor. Then the  gems that favor Aquarius.
Astrologers often advise each sign, you must use the corresponding gem. For them, they help strengthen the ruling planets and somewhat weak. The planets that are somewhat weak, could upset the life of any sign. Including its financial status, love and even health.

What are the gems that favor Aquarius?

 We all want a touch of luck from time to time. The stones provide our daily lives, a stroke of luck strong. Aquarium, the main gem, is the  Amethyst . This stone is a variant of purple quartz, it varies between soft shades and pastels. Always within those tones to achieve a more intense violet color.
In the early twentieth century, this stone was quite expensive and very difficult to get. Today, we find different places that offer us all good luck stones of our choice, amethyst being one of the most affordable stones.
Amethyst, has been characterized as the stone that allows the thought process, and also ensures excellent clarity of vision. It usually inspires the natives of Aquarius, creativity, courage and courage. Also, amethyst, improves the mood of any aquarium, it helps to be courageous in love.
On the other hand, there are other  gems that favor Aquarium,  among these, the  Amber . Amber is the perfect stone identified for healing of the soul. Those wounds that remain after a heartbreak, to find out a great betrayal or simply the loss of a loved one, can cure the amber. In addition amber, it is essential to use when advising or advises someone.
Amber is a honey-colored stone and green, its name is from the Arabic language and means, "Whatever floats in the sea". It is one of the few gems that have been used for great purposes of love, magic, luck and beauty. But the detail is that it is not a stone in nature.
Amber, is a converted fossil resin, born from trees cone, such as pine. Within this gem, it is possible to find specimens of plants and insects in addition to complete. Thanks to the life it contains, is ideal in healing rituals.

Benefits of wearing gems aquarium

Although many believe they are just precious stones, the reality is that they are much more than that. The gift of land to humans, is a gem that provides various benefits as the sign to which they belong. An organic and gift also quite beautiful and striking.
Aquarians tend to be independent and also very rebellious, so the stones like amber and amethyst, eliminate fear, insecurity, increasing boldness, conveys compassion and empathy and makes all emotions, a remarkable balance .
But not only these two stones charitable aquarium. There is a gem called "Lapis Lazuli" which provides, purifying properties, and also to use it, the view will not fail them. It is characterized by being navy blue with subtle purple notes, making it one of the most important  gems that favor Aquarius.


The zodiac sign of Aquarius has the  gemstone amethyst  as one of its elements, because its properties are similar those of walking with this sign as their ruler. Similarly you can believe that they are Aquarians who give this gemstone its characteristics  of their energies are caught in this stone which makes him have his physical attributes  so unique and different from others.
The color of amethyst is a  violet  and belongs to the  crystals , which are the range of stones with  capabilities to retain the energies around them . Gemstone Amethyst can see under pressure or very high temperatures, in doing so,  its color changes  from violet to a beautiful yellow, orange and subsequently a milky white. These colors will be considered a  burnt amethyst . Similarly it happens with the energies of the aquarium. If they are subjected to much pressure or harmful forces  lose their essence and color . Become disinterested,  they lose their values friendship and spirit fades, becoming weak and fragile.
This gemstone can  regain its original color  but needs many processes of radiation. Similarly an  aquarium can regain its essence , its positive energy and spirit with a thirst to learn. But  he needs a lot of help from his teammates , other aquariums that can surround him with good vibes and positive energy are the best choice to improve an aquarium, but other signs may also be of benefit. The more good intentions and receive energy recovery would be much more rapid.
The  amethyst used jewelry , especially in  religious circles . The aquarium has a great spiritual thirst so always seeks to learn more about the energies of the world and receive as much positive energy as you can have. Amethyst stone helps you in this area collecting inside her spiritual energies that can radiate around it, which is why we see today  a cardinal and bishops with rings and necklaces of amethyst , one of the stones with  more spiritual potential  of all .
Its name comes from the Greek  amethystos , which can be translated as not drunk, because from the mythological story was used to provide stability and combat the effects of drunkenness. In mythology it  is said that Dionisio was courting a beautiful maiden, which was intended to remain a virgin. Mugwort used its power to convert it into a white rock and Dionisio felt shattered and very sorry. He poured wine on the rock as a sign of forgiveness and bathed and in their purple colors.
The sign of Aquarius is highly spiritual and amethyst share that characteristic . To spend time with one of these stones, your energies are stored within them, so they become very personal stones that  radiate energy values and their carriers , long after them away or shed.


Alone do not yet know,  stones and metals stored energy in themselves that becomes charms , capable of providing protection, enhance good energy and drive poor energy around us or each carrying. What you may not know is that  each sign has its special stones and metals , which allow you to protect and recharge positive energy when they are worn as amulets.
If you are a native of the sign  Aquarius  and want to know which are  stones and metals that favor your energy , you're going to tell you here so you can choose your next amulet from the options we offer.
Stones and metals Discover the best amulets for Aquarius
There are different and varied ways to bring stones and metals that benefit energy to your sign : as pendants, bracelets, key rings, or just a piece of stone or metal to keep in your pocket and take it to everywhere with you. The important thing, which is recommended with amulets is that only you come into contact with them, to avoid power load of others.
Each sign has its charms and Aquarius is no exception: We will tell you now what those amulets that will enhance energy and scare away the bad vibes of life of Aquarians are:
In the category of  lucky stones , Aquarius has a wide range of alternatives to choose his amulet:  tourmaline, rock crystal, amethyst, sapphire blue, jasper, zircon . These stones, besides being very showy and decorative, have a special power for Aquarius based on your ruling planet Uranus. Whether that leads into a jewel or accessory, like the treasures in its natural state, all these stones will have beneficial and protective effects on the natives of Aquarius.
In the case of  metals,  benefit the energy of Aquarius mercury, uranium, lead and aluminum. While these metals are not those usually used for jewelry, there are many ways to manipulate them to turn them into decorative objects serve as amulets whose energy can benefit.
If you are one of those who feel they wear amulets is superstitious person, you say you're wrong. This is because objects have a natural energy from nature and that can generate a beneficial effect on us, helping us to harmonize our personal spaces. They are an external support that energizes.
So we recommend you choose one of the  stones or metals  that have referred you for your sign, and thus serves advantage of the protective qualities of your chosen metal or stone. Look for an accessory that has an embedding your lucky stone or choose some small decorative object you can carry around as a talisman. Undoubtedly, it will be of great help against bad energies and reinforce and your good vibes.

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